Insight Toolkit
Enumerations | |
enum | AtomicPixel : uint8_t { AtomicPixel::ITK_UCHAR, AtomicPixel::ITK_CHAR, AtomicPixel::ITK_USHORT, AtomicPixel::ITK_SHORT, AtomicPixel::ITK_UINT, AtomicPixel::ITK_INT, AtomicPixel::ITK_ULONG, AtomicPixel::ITK_LONG, AtomicPixel::ITK_FLOAT, AtomicPixel::ITK_DOUBLE } |
enum | GPUFiniteDifferenceFilterEnum : uint8_t { GPUFiniteDifferenceFilterEnum::UNINITIALIZED, GPUFiniteDifferenceFilterEnum::INITIALIZED } |
enum | TransformCategory : uint8_t { TransformCategory::UnknownTransformCategory = 0, TransformCategory::Linear = 1, TransformCategory::BSpline = 2, TransformCategory::Spline = 3, TransformCategory::DisplacementField = 4, TransformCategory::VelocityField = 5 } |
Functions | |
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage > | |
void | BoxAccumulateFunction (const TInputImage *inputImage, const TOutputImage *outputImage, typename TInputImage::RegionType inputRegion, typename TOutputImage::RegionType outputRegion) |
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage > | |
void | BoxMeanCalculatorFunction (const TInputImage *accImage, TOutputImage *outputImage, typename TInputImage::RegionType inputRegion, typename TOutputImage::RegionType outputRegion, typename TInputImage::SizeType radius) |
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage > | |
void | BoxSigmaCalculatorFunction (const TInputImage *accImage, TOutputImage *outputImage, typename TInputImage::RegionType inputRegion, typename TOutputImage::RegionType outputRegion, typename TInputImage::SizeType radius) |
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage > | |
void | BoxSquareAccumulateFunction (const TInputImage *inputImage, TOutputImage *outputImage, typename TInputImage::RegionType inputRegion, typename TOutputImage::RegionType outputRegion) |
void | ClearContent (FancyString &input) |
bool | CompareDCMTKFileReaders (DCMTKFileReader *a, DCMTKFileReader *b) |
void ITKCommon_EXPORT | CompensatedSummationAddElement (double &compensation, double &sum, const double element) |
void ITKCommon_EXPORT | CompensatedSummationAddElement (float &compensation, float &sum, const float element) |
template<typename TImage , typename TBres , typename TLine > | |
int | ComputeStartEnd (const typename TImage::IndexType StartIndex, const TLine line, const float tol, const typename TBres::OffsetArray LineOffsets, const typename TImage::RegionType AllImage, unsigned int &start, unsigned int &end) |
template<typename TImage , typename TBres > | |
void | CopyLineToImage (const typename TImage::Pointer output, const typename TImage::IndexType StartIndex, const typename TBres::OffsetArray LineOffsets, std::vector< typename TImage::PixelType > &outbuffer, const unsigned int start, const unsigned int end) |
template<typename TInputMesh , typename TOutputMesh > | |
void | CopyMeshToMesh (const TInputMesh *in, TOutputMesh *out) |
template<typename TInputMesh , typename TOutputMesh > | |
void | CopyMeshToMeshCellData (const TInputMesh *in, TOutputMesh *out) |
template<typename TInputMesh , typename TOutputMesh > | |
void | CopyMeshToMeshCells (const TInputMesh *in, TOutputMesh *out) |
template<typename TInputMesh , typename TOutputMesh > | |
void | CopyMeshToMeshEdgeCells (const TInputMesh *in, TOutputMesh *out) |
template<typename TInputMesh , typename TOutputMesh > | |
void | CopyMeshToMeshPointData (const TInputMesh *in, TOutputMesh *out) |
template<typename TInputMesh , typename TOutputMesh > | |
void | CopyMeshToMeshPoints (const TInputMesh *in, TOutputMesh *out) |
template<typename TImage > | |
std::vector< typename TImage::OffsetType > | CornerOffsets (const TImage *im) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT Vector< double, 3 > | CrossProduct (const Vector< double, 3 > &, const Vector< double, 3 > &) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT Vector< float, 3 > | CrossProduct (const Vector< float, 3 > &, const Vector< float, 3 > &) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT Vector< int, 3 > | CrossProduct (const Vector< int, 3 > &, const Vector< int, 3 > &) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT void | CrossProduct (CovariantVector< double, 3 > &, const Vector< double, 3 > &, const Vector< double, 3 > &) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT void | CrossProduct (CovariantVector< float, 3 > &, const Vector< float, 3 > &, const Vector< float, 3 > &) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT void | CrossProduct (CovariantVector< int, 3 >, const Vector< int, 3 > &, const Vector< int, 3 > &) |
template<typename TImage , typename TBres , typename TAnchor , typename TLine > | |
void | DoAnchorFace (const TImage *input, TImage *output, typename TImage::PixelType border, TLine line, TAnchor &AnchorLine, typename TBres::OffsetArray LineOffsets, std::vector< typename TImage::PixelType > &inbuffer, std::vector< typename TImage::PixelType > &outbuffer, const typename TImage::RegionType AllImage, const typename TImage::RegionType face) |
template<typename TImage , typename TBres , typename TFunction , typename TLine > | |
void | DoFace (typename TImage::ConstPointer input, typename TImage::Pointer output, typename TImage::PixelType border, TLine line, const typename TBres::OffsetArray LineOffsets, const unsigned int KernLen, std::vector< typename TImage::PixelType > &pixbuffer, std::vector< typename TImage::PixelType > &fExtBuffer, std::vector< typename TImage::PixelType > &rExtBuffer, const typename TImage::RegionType AllImage, const typename TImage::RegionType face) |
template<typename T > | |
void | EncapsulateMetaData (MetaDataDictionary &Dictionary, const char *key, const T &invalue) |
template<typename PixelType , typename TFunction > | |
void | FillForwardExt (std::vector< PixelType > &pixbuffer, std::vector< PixelType > &fExtBuffer, const unsigned int KernLen, unsigned int len) |
template<typename TImage , typename TBres , typename TLine > | |
int | FillLineBuffer (typename TImage::ConstPointer input, const typename TImage::IndexType StartIndex, const TLine line, const float tol, const typename TBres::OffsetArray LineOffsets, const typename TImage::RegionType AllImage, std::vector< typename TImage::PixelType > &inbuffer, unsigned int &start, unsigned int &end) |
template<typename PixelType , typename TFunction > | |
void | FillReverseExt (std::vector< PixelType > &pixbuffer, std::vector< PixelType > &rExtBuffer, const unsigned int KernLen, unsigned int len) |
std::string | Get64BitPragma () |
template<typename TLine > | |
unsigned int | GetLinePixels (const TLine line) |
int | GetPixelDimension (const std::type_info &intype) |
std::string ITKIOTransformHDF5_EXPORT | GetTransformName (int) |
std::string | GetTypename (const std::type_info &intype) |
void | GetTypenameInString (const std::type_info &intype, std::ostringstream &ret) |
bool | GetValidTypename (const std::type_info &intype, const std::vector< std::string > &validtypes, std::string &retTypeName) |
template<typename TImage > | |
ImageBufferRange (TImage &) -> ImageBufferRange< TImage > | |
IMAGEIOBASE_TYPEMAP (char, std::numeric_limits< char >::is_signed ? IOComponentEnum::CHAR :IOComponentEnum::UCHAR) | |
IMAGEIOBASE_TYPEMAP (double, IOComponentEnum::DOUBLE) | |
IMAGEIOBASE_TYPEMAP (float, IOComponentEnum::FLOAT) | |
IMAGEIOBASE_TYPEMAP (int, IOComponentEnum::INT) | |
IMAGEIOBASE_TYPEMAP (long long, IOComponentEnum::LONGLONG) | |
IMAGEIOBASE_TYPEMAP (long, IOComponentEnum::LONG) | |
IMAGEIOBASE_TYPEMAP (short, IOComponentEnum::SHORT) | |
IMAGEIOBASE_TYPEMAP (signed char, IOComponentEnum::CHAR) | |
IMAGEIOBASE_TYPEMAP (unsigned char, IOComponentEnum::UCHAR) | |
IMAGEIOBASE_TYPEMAP (unsigned int, IOComponentEnum::UINT) | |
IMAGEIOBASE_TYPEMAP (unsigned long long, IOComponentEnum::ULONGLONG) | |
