ITK  6.0.0
Insight Toolkit
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itk::ContinuousIndex< TCoordRep, VIndexDimension > Class Template Reference

#include <itkContinuousIndex.h>

Detailed Description

template<typename TCoordRep = double, unsigned int VIndexDimension = 2>
class itk::ContinuousIndex< TCoordRep, VIndexDimension >

A templated class holding a point in n-Dimensional image space.

ContinuousIndex is a templated class that holds a set of coordinates (components). The template parameter TCoordRep can be any floating point type (float, double). The VIndexDimension defines the number of components in the continuous index array.

See also

Definition at line 46 of file itkContinuousIndex.h.

+ Inheritance diagram for itk::ContinuousIndex< TCoordRep, VIndexDimension >:
+ Collaboration diagram for itk::ContinuousIndex< TCoordRep, VIndexDimension >:

Public Types

using BaseArray = typename Superclass::BaseArray
using ConstIterator = typename BaseArray::ConstIterator
using CoordRepType = TCoordRep
using IndexType = Index< VIndexDimension >
using Iterator = typename BaseArray::Iterator
using Self = ContinuousIndex
using Superclass = Point< TCoordRep, VIndexDimension >
using ValueType = TCoordRep
- Public Types inherited from itk::Point< TCoordRep, VIndexDimension >
using BaseArray = FixedArray< TCoordRep, VPointDimension >
using ConstIterator = typename BaseArray::ConstIterator
using CoordRepType = TCoordRep
using Iterator = typename BaseArray::Iterator
using RealType = typename NumericTraits< ValueType >::RealType
using Self = Point
using Superclass = FixedArray< TCoordRep, VPointDimension >
using ValueType = TCoordRep
using VectorType = Vector< ValueType, VPointDimension >
- Public Types inherited from itk::FixedArray< TCoordRep, VPointDimension >
using CArray = ValueType[VLength]
using const_iterator = const ValueType *
using const_pointer = const ValueType *
using const_reference = const ValueType &
using const_reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator< const_iterator >
using ConstIterator = const ValueType *
using Iterator = ValueType *
using iterator = ValueType *
using pointer = ValueType *
using reference = ValueType &
using reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator< iterator >
using SizeType = unsigned int
using ValueType = TCoordRep

Public Member Functions

 ContinuousIndex ()=default
 ContinuousIndex (const ValueType r[IndexDimension])
 ContinuousIndex (const IndexType &index)
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::Point< TCoordRep, VIndexDimension >
RealType EuclideanDistanceTo (const Point< TCoordRepB, VPointDimension > &pa) const
VectorType GetVectorFromOrigin () const
vnl_vector_ref< TCoordRep > GetVnlVector ()
vnl_vector< TCoordRep > GetVnlVector () const
Self operator+ (const VectorType &vec) const
const Selfoperator+= (const VectorType &vec)
VectorType operator- (const Self &pnt) const
Self operator- (const VectorType &vec) const
const Selfoperator-= (const VectorType &vec)
Pointoperator= (const ValueType r[VPointDimension])
bool operator== (const Self &pt) const
 Point ()=default
 Point (const Point< TPointValueType, VPointDimension > &r)
 Point (const std::array< ValueType, VPointDimension > &stdArray)
 Point (const TPointValueType &v)
 Point (const ValueType &v)
 Point (std::nullptr_t)=delete
void SetToMidPoint (const Self &, const Self &)
RealType SquaredEuclideanDistanceTo (const Point< TCoordRepB, VPointDimension > &pa) const
 Point (const TPointValueType r[VPointDimension])
 Point (const ValueType r[VPointDimension])
void SetToBarycentricCombination (const Self &A, const Self &B, double alpha)
void SetToBarycentricCombination (const Self &A, const Self &B, const Self &C, double weightForA, double weightForB)
void SetToBarycentricCombination (const Self *P, const double *weights, unsigned int N)
void CastFrom (const Point< TCoordRepB, VPointDimension > &pa)
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::FixedArray< TCoordRep, VPointDimension >
Iterator Begin ()
ConstIterator Begin () const
constexpr const_iterator begin () const noexcept
constexpr iterator begin () noexcept
constexpr const_iterator cbegin () const noexcept
constexpr const_iterator cend () const noexcept
const_reverse_iterator crbegin () const
const_reverse_iterator crend () const
ValueTypedata ()
const ValueTypedata () const
Iterator End ()
ConstIterator End () const
constexpr const_iterator end () const noexcept
constexpr iterator end () noexcept
void Fill (const ValueType &)
 FixedArray ()=default
 FixedArray (const FixedArray< TFixedArrayValueType, VLength > &r)
 FixedArray (const std::array< ValueType, VLength > &stdArray)
 FixedArray (const TScalarValue *r)
ValueTypeGetDataPointer ()
const ValueTypeGetDataPointer () const
 itkLegacyMacro (ReverseIterator rBegin();) itkLegacyMacro(ConstReverseIterator rBegin() const
 itkLegacyMacro (ReverseIterator rEnd();) itkLegacyMacro(ConstReverseIterator rEnd() const
FixedArrayoperator= (const FixedArray< TFixedArrayValueType, VLength > &r)
FixedArrayoperator= (const ValueType r[VLength])
bool operator== (const FixedArray &r) const
reverse_iterator rbegin ()
const_reverse_iterator rbegin () const
reverse_iterator rend ()
const_reverse_iterator rend () const
SizeType Size () const
constexpr SizeType size () const
void swap (FixedArray &other)
 FixedArray (const ValueType r[VLength])
 FixedArray (const ValueType &)
ITK_GCC_PRAGMA_PUSH constexpr ITK_GCC_SUPPRESS_Warray_bounds reference operator[] (unsigned int index)
constexpr const_reference operator[] (unsigned int index) const
ITK_GCC_PRAGMA_POP void SetElement (unsigned int index, const_reference value)
const_reference GetElement (unsigned int index) const

