[ITK-users] Pruning algorithm in tree structure

Dženan Zukić dzenanz at gmail.com
Wed Apr 20 11:32:46 EDT 2016

Hi Apantar,

now the problem is clear to me. I would go about it like this:

For each branch point calculate the distance from root, depth of left
branch and depth of right branch. If depth of one branch is much smaller
(<5%) than the other, eliminate it as noise. If you have diameter of the
airway at each segment of the tree, you can use it for even better results:
divide depth of each branch with the thickness at the branching point, and
if it is <1.5 thicknesses it is noise.

Depth of branch=length of the deepest subbranch.


On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 10:39 PM, Apantar <2389127171 at qq.com> wrote:

> Hi Dženan,
> Thanks for your reply. Now I get a already segmented airway tree and it is
> binary. Moreover, I get a binary skeleton of this airway tree.
> The airway tree and the skeleton are shown in the email attachment
> respectively. As shown in the picture of skeleton, there are many
> small branches which are caused by the noise or cavities on the main
> trachea. When your compare the airway tree with the skeleton, you may found
> this small
> branches on the main trachea are not the real part of the skeleton. So
> what can I do to prun this small branches.
> Regards,
> Apantar
> ------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
> *发件人:* "Dženan Zukić";<dzenanz at gmail.com>;
> *发送时间:* 2016年4月19日(星期二) 晚上10:27
> *收件人:* "Apantar"<2389127171 at qq.com>;
> *抄送:* "insight-users"<insight-users at itk.org>;
> *主题:* Re: [ITK-users] Pruning algorithm in tree structure
> Hi Apantar,
> your description of the problem is not detailed enough (how about some
> screenshot? what are false branches on the centerline), and seems very open
> ended to give specific recommendation. Do you expect some algorithm which
> takes into account the underlying image, or just works with binary image?
> The latter seems like a either a very hard or a very easy problem. And the
> first seems like an ordinary airway extraction.
> Regards,
> Dženan
> On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 9:00 AM, Apantar <2389127171 at qq.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>   I have a binary skeleton of an airway tree but there are many false
>> branches on the centerline . So I wonder if there
>> is a filter in Itk which would be used to pruning the skeleton of the
>> airway tree.
>> Thanks
>> Best Regards,
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