[ITK-users] Lost Patient, Study and Series DICOM tags

Bradley Lowekamp brad at lowekamp.net
Fri Jul 8 14:53:03 EDT 2016


We have just merged the topic which adds the “SetMetaData” method to the SimpleITK Image interface into the “next” development branch of SimpleITK [1]. We expect for this to shortly be merged into the master branch after nightly testing. We are also creating an example which uses it for writing a modified DICOM file.

There should be nightly binaries that follow shortly there after for CSharp [2]. This may meet your needs.

Directly using GDCM is a sensible way to go for more control over DICOM IO. I have not done what you propose, but I expect it is possible. You would likely need some lower level buffer access as is done here[3].


[1] https://github.com/SimpleITK/SimpleITK/commit/69865add060e87c175c7f212c7bdddab11e127ab
[2] https://itk.org/Wiki/SimpleITK/GettingStarted#Nightly_binaries
[3] https://itk.org/SimpleITKDoxygen/html/CSharp_2ImageGetBuffer_8cs-example.html

> On Jul 8, 2016, at 2:41 PM, Piotr Piasecki <piotpia124 at student.polsl.pl> wrote:
> I know that GDCM library (or its elements) is used in some cases in ITK. If SimpleITK does not provide write access to dicom tags whether is it possible to use GDCM wrapped in C# to do this? I can imagine a scenario in which I'll use SimpleITK to process image, and GDCM to replace specified tags.
> Is it possible? If so, I would ask for help person skilled in using GDCM in C#. Are there any examples of how to do such a thing?
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