IMAGEIOBASE_TYPEMAP (unsigned long, IOComponentEnum::ULONG) | |
IMAGEIOBASE_TYPEMAP (unsigned short, IOComponentEnum::USHORT) | |
template<unsigned int VImageDimension> | |
ImageRegion (const Index< VImageDimension > &, const Size< VImageDimension > &) -> ImageRegion< VImageDimension > | |
template<typename TImage > | |
ImageRegionRange (TImage &) -> ImageRegionRange< TImage > | |
template<typename TImage > | |
ImageScanlineConstIterator (SmartPointer< TImage >, const typename TImage::RegionType &) -> ImageScanlineConstIterator< std::remove_const_t< TImage >> | |
template<typename TImage > | |
ImageScanlineIterator (SmartPointer< TImage >, const typename TImage::RegionType &) -> ImageScanlineIterator< TImage > | |
EigenValueOrderEnum | Int2EigenValueOrderEnum (const uint8_t value) |
bool | IsGPUAvailable () |
itkGPUKernelClassMacro (GPUBinaryThresholdImageFilterKernel) | |
itkGPUKernelClassMacro (GPUCastImageFilterKernel) | |
itkGPUKernelClassMacro (GPUDemonsRegistrationFunctionKernel) | |
itkGPUKernelClassMacro (GPUGradientNDAnisotropicDiffusionFunctionKernel) | |
itkGPUKernelClassMacro (GPUImageOpsKernel) | |
itkGPUKernelClassMacro (GPUMeanImageFilterKernel) | |
itkGPUKernelClassMacro (GPUNeighborhoodOperatorImageFilterKernel) | |
itkGPUKernelClassMacro (GPUPDEDeformableRegistrationFilterKernel) | |
itkGPUKernelClassMacro (GPUReductionKernel) | |
itkGPUKernelClassMacro (GPUScalarAnisotropicDiffusionFunctionKernel) | |
class ITKGPUFiniteDifference_EXPORT | itkGPUKernelMacro (GPUDenseFiniteDifferenceImageFilterKernel) |
template<typename TChainCodePath , typename TPathInput > | |
void | MakeChainCodeTracePath (TChainCodePath &chainPath, const TPathInput &inPath, bool restrictMovement=false) |
template<typename TInputImage , typename TLine > | |
TInputImage::RegionType | MakeEnlargedFace (const TInputImage *input, const typename TInputImage::RegionType AllImage, const TLine line) |
template<typename TValue , typename... TVariadic> | |
auto | MakePoint (const TValue firstValue, const TVariadic... otherValues) |
template<typename TValue , typename... TVariadic> | |
auto | MakeVector (const TValue firstValue, const TVariadic... otherValues) |
MESHIOBASE_TYPEMAP (char, IOComponentEnum::CHAR) | |
MESHIOBASE_TYPEMAP (double, IOComponentEnum::DOUBLE) | |
MESHIOBASE_TYPEMAP (float, IOComponentEnum::FLOAT) | |
MESHIOBASE_TYPEMAP (int, IOComponentEnum::INT) | |
MESHIOBASE_TYPEMAP (long double, IOComponentEnum::LDOUBLE) | |
MESHIOBASE_TYPEMAP (long long, IOComponentEnum::LONGLONG) | |
MESHIOBASE_TYPEMAP (long, IOComponentEnum::LONG) | |
MESHIOBASE_TYPEMAP (short, IOComponentEnum::SHORT) | |
MESHIOBASE_TYPEMAP (unsigned char, IOComponentEnum::UCHAR) | |
MESHIOBASE_TYPEMAP (unsigned int, IOComponentEnum::UINT) | |
MESHIOBASE_TYPEMAP (unsigned long long, IOComponentEnum::ULONGLONG) | |
MESHIOBASE_TYPEMAP (unsigned long, IOComponentEnum::ULONG) | |
MESHIOBASE_TYPEMAP (unsigned short, IOComponentEnum::USHORT) | |
float | MvtSunf (int numb) |
template<typename TRegion , typename TLine > | |
bool | NeedToDoFace (const TRegion AllImage, const TRegion face, const TLine line) |
void | OpenCLCheckError (cl_int error, const char *filename="", int lineno=0, const char *location="") |
cl_device_id * | OpenCLGetAvailableDevices (cl_platform_id platform, cl_device_type devType, cl_uint *numAvailableDevices) |
int | OpenCLGetLocalBlockSize (unsigned int ImageDim) |
cl_device_id | OpenCLGetMaxFlopsDev (cl_context cxGPUContext) |
void | OpenCLPrintDeviceInfo (cl_device_id device, bool verbose=false) |
cl_platform_id | OpenCLSelectPlatform (const char *name) |
template<unsigned int VDimension> | |
bool | operator!= (const Index< VDimension > &one, const Index< VDimension > &two) |
template<typename TPixel > | |
bool | operator!= (const NeighborhoodAllocator< TPixel > &lhs, const NeighborhoodAllocator< TPixel > &rhs) |
template<unsigned int VDimension> | |
bool | operator!= (const Offset< VDimension > &one, const Offset< VDimension > &two) |
template<unsigned int VDimension> | |
bool | operator!= (const Size< VDimension > &one, const Size< VDimension > &two) |
template<typename T , unsigned int VVectorDimension> | |
CovariantVector< T, VVectorDimension > | operator* (const T &scalar, const CovariantVector< T, VVectorDimension > &v) |
template<typename T , unsigned int VVectorDimension> | |
Vector< T, VVectorDimension > | operator* (const T &scalar, const Vector< T, VVectorDimension > &v) |
template<typename T , unsigned int VVectorDimension> | |
T | operator* (const Vector< T, VVectorDimension > &contravariant, const CovariantVector< T, VVectorDimension > &covariant) |
template<typename TImage > | |
ConstNeighborhoodIterator< TImage > | operator+ (const ConstNeighborhoodIterator< TImage > &it, const typename ConstNeighborhoodIterator< TImage >::OffsetType &ind) |
template<typename TImage > | |
ConstNeighborhoodIteratorWithOnlyIndex< TImage > | operator+ (const ConstNeighborhoodIteratorWithOnlyIndex< TImage > &it, const typename ConstNeighborhoodIteratorWithOnlyIndex< TImage >::OffsetType &ind) |
template<typename TImage > | |
ConstNeighborhoodIterator< TImage > | operator+ (const typename ConstNeighborhoodIterator< TImage >::OffsetType &ind, const ConstNeighborhoodIterator< TImage > &it) |
template<typename TImage > | |
ConstNeighborhoodIteratorWithOnlyIndex< TImage > | operator+ (const typename ConstNeighborhoodIteratorWithOnlyIndex< TImage >::OffsetType &ind, const ConstNeighborhoodIteratorWithOnlyIndex< TImage > &it) |
template<typename TImage > | |
ConstNeighborhoodIterator< TImage > | operator- (const ConstNeighborhoodIterator< TImage > &it, const typename ConstNeighborhoodIterator< TImage >::OffsetType &ind) |
template<typename TImage > | |
ConstNeighborhoodIteratorWithOnlyIndex< TImage > | operator- (const ConstNeighborhoodIteratorWithOnlyIndex< TImage > &it, const typename ConstNeighborhoodIteratorWithOnlyIndex< TImage >::OffsetType &ind) |
template<unsigned int VDimension> | |
bool | operator< (const Index< VDimension > &one, const Index< VDimension > &two) |
template<unsigned int VDimension> | |
bool | operator< (const Offset< VDimension > &one, const Offset< VDimension > &two) |
template<unsigned int VDimension> | |
bool | operator< (const Size< VDimension > &one, const Size< VDimension > &two) |
template<class T , class TU > | |
bool | operator< (const SmartPointer< T > &l, const SmartPointer< TU > &r) noexcept |
template<typename T > | |
FancyString & | operator<< (FancyString &s, const Array< T > &data) |
template<typename T > | |
FancyString & | operator<< (FancyString &s, const std::vector< T > &data) |
template<typename T > | |
FancyString & | operator<< (FancyString &s, const T &data) |
FancyString & | operator<< (FancyString &s, void(*mf)(FancyString &)) |
template<typename TComponent , unsigned int VDimension> | |
OutputStreamType & | operator<< (OutputStreamType &os, const SymmetricSecondRankTensor< TComponent, VDimension > &c) |
template<typename TPixel > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &o, const NeighborhoodAllocator< TPixel > &a) |
template<> | |
ITKCommon_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Array2D< double > &arr) |
template<> | |
ITKCommon_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Array2D< float > &arr) |
template<typename TValue > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Array2D< TValue > &arr) |
template<typename TValue > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Array< TValue > &arr) |
template<typename T > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const AutoPointer< T > p) |
template<typename TValue , unsigned int VLength> | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const FixedArray< TValue, VLength > &arr) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ImageIORegion ®ion) |
