[ITK-users] emscripten itkImageReader

Juan Carlos Prieto juanprietob at gmail.com
Tue Nov 3 22:07:09 EST 2015


I found the error in my code, now it works!

var itkImageJS = new module.itkImageJS();
console.log("Installing file: ");
var input_filepath = '/raw/test.nii.gz';
FS.writeFile(input_filepath, *new Uint8Array(imagedata)*, { encoding:
'binary' });

var stat = FS.stat(input_filepath);//The file exists!

Best regards,


On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 8:55 PM, Juan Carlos Prieto <juanprietob at gmail.com>

> Dear all,
> I have started using emscripten to develop a plugin to read medical images
> in the browser.
> I have a compiled version of my code that works in Node.js.
> I am able to read an image, manipulate the data and write the image.
> However, whenever I tried to execute the same code in the browser, the
> itk::ImageReader seems to be creating a reader for PNG only.
> This is an example code that I am execuitng:
> var itkImageJS = new module.itkImageJS();
> console.log("Installing file: ");
> var input_filepath = '/raw/test.nii.gz';
> FS.writeFile(input_filepath, imagedata, { encoding: 'binary' });
> var stat = FS.stat(input_filepath);//The file exists!
> itkImageJS.ReadImage(input_filepath);
> And this is the output from the exception:
> itk::ExceptionObject (0x6a5710)
> testFS.js:1 Location: "unknown"
> testFS.js:1 File: .../ITK/Modules/IO/PNG/src/itkPNGImageIO.cxx
> testFS.js:1 Line: 107
> testFS.js:1 Description: itk::ERROR: PNGImageIO(0x975628): PNGImageIO
> failed to read header for file:
> testFS.js:1 Reason: fread read only 0 instead of 8
> Instead of creating the reader for a Nifti image, the reader is for PNG
> image.
> Is it possible to read other type of files in the browser?
> Do I have to read the data server side and stream it to the client?
> Any comments or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
> Best regards,
> Juan
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