[ITK-users] Registration: Fix transform parameter?

Nöbauer,Tobias tobias.noebauer at imp.ac.at
Mon Feb 23 13:00:27 EST 2015

Hi all,

is there a simple/generic way to exclude a transform parameter from getting optimized during a registration process, i.e. just hold it at its initial value? I would for example like to allow for rotations around x, but not y, in a VersorRigid3DTransform, because I know the latter can't happen. Would it make sense to set the corresponding optimizer scale value to an extremely high value? -- This would not really disable this DOF, but just make larg values unlikely, correct?

I'm using the current alpha version of SimpleITK 0.9 (Python wrapped), so it would be even greater if a solution existed within SimpleITK...

Thanks a lot (also, for the great software),

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