template<unsigned int VImageDimension> | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ImageRegion< VImageDimension > ®ion) |
template<unsigned int VDimension> | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Index< VDimension > &obj) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const LightObject &o) |
template<typename T , unsigned int VRows, unsigned int VColumns> | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Matrix< T, VRows, VColumns > &v) |
ITKPolynomials_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const MultivariateLegendrePolynomial &poly) |
template<typename TPixel , unsigned int VDimension, typename TContainer > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Neighborhood< TPixel, VDimension, TContainer > &neighborhood) |
template<unsigned int VDimension> | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Offset< VDimension > &ind) |
template<typename T , unsigned int VPointDimension> | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Point< T, VPointDimension > &vct) |
template<typename TComponent > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const RGBAPixel< TComponent > &c) |
template<typename TComponent > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const RGBPixel< TComponent > &c) |
template<unsigned int VDimension> | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Size< VDimension > &obj) |
template<typename T > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const SmartPointer< T > p) |
template<typename TImage , typename TBoundaryCondition > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const std::vector< itk::ConstNeighborhoodIterator< TImage, TBoundaryCondition >> &mv) |
template<typename TMatrix , typename TVector , typename TEigenMatrix > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const SymmetricEigenAnalysis< TMatrix, TVector, TEigenMatrix > &s) |
template<unsigned int VDimension, typename TMatrix , typename TVector , typename TEigenMatrix > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const SymmetricEigenAnalysisFixedDimension< VDimension, TMatrix, TVector, TEigenMatrix > &s) |
ITKVideoCore_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const TemporalRegion ®ion) |
template<typename T > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const VariableSizeMatrix< T > &v) |
template<typename T , unsigned int VVectorDimension> | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Vector< T, VVectorDimension > &vct) |
template<typename T > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Versor< T > &v) |
template<typename T > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const WeakPointer< T > p) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, CellGeometryEnum value) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const AnatomicalOrientation &orientation) |
ITKQuadEdgeMeshFiltering_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const BorderQuadEdgeMeshFilterEnums::BorderPick value) |
ITKQuadEdgeMeshFiltering_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const BorderQuadEdgeMeshFilterEnums::BorderTransform value) |
ITKFFT_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const ComplexToComplexFFTImageFilterEnums::TransformDirection value) |
ITKRegionGrowing_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const ConnectedThresholdImageFilterEnums::Connectivity value) |
ITKConvolution_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const ConvolutionImageFilterBaseEnums::ConvolutionImageFilterOutputRegion value) |
ITKIODCMTK_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const DCMTKImageIOEnums::LogLevel value) |
ITKDeformableMesh_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const DeformableSimplexMesh3DGradientConstraintForceFilterEnums::SIDE value) |
ITKDiffusionTensorImage_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const DiffusionTensor3DReconstructionImageFilterEnums::GradientImageFormat value) |
ITKSpatialObjects_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const DTITubeSpatialObjectPointEnums::DTITubeSpatialObjectPointField value) |
ITKPDEDeformableRegistration_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const ESMDemonsRegistrationFunctionEnums::Gradient value) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const ExtractImageFilterEnums::DirectionCollapseStrategy value) |
ITKFastMarching_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const FastMarchingImageFilterEnums::Label value) |
ITKFastMarching_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const FastMarchingReachedTargetNodesStoppingCriterionEnums::TargetCondition value) |
ITKFastMarching_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const FastMarchingTraitsEnums::TopologyCheck value) |
ITKFastMarching_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const FastMarchingUpwindGradientImageFilterEnums::TargetCondition value) |
ITKSmoothing_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const FFTDiscreteGaussianImageFilterEnums::KernelSource value) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const FloatingPointExceptionsEnums::ExceptionAction value) |
ITKOptimizers_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const FRPROptimizerEnums::Optimization value) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const FrustumSpatialFunctionEnums::RotationPlane value) |
ITKIOGDCM_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const GDCMImageIOEnums::Compression value) |
ITKGPUFiniteDifference_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const GPUFiniteDifferenceFilterEnum value) |
ITKOptimizers_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const GradientDescentOptimizerEnums::StopConditionGradientDescentOptimizer value) |
ITKRegistrationMethodsv4_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const ImageRegistrationMethodv4Enums::MetricSamplingStrategy value) |
ITKIOImageBase_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const IOCommonEnums::AtomicPixel value) |
ITKIOJPEG2000_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const JPEG2000ImageIOInternalEnums::DecodingFormat value) |
ITKIOJPEG2000_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const JPEG2000ImageIOInternalEnums::DFMFormat value) |
ITKQuadEdgeMeshFiltering_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LaplacianDeformationQuadEdgeMeshFilterEnums::Area value) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LoggerBaseEnums::PriorityLevel value) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LoggerBaseEnums::TimeStampFormat value) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LoggerThreadWrapperEnums::Operation value) |
ITKMathematicalMorphology_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const MathematicalMorphologyEnums::Algorithm value) |
ITKLabelMap_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const MergeLabelMapFilterEnums::ChoiceMethod value) |
ITKMarkovRandomFieldsClassifiers_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const MRFImageFilterEnums::MRFStop value) |
ITKImageFeature_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const MultiScaleHessianBasedMeasureImageFilterEnums::SigmaStepMethod value) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const MultiThreaderBaseEnums::Threader value) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const MultiThreaderBaseEnums::ThreadExitCode value) |
ITKQuadEdgeMeshFiltering_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const NormalQuadEdgeMeshFilterEnums::Weight value) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const ObjectEnums::RegionEnum value) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const ObjectFactoryEnums::InsertionPosition value) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const ObjectStoreEnums::GrowthStrategy value) |
