[ITK-users] Integration ITK with Qt Creator

Francisco Lopez de la Franca franciscolopezdelafranca at gmail.com
Wed Feb 18 12:03:05 EST 2015

I went to the Qt project web page. Then to the Download link and downloaded
the Qt Community release that includes Qt Creator and, I think, Qt
libraries as well because Qt Creator detects automatically the Qt 5.4.0
MinGw 32-bit KIT.
In fact, if I run "qmake -version ", then I get:

C:\Qt\5.4\mingw491_32\bin>qmake -version

QMake version 3.0
Using Qt version 5.4.0 in C:/Qt/5.4/mingw491_32/lib

By an IDE I meant an environment with an Editor, Compiler, Debugger, etc.
And so far, I've been working with a simple text editor, compiling from a
DOS prompt and not debugging but tracing with "cout" commands. That's why I
needed to find a real IDE like Eclipse or something like that, and try to
work with ITK in the best comfortable way, like I do when programming in

So, is it possible to program with ITK within an  IDE and not to worry
about CMake configuration and shells/DOS prompts to compile and, besides,
to have a debugger?

Thanks a lot.
Best regards,

2015-02-18 12:40 GMT+01:00 Jon Haitz Legarreta <jhlegarreta at vicomtech.org>:

> Dear Francisco,
> I assume you mean "with no GUI" when you say "with no IDE".
> Note that Qt Creator is just a tool of Qt to facilitate the task of
> creating GUIs, but in order to actually have a GUI for your application,
> you will need to download Qt itself [1]. You can download the binaries, and
> thus you can avoid any complication derived from building the sources.
> Assuming you are using CMake to generate your project, in order to build
> your application with Qt as the GUI library, you should include Qt among
> the libraries to look for and link with in your CMakeLists [2].
> HTH,
> [1] https://qt-project.org/
> [2] http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake/Tutorials/Qt
> On 18 February 2015 at 12:17, Francisco Lopez de la Franca <
> franciscolopezdelafranca at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I've been using recently ITK but with no IDE, and I've been recommended
>> to use Qt platform.
>> I've downloaded Qt Creator but I don´t find the documentation and the way
>> to integrate ITK with it.
>> That's why I post this message, in order to know if anyone has any
>> reference or guide explaining how to do it.
>> Thank you very much in advance.
>> Kind regards,
>> /Francisco
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