[ITK-users] Using ITK from MATLAB

Francisco Lopez de la Franca franciscolopezdelafranca at gmail.com
Wed Oct 7 06:11:35 EDT 2015

I'm trying to call ITK code from MATLAB with the use of Matlab MEX files.

My C++ code only contains:

#include <itkImage.h>

and when trying to compile this simple example, the compiler does not find
the itkImage.h file.

I pass the -I option to the mex command for every ITK subfolder and the
error I get is:

... itkMacro.h: ... Cannot open include file itkConfigure.h: No such file
or directory.

I've searched the itkConfigure.h file under ITK code and the only found is

I would please if anybody has experienced this and could help me. I've also
posted this problem to the MATLAB support several days ago and I haven't
had any answer.

Thanks you very much.
Kind regards.
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