ITKOptimizersv4_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const ObjectToObjectMetricBaseTemplateEnums::GradientSource value) |
ITKOptimizersv4_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const ObjectToObjectMetricBaseTemplateEnums::MetricCategory value) |
ITKOptimizersv4_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const ObjectToObjectOptimizerBaseTemplateEnums::StopConditionObjectToObjectOptimizer value) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const OctreeEnums::LeafIdentifier value) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const OctreeEnums::Octree value) |
ITKDenoising_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const PatchBasedDenoisingBaseImageFilterEnums::ComponentSpace value) |
ITKDenoising_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const PatchBasedDenoisingBaseImageFilterEnums::FilterState value) |
ITKDenoising_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const PatchBasedDenoisingBaseImageFilterEnums::NoiseModel value) |
ITKSmoothing_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const RecursiveGaussianImageFilterEnums::GaussianOrder value) |
ITKOptimizersv4_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const RegistrationParameterScalesEstimatorEnums::SamplingStrategy value) |
ITKOptimizers_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const RegularStepGradientDescentBaseOptimizerEnums::StopCondition value) |
ITKColormap_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const ScalarToRGBColormapImageFilterEnums::RGBColormapFilter value) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const SpatialOrientationEnums::CoordinateMajornessTerms value) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const SpatialOrientationEnums::CoordinateTerms value) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const SpatialOrientationEnums::ValidCoordinateOrientations value) |
ITKOptimizers_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const SPSAOptimizerEnums::StopConditionSPSAOptimizer value) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const SymmetricEigenAnalysisEnums::EigenValueOrder value) |
ITKTransform_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const TransformBaseTemplateEnums::TransformCategory value) |
ITKMesh_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const TriangleMeshCurvatureCalculatorEnums::Curvatures value) |
ITKVideoIO_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const VideoIOBaseEnums::ReadFrom value) |
ITKVideoIO_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const VideoIOFactoryEnums::IOMode value) |
ITKSpatialObjects_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, ContourSpatialObjectEnums::InterpolationMethod value) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, GaussianDerivativeOperatorEnums::InterpolationMode value) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, IOByteOrderEnum value) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, IOComponentEnum value) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, IOFileEnum value) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, IOFileModeEnum value) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, IOPixelEnum value) |
ITKOptimizersv4_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, LBFGS2Optimizerv4Enums::LineSearchMethod value) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, MeshEnums::MeshClassCellsAllocationMethod value) |
ITKQuadEdgeMesh_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, QuadEdgeMeshEulerOperatorFlipEdgeFunctionEnums::EdgeStatusType value) |
ITKVideoCore_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, TemporalDataObjectEnums::TemporalUnit value) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, typename AnatomicalOrientation::CoordinateEnum value) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, typename AnatomicalOrientation::NegativeEnum value) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, typename AnatomicalOrientation::PositiveEnum value) |
template<> | |
ITKCommon_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<<< double > (std::ostream &os, const Array< double > &arr) |
template<> | |
ITKCommon_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<<< float > (std::ostream &os, const Array< float > &arr) |
template<unsigned int VDimension> | |
bool | operator<= (const Index< VDimension > &one, const Index< VDimension > &two) |
template<unsigned int VDimension> | |
bool | operator<= (const Offset< VDimension > &one, const Offset< VDimension > &two) |
template<unsigned int VDimension> | |
bool | operator<= (const Size< VDimension > &one, const Size< VDimension > &two) |
template<class T , class TU > | |
bool | operator<= (const SmartPointer< T > &l, const SmartPointer< TU > &r) noexcept |
template<unsigned int VDimension> | |
bool | operator== (const Index< VDimension > &one, const Index< VDimension > &two) |
template<typename TPixel > | |
bool | operator== (const NeighborhoodAllocator< TPixel > &lhs, const NeighborhoodAllocator< TPixel > &rhs) |
template<unsigned int VDimension> | |
bool | operator== (const Offset< VDimension > &one, const Offset< VDimension > &two) |
template<unsigned int VDimension> | |
bool | operator== (const Size< VDimension > &one, const Size< VDimension > &two) |
template<unsigned int VDimension> | |
bool | operator> (const Index< VDimension > &one, const Index< VDimension > &two) |
template<unsigned int VDimension> | |
bool | operator> (const Offset< VDimension > &one, const Offset< VDimension > &two) |
template<unsigned int VDimension> | |
bool | operator> (const Size< VDimension > &one, const Size< VDimension > &two) |
template<class T , class TU > | |
bool | operator> (const SmartPointer< T > &l, const SmartPointer< TU > &r) noexcept |
template<unsigned int VDimension> | |
bool | operator>= (const Index< VDimension > &one, const Index< VDimension > &two) |
template<unsigned int VDimension> | |
bool | operator>= (const Offset< VDimension > &one, const Offset< VDimension > &two) |
template<unsigned int VDimension> | |
bool | operator>= (const Size< VDimension > &one, const Size< VDimension > &two) |
template<class T , class TU > | |
bool | operator>= (const SmartPointer< T > &l, const SmartPointer< TU > &r) noexcept |
template<typename T > | |
FancyString & | operator>> (FancyString &s, Array< T > &data) |
template<typename T > | |
FancyString & | operator>> (FancyString &s, std::vector< T > &data) |
template<typename T > | |
FancyString & | operator>> (FancyString &s, T &data) |
template<typename TComponent , unsigned int VDimension> | |
InputStreamType & | operator>> (InputStreamType &is, SymmetricSecondRankTensor< TComponent, VDimension > &dt) |
template<typename T , unsigned int VPointDimension> | |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &is, Point< T, VPointDimension > &vct) |
template<typename TComponent > | |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &is, RGBAPixel< TComponent > &c) |
template<typename TComponent > | |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &is, RGBPixel< TComponent > &c) |
template<typename T , unsigned int VVectorDimension> | |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &is, Vector< T, VVectorDimension > &vct) |
template<typename T > | |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &is, Versor< T > &v) |
*par Constraints *The filter requires an image with at least two dimensions and a vector *length of at least The theory supports extension to scalar but *the implementation of the itk vector classes do not **The template parameter TRealType must be floating | point (float or double) or *a user-defined "real" numerical type with arithmetic operations defined *sufficient to compute derivatives. **\par Performance *This filter will automatically multithread if run with *SetUsePrincipleComponents |
