[ITK-users] Convert ITK image to cv::Mat image

Dženan Zukić dzenanz at gmail.com
Mon Sep 5 15:07:07 EDT 2016

Hi Tammy,

the docs <http://docs.opencv.org/2.4/modules/core/doc/basic_structures.html>
list unsigned short and int, but not unsigned int. I don't know whether
this int is equal to short or long. But from
\ITK-git\Modules\Video\BridgeOpenCV\include\itkOpenCVImageBridge.hxx, line
50 these are supported cases:

To convert to 16U (which is closest to your 32U), you should use cast filter
<https://itk.org/Doxygen/html/classitk_1_1CastImageFilter.html> (that's
your option A).


On Mon, Sep 5, 2016 at 1:31 PM, Tammy Diprima <tammy.diprima at stonybrook.edu>

> Greetings!  Hope everyone is having a good day...
> So... we are passing around a grayscale image... and we're using unsigned
> in (as opposed to unsigned char):
> typedef itk::Image<unsigned int, ImageDimension> itkUIntImageType;
> typedef itkUIntImageType itkLabelImageType;
> I need to convert it to cv::Mat in order to pass it to another program:
> cv::Mat resultImage = itk::OpenCVImageBridge::ITKImageToCVMat<
> itkLabelImageType >( m_objectLabelImage );
> The problem is, the compiler is telling me "OpenCV does not support the
> input pixel type".
> So my question is -- is this true?  Can I only convert from unsigned char?
> Would a good solution be to:
> A) Convert from one pixel type to another, or
> B) Or can I just read in the m_objectLabelImage to an Image::Pointer
> thing that is of type unsigned char?
> Thanks!
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