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr unsigned int IndexDimension = VIndexDimension
- Static Public Attributes inherited from itk::Point< TCoordRep, VIndexDimension >
static constexpr unsigned int PointDimension
- Static Public Attributes inherited from itk::FixedArray< TCoordRep, VPointDimension >
static constexpr unsigned int Dimension
static constexpr unsigned int Length

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from itk::Point< TCoordRep, VIndexDimension >
static unsigned int GetPointDimension ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from itk::FixedArray< TCoordRep, VPointDimension >
static constexpr FixedArray Filled (const ValueType &value)

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ BaseArray

template<typename TCoordRep = double, unsigned int VIndexDimension = 2>
using itk::ContinuousIndex< TCoordRep, VIndexDimension >::BaseArray = typename Superclass::BaseArray

The Array type from which this Vector is derived.

Definition at line 68 of file itkContinuousIndex.h.

◆ ConstIterator

template<typename TCoordRep = double, unsigned int VIndexDimension = 2>
using itk::ContinuousIndex< TCoordRep, VIndexDimension >::ConstIterator = typename BaseArray::ConstIterator

Definition at line 70 of file itkContinuousIndex.h.

◆ CoordRepType

template<typename TCoordRep = double, unsigned int VIndexDimension = 2>
using itk::ContinuousIndex< TCoordRep, VIndexDimension >::CoordRepType = TCoordRep

Definition at line 59 of file itkContinuousIndex.h.

◆ IndexType

template<typename TCoordRep = double, unsigned int VIndexDimension = 2>
using itk::ContinuousIndex< TCoordRep, VIndexDimension >::IndexType = Index<VIndexDimension>

Corresponding discrete index type

Definition at line 65 of file itkContinuousIndex.h.

◆ Iterator

template<typename TCoordRep = double, unsigned int VIndexDimension = 2>
using itk::ContinuousIndex< TCoordRep, VIndexDimension >::Iterator = typename BaseArray::Iterator

Definition at line 69 of file itkContinuousIndex.h.

◆ Self

template<typename TCoordRep = double, unsigned int VIndexDimension = 2>
using itk::ContinuousIndex< TCoordRep, VIndexDimension >::Self = ContinuousIndex

Standard class type aliases.

Definition at line 53 of file itkContinuousIndex.h.

◆ Superclass

template<typename TCoordRep = double, unsigned int VIndexDimension = 2>
using itk::ContinuousIndex< TCoordRep, VIndexDimension >::Superclass = Point<TCoordRep, VIndexDimension>

Definition at line 54 of file itkContinuousIndex.h.

◆ ValueType

template<typename TCoordRep = double, unsigned int VIndexDimension = 2>
using itk::ContinuousIndex< TCoordRep, VIndexDimension >::ValueType = TCoordRep

ValueType can be used to declare a variable that is the same type as a data element held in an Point.

Definition at line 58 of file itkContinuousIndex.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ContinuousIndex() [1/3]

template<typename TCoordRep = double, unsigned int VIndexDimension = 2>
itk::ContinuousIndex< TCoordRep, VIndexDimension >::ContinuousIndex ( )


The other five "special member functions" are defaulted implicitly, following the C++ "Rule of Zero".

◆ ContinuousIndex() [2/3]

template<typename TCoordRep = double, unsigned int VIndexDimension = 2>
itk::ContinuousIndex< TCoordRep, VIndexDimension >::ContinuousIndex ( const ValueType  r[IndexDimension])

Pass-through constructor to the Point base class.

Definition at line 77 of file itkContinuousIndex.h.

◆ ContinuousIndex() [3/3]

template<typename TCoordRep = double, unsigned int VIndexDimension = 2>
itk::ContinuousIndex< TCoordRep, VIndexDimension >::ContinuousIndex ( const IndexType index)

Construct from discrete index type

Definition at line 82 of file itkContinuousIndex.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ IndexDimension

template<typename TCoordRep = double, unsigned int VIndexDimension = 2>
constexpr unsigned int itk::ContinuousIndex< TCoordRep, VIndexDimension >::IndexDimension = VIndexDimension

Dimension of the Space

Definition at line 62 of file itkContinuousIndex.h.

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