ITKIOImageBase_EXPORT void | ReadRawBytesAfterSwapping (IOComponentEnum componentType, void *buffer, IOByteOrderEnum byteOrder, SizeValueType numberOfComponents) |
template<typename TIterator > | |
TIterator * | setConnectivity (TIterator *it, bool fullyConnected=false) |
template<typename TIterator > | |
TIterator * | setConnectivityLater (TIterator *it, bool fullyConnected=false) |
template<typename TIterator > | |
TIterator * | setConnectivityPrevious (TIterator *it, bool fullyConnected=false) |
template<typename T > | |
T * | Singleton (const char *globalName, std::function< void()> deleteFunc) |
template<typename T > | |
void | swap (Array< T > &a, Array< T > &b) noexcept |
template<typename T , unsigned int VRows, unsigned int VColumns> | |
void | swap (const Matrix< T, VRows, VColumns > &a, const Matrix< T, VRows, VColumns > &b) |
template<typename T , unsigned int VVectorDimension> | |
void | swap (CovariantVector< T, VVectorDimension > &a, CovariantVector< T, VVectorDimension > &b) |
template<typename T > | |
void | swap (DiffusionTensor3D< T > &a, DiffusionTensor3D< T > &b) |
template<typename TValue , unsigned int VLength> | |
void | swap (FixedArray< TValue, VLength > &a, FixedArray< TValue, VLength > &b) |
template<unsigned int VDimension> | |
void | swap (Index< VDimension > &one, Index< VDimension > &two) |
void | swap (MetaDataDictionary &a, MetaDataDictionary &b) |
template<unsigned int VDimension> | |
void | swap (Offset< VDimension > &one, Offset< VDimension > &two) |
template<typename TCoordinate , unsigned int VPointDimension> | |
void | swap (Point< TCoordinate, VPointDimension > &a, Point< TCoordinate, VPointDimension > &b) |
template<typename T > | |
void | swap (RGBAPixel< T > &a, RGBAPixel< T > &b) |
template<typename T > | |
void | swap (RGBPixel< T > &a, RGBPixel< T > &b) |
template<unsigned int VDimension> | |
void | swap (Size< VDimension > &one, Size< VDimension > &two) |
template<typename T > | |
void | swap (SmartPointer< T > &a, SmartPointer< T > &b) noexcept |
template<typename T > | |
void | swap (SymmetricSecondRankTensor< T > &a, SymmetricSecondRankTensor< T > &b) |
template<typename T , unsigned int VVectorDimension> | |
void | swap (Vector< T, VVectorDimension > &a, Vector< T, VVectorDimension > &b) |
ITKIOImageBase_EXPORT void | WriteRawBytesAfterSwapping (IOComponentEnum componentType, const void *buffer, std::ofstream &file, IOByteOrderEnum byteOrder, SizeValueType numberOfBytes, SizeValueType numberOfComponents) |
template<typename TAutoPointerBase , typename TAutoPointerDerived > | |
void | TransferAutoPointer (TAutoPointerBase &pa, TAutoPointerDerived &pb) |
template<typename TDestination , class TSource > | |
TDestination | bit_cast (const TSource &source) |
template<unsigned int VImageDimension, vcl_size_t VMaximumCityblockDistance, bool VIncludeCenterPixel> | |
auto | GenerateConnectedImageNeighborhoodShapeOffsets () noexcept |
template<typename T > | |
constexpr T | Copy (const T &original) |
template<typename T > | |
T & | Deref (T *const ptr) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const EventObject &e) |
itkEventMacroDeclaration (NoEvent, EventObject) | |
itkEventMacroDeclaration (AnyEvent, EventObject) | |
itkEventMacroDeclaration (DeleteEvent, AnyEvent) | |
itkEventMacroDeclaration (StartEvent, AnyEvent) | |
itkEventMacroDeclaration (EndEvent, AnyEvent) | |
itkEventMacroDeclaration (ProgressEvent, AnyEvent) | |
itkEventMacroDeclaration (ExitEvent, AnyEvent) | |
itkEventMacroDeclaration (AbortEvent, AnyEvent) | |
itkEventMacroDeclaration (ModifiedEvent, AnyEvent) | |
itkEventMacroDeclaration (InitializeEvent, AnyEvent) | |
itkEventMacroDeclaration (IterationEvent, AnyEvent) | |
itkEventMacroDeclaration (MultiResolutionIterationEvent, IterationEvent) | |
itkEventMacroDeclaration (PickEvent, AnyEvent) | |
itkEventMacroDeclaration (StartPickEvent, PickEvent) | |
itkEventMacroDeclaration (EndPickEvent, PickEvent) | |
itkEventMacroDeclaration (AbortCheckEvent, PickEvent) | |
itkEventMacroDeclaration (FunctionEvaluationIterationEvent, IterationEvent) | |
itkEventMacroDeclaration (GradientEvaluationIterationEvent, IterationEvent) | |
itkEventMacroDeclaration (FunctionAndGradientEvaluationIterationEvent, IterationEvent) | |
itkEventMacroDeclaration (UserEvent, AnyEvent) | |
template<typename TImage > | |
ImageBufferRange< TImage > | MakeImageBufferRange (TImage *const image) |
template<typename TImageNeighborhoodShape > | |
std::vector< Offset< TImageNeighborhoodShape::ImageDimension > > | GenerateImageNeighborhoodOffsets (const TImageNeighborhoodShape &shape) |
template<unsigned int VImageDimension> | |
std::vector< Offset< VImageDimension > > | GenerateRectangularImageNeighborhoodOffsets (const Size< VImageDimension > &radius) |
template<typename... T> | |
auto | MakeIndex (const T... values) |
template<typename TContainer > | |
constexpr TContainer | MakeFilled (typename TContainer::const_reference value) |
template<typename TUnboundedArray > | |
auto | make_unique_for_overwrite (const vcl_size_t numberOfElements) |
template<typename T > | |
void | EncapsulateMetaData (MetaDataDictionary &Dictionary, const std::string &key, const T &invalue) |
template<typename T > | |
bool | ExposeMetaData (const MetaDataDictionary &Dictionary, const std::string key, T &outval) |
template<typename TValue > | |
std::string | ConvertNumberToString (const TValue val) |
template<typename... T> | |
auto | MakeSize (const T... values) |
template<class T , class TU > | |
bool | operator== (const SmartPointer< T > &l, const SmartPointer< TU > &r) noexcept |
template<class T > | |
bool | operator== (const SmartPointer< T > &l, std::nullptr_t) noexcept |
template<class T > | |
bool | operator== (std::nullptr_t, const SmartPointer< T > &r) noexcept |
template<class T , class TU > | |
bool | operator!= (const SmartPointer< T > &l, const SmartPointer< TU > &r) noexcept |
template<class T > | |
bool | operator!= (const SmartPointer< T > &l, std::nullptr_t) noexcept |
template<class T > | |
bool | operator!= (std::nullptr_t, const SmartPointer< T > &r) noexcept |
template<typename TElement > | |
auto | MakeVectorContainer (std::vector< TElement > stdVector) |
template<typename TOutputImage , typename ConvertPixelTraits = DefaultConvertPixelTraits<typename TOutputImage::IOPixelType>> | |
TOutputImage::Pointer | ReadImage (const std::string &filename) |
template<typename TImagePointer > | |
ITK_TEMPLATE_EXPORT void | WriteImage (TImagePointer &&image, const std::string &filename, bool compress=false) |
template<typename TFourierSeriesPath , typename TChainCodePath > | |
void | MakeFourierSeriesPathTraceChainCode (TFourierSeriesPath &FSPath, const TChainCodePath &chainPath, unsigned int numHarmonics=8) |
template<typename TOutputMesh , typename ConvertPointPixelTraits = MeshConvertPixelTraits<typename TOutputMesh::PixelType>, typename ConvertCellPixelTraits = MeshConvertPixelTraits<typename TOutputMesh::CellPixelType>> | |
TOutputMesh::Pointer | ReadMesh (const std::string &filename) |
template<typename TMeshPointer > | |
ITK_TEMPLATE_EXPORT void | WriteMesh (TMeshPointer &&mesh, const std::string &filename, bool compress=false) |
ITKIONIFTI_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const NiftiImageIOEnums::Analyze75Flavor value) |
ITKIONIFTI_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const NiftiImageIOEnums::NiftiFileEnum value) |
Variables | |
template<typename TPixelType , typename TCellTraits > | |
class ITK_TEMPLATE_EXPORT | CellInterface |
class ITK_FORWARD_EXPORT | Command |
template class ITKIOTransformBase_EXPORT_EXPLICIT | CompositeTransformIOHelperTemplate< double > |
template class ITKIOTransformBase_EXPORT_EXPLICIT | CompositeTransformIOHelperTemplate< float > |
class ITK_FORWARD_EXPORT | DataObject |
constexpr double | DefaultImageCoordinateTolerance = 1e-6 |
constexpr double | DefaultImageDirectionTolerance = 1e-6 |
*par Constraints *The filter requires an image with at least two dimensions and a vector *length of at least The theory supports extension to scalar but *the implementation of the itk vector classes do not **The template parameter TRealType must be floating so it cannot multithread for data other than in Anisotropic Diffusion of Multivalued Images *with Application to Color | Filtering |
template<typename TInternalComputationValueType > | |
class ITK_FORWARD_EXPORT | GradientDescentOptimizerBasev4Template |
template class ITKIOTransformHDF5_EXPORT_EXPLICIT | HDF5TransformIOTemplate< double > |
template class ITKIOTransformHDF5_EXPORT_EXPLICIT | HDF5TransformIOTemplate< float > |
template<unsigned int VImageDimension> | |
class ITK_TEMPLATE_EXPORT | ImageBase |
*par Constraints *The filter requires an image with at least two dimensions and a vector *length of at least The theory supports extension to scalar | images |
class ITK_FORWARD_EXPORT | KLMSegmentationBorder |
class ITK_FORWARD_EXPORT | KLMSegmentationRegion |
class ITK_FORWARD_EXPORT | LBFGSBOptimizerHelper |
class ITK_FORWARD_EXPORT | LBFGSBOptimizerHelperv4 |
template<typename TInternalVnlOptimizerType > | |
class ITK_TEMPLATE_EXPORT | LBFGSOptimizerBaseHelperv4 |
template class ITKOptimizersv4_EXPORT_EXPLICIT | LBFGSOptimizerBasev4< vnl_lbfgs > |
template class ITKOptimizersv4_EXPORT_EXPLICIT | LBFGSOptimizerBasev4< vnl_lbfgsb > |
template class ITKOptimizersv4_EXPORT_EXPLICIT | ObjectToObjectOptimizerBaseTemplate< double > |
template class ITKOptimizersv4_EXPORT_EXPLICIT | ObjectToObjectOptimizerBaseTemplate< float > |
class ITK_FORWARD_EXPORT | OctreeBase |
class ITK_FORWARD_EXPORT | OctreeNodeBranch |
*par Constraints *The filter requires an image with at least two dimensions and a vector *length of at least The theory supports extension to scalar but *the implementation of the itk vector classes do not **The template parameter TRealType must be floating so it cannot multithread for data other than in Anisotropic Diffusion of Multivalued Images *with Application to Color IEEE Transactions on Image No | pp |
*par Constraints *The filter requires an image with at least two dimensions and a vector *length of at least The theory supports extension to scalar but *the implementation of the itk vector classes do not **The template parameter TRealType must be floating so it cannot multithread for data other than in Anisotropic Diffusion of Multivalued Images *with Application to Color IEEE Transactions on Image | Processing |
class ITK_FORWARD_EXPORT | ProcessObject |
template<typename TInternalComputationValueType > | |
class ITK_FORWARD_EXPORT | QuasiNewtonOptimizerv4Template |
class ITK_FORWARD_EXPORT | TemporalDataObject |
template<typename TIterator > | |
class ITK_TEMPLATE_EXPORT | ThreadedIteratorRangePartitioner |
template class ITKIOTransformBase_EXPORT_EXPLICIT | TransformFileReaderTemplate< double > |
template class ITKIOTransformBase_EXPORT_EXPLICIT | TransformFileReaderTemplate< float > |
template class ITKIOTransformBase_EXPORT_EXPLICIT | TransformFileWriterTemplate< double > |
template class ITKIOTransformBase_EXPORT_EXPLICIT | TransformFileWriterTemplate< float > |
template class ITKIOTransformBase_EXPORT_EXPLICIT | TransformIOBaseTemplate< double > |
template class ITKIOTransformBase_EXPORT_EXPLICIT | TransformIOBaseTemplate< float > |
template class ITKIOTransformBase_EXPORT_EXPLICIT | TransformIOFactoryTemplate< double > |
template class ITKIOTransformBase_EXPORT_EXPLICIT | TransformIOFactoryTemplate< float > |
template class ITKIOTransformInsightLegacy_EXPORT_EXPLICIT | TxtTransformIOTemplate< double > |
template class ITKIOTransformInsightLegacy_EXPORT_EXPLICIT | TxtTransformIOTemplate< float > |
*par Constraints *The filter requires an image with at least two dimensions and a vector *length of at least The theory supports extension to scalar but *the implementation of the itk vector classes do not **The template parameter TRealType must be floating so it cannot multithread for data other than in * | UsePrincipleComponents |
*par Constraints *The filter requires an image with at least two dimensions and a vector *length of at least The theory supports extension to scalar but *the implementation of the itk vector classes do not **The template parameter TRealType must be floating so it cannot multithread for data other than in Anisotropic Diffusion of Multivalued Images *with Application to Color IEEE Transactions on Image * | Vol |
using | MutexType = int |
using | FastMutexType = int |
using | ThreadFunctionType = void(*)(void *) |
using | ThreadProcessIdType = int |
using | ITK_THREAD_RETURN_TYPE = void |
constexpr vcl_size_t | ITK_MAX_THREADS = 1 |
The "itk" namespace contains all Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK) classes. There are several nested namespaces within the itk:: namespace.
This class generates two 2D-Gaussians (standard deviation RegionSize/2) One is shifted by 7,3 pixels from the other.
These two images are provided to the registration methods in this directory in order to obtain a uniform test input data.
Therefore the solution of the registration is |-7 -3|
TODO: This class needs to be more tightly integrated with the new multi-threaded ImageToImageMetric.
The specification for this file format is taken from the web site
The specification for this file format is taken from the web site
using itk::BooleanStdVectorType = typedef std::vector<Boolean> |
The type alias BooleanStdVectorType
provides an alternative to std::vector<bool>
. std::vector<bool>
is not thread safe due to the possibility of multiple bits being packed together in the same memory location. BooleanStdVectorType does not have such a space optimization. BooleanStdVectorType is semantically like std::vector<bool>
, but unlike std::vector<bool>
, it does "avoid data races when the contents of the contained
object in different elements in the same container [...] are modified concurrently", according to the C++ Standard, section [container.requirements.dataraces], "Container data races".
Definition at line 34 of file itkBooleanStdVector.h.
using itk::CellGeometryEnum = typedef CommonEnums::CellGeometry |
Definition at line 156 of file itkCommonEnums.h.
using itk::ChoiceMethodEnum = typedef MergeLabelMapFilterEnums::ChoiceMethod |
Definition at line 53 of file itkMergeLabelMapFilter.h.
using itk::CompositeTransformIOHelper = typedef CompositeTransformIOHelperTemplate<double> |
This helps to meet backward compatibility
Definition at line 98 of file itkCompositeTransformIOHelper.h.
using itk::ConjugateGradientLineSearchOptimizerv4 = typedef ConjugateGradientLineSearchOptimizerv4Template<double> |
This helps to meet backward compatibility
Definition at line 102 of file itkConjugateGradientLineSearchOptimizerv4.h.
using itk::CostFunction = typedef CostFunctionTemplate<double> |
This helps to meet backward compatibility
Definition at line 69 of file itkCostFunction.h.
using itk::EigenValueOrderEnum = typedef SymmetricEigenAnalysisEnums::EigenValueOrder |
Definition at line 142 of file itkSymmetricEigenAnalysis.h.
using itk::FastMutexType = typedef int |
Platform specific type alias for simple types
Definition at line 71 of file itkThreadSupport.h.
using itk::FilenamesContainer = typedef std::vector<std::string> |
Definition at line 60 of file itkGDCMSeriesFileNames.h.
Definition at line 49 of file itkRecursiveGaussianImageFilter.h.
using itk::GradientDescentLineSearchOptimizerv4 = typedef GradientDescentLineSearchOptimizerv4Template<double> |
This helps to meet backward compatibility
Definition at line 160 of file itkGradientDescentLineSearchOptimizerv4.h.
using itk::GradientDescentOptimizerBasev4 = typedef GradientDescentOptimizerBasev4Template<double> |
This helps to meet backward compatibility
Definition at line 219 of file itkGradientDescentOptimizerBasev4.h.
using itk::GradientDescentOptimizerBasev4ModifyGradientByLearningRateThreader = typedef GradientDescentOptimizerBasev4ModifyGradientByLearningRateThreaderTemplate<double> |
This helps to meet backward compatibility
Definition at line 69 of file itkGradientDescentOptimizerBasev4ModifyGradientByLearningRateThreader.h.
using itk::GradientDescentOptimizerBasev4ModifyGradientByScalesThreader = typedef GradientDescentOptimizerBasev4ModifyGradientByScalesThreaderTemplate<double> |
This helps to meet backward compatibility
Definition at line 69 of file itkGradientDescentOptimizerBasev4ModifyGradientByScalesThreader.h.
using itk::GradientDescentOptimizerv4 = typedef GradientDescentOptimizerv4Template<double> |
This helps to meet backward compatibility
Definition at line 255 of file itkGradientDescentOptimizerv4.h.
using itk::HDF5TransformIO = typedef HDF5TransformIOTemplate<double> |
This helps to meet backward compatibility
Definition at line 171 of file itkHDF5TransformIO.h.
using itk::IdentifierType = typedef SizeValueType |
Same type as SizeValueType but when used as an Id (pointId, cellId, labelObjectId..)(it is unsigned)
Definition at line 90 of file itkIntTypes.h.
using itk::ImageRegionIndexRange = typedef IndexRange<VDimension, false> |
Definition at line 480 of file itkIndexRange.h.
using itk::IndexValueType = typedef long |
The components of the Index array (they are signed)
Definition at line 93 of file itkIntTypes.h.
using itk::InputStreamType = typedef std::istream |
Definition at line 253 of file itkSymmetricSecondRankTensor.h.
using itk::IOByteOrderEnum = typedef CommonEnums::IOByteOrder |
Definition at line 155 of file itkCommonEnums.h.
using itk::IOComponentEnum = typedef CommonEnums::IOComponent |
Definition at line 152 of file itkCommonEnums.h.
using itk::IOFileEnum = typedef CommonEnums::IOFile |
Definition at line 153 of file itkCommonEnums.h.
using itk::IOFileModeEnum = typedef CommonEnums::IOFileMode |
Definition at line 154 of file itkCommonEnums.h.
using itk::IOPixelEnum = typedef CommonEnums::IOPixel |
Definition at line 151 of file itkCommonEnums.h.
using itk::is_static_castable = typedef std::integral_constant<bool, std::is_constructible_v<TToType, TFromType> || std::is_convertible_v<TFromType, TToType> > |
MPL relational type trait to check if a static_cast conversion exists.
Identifies if "static_cast<TToType>(TFromType)" can be done.
Definition at line 243 of file itkMetaProgrammingLibrary.h.
Platform specific type alias for simple types
Definition at line 79 of file itkThreadSupport.h.
using itk::ITK_THREAD_RETURN_TYPE = typedef void |
Platform specific type alias for simple types
Definition at line 77 of file itkThreadSupport.h.
using itk::LBFGS2Optimizerv4 = typedef LBFGS2Optimizerv4Template<double> |
This helps to meet backward compatibility
Definition at line 577 of file itkLBFGS2Optimizerv4.h.
using itk::LibHandle = typedef itksys::DynamicLoader::LibraryHandle |
Definition at line 29 of file itkDynamicLoader.h.
using itk::MatlabTransformIO = typedef MatlabTransformIOTemplate<double> |
This helps to meet backward compatibility
Definition at line 75 of file itkMatlabTransformIO.h.
using itk::ModifiedTimeType = typedef SizeValueType |
Type to count and reference the modification time of objects
Definition at line 105 of file itkIntTypes.h.
using itk::MultiGradientOptimizerv4 = typedef MultiGradientOptimizerv4Template<double> |
This helps to meet backward compatibility
Definition at line 151 of file itkMultiGradientOptimizerv4.h.
using itk::MultiStartOptimizerv4 = typedef MultiStartOptimizerv4Template<double> |
This helps to meet backward compatibility
Definition at line 183 of file itkMultiStartOptimizerv4.h.
using itk::MutexType = typedef int |
Platform specific type alias for simple types
Definition at line 70 of file itkThreadSupport.h.
using itk::ObjectToObjectMetricBase = typedef ObjectToObjectMetricBaseTemplate<double> |
This helps to meet backward compatibility
Definition at line 270 of file itkObjectToObjectMetricBase.h.
using itk::ObjectToObjectOptimizerBase = typedef ObjectToObjectOptimizerBaseTemplate<double> |
This helps to meet backward compatibility
Definition at line 327 of file itkObjectToObjectOptimizerBase.h.
using itk::OffsetValueType = typedef long |
Differences between components of indexes, distance from one pointer to the origin of a buffer (it is signed)
Definition at line 97 of file itkIntTypes.h.
using itk::OptimizerParameterScalesEstimator = typedef OptimizerParameterScalesEstimatorTemplate<double> |
This helps to meet backward compatibility
Definition at line 90 of file itkOptimizerParameterScalesEstimator.h.
using itk::OutputStreamType = typedef std::ostream |
This extra type alias is necessary for preventing an Internal Compiler Error in Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0. This type alias is not needed for any other compiler.
Definition at line 252 of file itkSymmetricSecondRankTensor.h.
using itk::QuasiNewtonOptimizerv4 = typedef QuasiNewtonOptimizerv4Template<double> |
This helps to meet backward compatibility
Definition at line 211 of file itkQuasiNewtonOptimizerv4.h.
using itk::QuasiNewtonOptimizerv4EstimateNewtonStepThreader = typedef QuasiNewtonOptimizerv4EstimateNewtonStepThreaderTemplate<double> |
This helps to meet backward compatibility
Definition at line 67 of file itkQuasiNewtonOptimizerv4EstimateNewtonStepThreader.h.
using itk::SamplingStrategyEnum = typedef RegistrationParameterScalesEstimatorEnums::SamplingStrategy |
Definition at line 54 of file itkRegistrationParameterScalesEstimator.h.
using itk::SerieUIDContainer = typedef std::vector<std::string> |
Definition at line 61 of file itkGDCMSeriesFileNames.h.
using itk::SingleValuedCostFunctionv4 = typedef SingleValuedCostFunctionv4Template<double> |
This helps to meet backward compatibility
Definition at line 94 of file itkSingleValuedCostFunctionv4.h.
using itk::SizeValueType = typedef unsigned long |
Any count of number of items (number of pixels in an image, number of points) (it is unsigned)
Definition at line 86 of file itkIntTypes.h.
using itk::SpacePrecisionType = typedef double |
Definition at line 30 of file itkFloatTypes.h.
using itk::StopConditionObjectToObjectOptimizerEnum = typedef ObjectToObjectOptimizerBaseTemplateEnums::StopConditionObjectToObjectOptimizer |
Definition at line 55 of file itkObjectToObjectOptimizerBase.h.
using itk::SymbolPointer = typedef itksys::DynamicLoader::SymbolPointer |
Definition at line 31 of file itkDynamicLoader.h.
using itk::ThreadFunctionType = typedef void (*)(void *) |
Platform specific type alias for simple types
Definition at line 72 of file itkThreadSupport.h.
using itk::ThreadIdType = typedef unsigned int |
Type to count and reference number of threads
Definition at line 102 of file itkIntTypes.h.
using itk::ThreadProcessIdType = typedef int |
Platform specific type alias for simple types
Definition at line 73 of file itkThreadSupport.h.
using itk::TransformFileReader = typedef itk::TransformFileReaderTemplate<double> |
This helps to meet backward compatibility
Definition at line 114 of file itkTransformFileReader.h.
using itk::TransformFileWriter = typedef itk::TransformFileWriterTemplate<double> |
This helps to meet backward compatibility
Definition at line 135 of file itkTransformFileWriter.h.
using itk::TransformIOBase = typedef itk::TransformIOBaseTemplate<double> |
This helps to meet backward compatibility
Definition at line 224 of file itkTransformIOBase.h.
using itk::TransformIOFactory = typedef TransformIOFactoryTemplate<double> |
This helps to meet backward compatibility
Definition at line 69 of file itkTransformIOFactory.h.
using itk::TxtTransformIO = typedef TxtTransformIOTemplate<double> |
This helps to meet backward compatibility
Definition at line 88 of file itkTxtTransformIO.h.
using itk::VectorContainer = typedef detail::VectorContainer<std::conditional_t<std::is_void_v<T2>, SizeValueType, T1>, std::conditional_t<std::is_void_v<T2>, T1, T2> > |
Alias template, allowing to use itk::VectorContainer<TElement>
without having to explicitly specify its ElementIdentifier
The template parameters T1
and T2
allow specifying the index type and the element type, as follows:
T1 | The index type OR (when T2 is void ) the element type. |
T2 | The element type OR void . When T2 is void , the element type is specified by the first template argument (T1), and the index type will be SizeValueType . |
Definition at line 600 of file itkVectorContainer.h.
using itk::VersorRigid3DTransformOptimizer = typedef VersorTransformOptimizer |
Definition at line 29 of file itkVersorRigid3DTransformOptimizer.h.
using itk::ZeroBasedIndexRange = typedef IndexRange<VDimension, true> |
Definition at line 483 of file itkIndexRange.h.
anonymous enum |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 27 of file itkOctree.h.
strong |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 65 of file itkIOCommon.h.
strong |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 31 of file itkGPUFiniteDifferenceFilterEnum.h.
strong |
Enumerator | |
UnknownTransformCategory | |
Linear | |
BSpline | |
Spline | |
DisplacementField | |
VelocityField |
Definition at line 63 of file itkTransformBase.h.
TDestination itk::bit_cast | ( | const TSource & | source | ) |
Rudimentary bit_cast
implementation for C++14/C++17. From C++20, std::bit_cast
would be preferred, at least if the C++20 feature macro __cpp_lib_bit_cast
is defined.
Definition at line 33 of file itkBitCast.h.
void itk::BoxAccumulateFunction | ( | const TInputImage * | inputImage, |
const TOutputImage * | outputImage, | ||
typename TInputImage::RegionType | inputRegion, | ||
typename TOutputImage::RegionType | outputRegion | ||
) |
Definition at line 99 of file itkBoxUtilities.h.
References itk_impl_details::setConnectivityEarlyBox(), and itk::ConstantBoundaryCondition< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::SetConstant().
void itk::BoxMeanCalculatorFunction | ( | const TInputImage * | accImage, |
TOutputImage * | outputImage, | ||
typename TInputImage::RegionType | inputRegion, | ||
typename TOutputImage::RegionType | outputRegion, | ||
typename TInputImage::SizeType | radius | ||
) |
Definition at line 195 of file itkBoxUtilities.h.
References itk::Index< VDimension >::GetIndex(), itk::ImageRegion< VImageDimension >::SetIndex(), itk::Index< VDimension >::SetIndex(), and itk::ImageRegion< VImageDimension >::SetSize().
void itk::BoxSigmaCalculatorFunction | ( | const TInputImage * | accImage, |
TOutputImage * | outputImage, | ||
typename TInputImage::RegionType | inputRegion, | ||
typename TOutputImage::RegionType | outputRegion, | ||
typename TInputImage::SizeType | radius | ||
) |
Definition at line 368 of file itkBoxUtilities.h.
References itk::Index< VDimension >::GetIndex(), itk::ImageRegion< VImageDimension >::SetIndex(), itk::Index< VDimension >::SetIndex(), and itk::ImageRegion< VImageDimension >::SetSize().
void itk::BoxSquareAccumulateFunction | ( | const TInputImage * | inputImage, |
TOutputImage * | outputImage, | ||
typename TInputImage::RegionType | inputRegion, | ||
typename TOutputImage::RegionType | outputRegion | ||
) |
Definition at line 549 of file itkBoxUtilities.h.
References itk_impl_details::setConnectivityEarlyBox(), and itk::ConstantBoundaryCondition< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::SetConstant().
void itk::ClearContent | ( | FancyString & | input | ) |
Manipulator to clear all characters in a FancyString.
bool itk::CompareDCMTKFileReaders | ( | DCMTKFileReader * | a, |
DCMTKFileReader * | b | ||
) |
void ITKCommon_EXPORT itk::CompensatedSummationAddElement | ( | double & | compensation, |
double & | sum, | ||
const double | element | ||
) |
void ITKCommon_EXPORT itk::CompensatedSummationAddElement | ( | float & | compensation, |
float & | sum, | ||
const float | element | ||
) |
int itk::ComputeStartEnd | ( | const typename TImage::IndexType | StartIndex, |
const TLine | line, | ||
const float | tol, | ||
const typename TBres::OffsetArray | LineOffsets, | ||
const typename TImage::RegionType | AllImage, | ||
unsigned int & | start, | ||
unsigned int & | end | ||
) |
std::string itk::ConvertNumberToString | ( | const TValue | val | ) |
Converts the specified numeric value to a string, using a NumberToString
function object. Produces a full precision (lossless) string representation, also for float
and double
. Otherwise it is similar to std::to_string
Definition at line 83 of file itkNumberToString.h.
Referenced by itk::MeshIOBase::WriteBufferAsAscii(), itk::OBJMeshIO::WritePointData(), itk::VTKPolyDataMeshIO::WritePointDataBufferAsASCII(), itk::OBJMeshIO::WritePoints(), itk::BYUMeshIO::WritePoints(), and itk::VTKPolyDataMeshIO::WritePointsBufferAsASCII().
constexpr |
Returns a copy of its argument. Primarily used to make the act of copying (typically involving a copy-constructor call) explicit, and to avoid warnings like:
should only be used when doing a copy is preferred over using a reference. void itk::CopyLineToImage | ( | const typename TImage::Pointer | output, |
const typename TImage::IndexType | StartIndex, | ||
const typename TBres::OffsetArray | LineOffsets, | ||
std::vector< typename TImage::PixelType > & | outbuffer, | ||
const unsigned int | start, | ||
const unsigned int | end | ||
) |
void itk::CopyMeshToMesh | ( | const TInputMesh * | in, |
TOutputMesh * | out | ||
) |
Definition at line 140 of file itkQuadEdgeMeshToQuadEdgeMeshFilter.h.
References CopyMeshToMeshCellData(), CopyMeshToMeshCells(), CopyMeshToMeshEdgeCells(), CopyMeshToMeshPointData(), and CopyMeshToMeshPoints().
void itk::CopyMeshToMeshCellData | ( | const TInputMesh * | in, |
TOutputMesh * | out | ||
) |
Definition at line 152 of file itkQuadEdgeMeshToQuadEdgeMeshFilter.h.
References New(), and point().
Referenced by CopyMeshToMesh().
void itk::CopyMeshToMeshCells | ( | const TInputMesh * | in, |
TOutputMesh * | out | ||
) |
Definition at line 219 of file itkQuadEdgeMeshToQuadEdgeMeshFilter.h.
References itk::MeshEnums::CellsAllocatedDynamicallyCellByCell.
Referenced by CopyMeshToMesh().
void itk::CopyMeshToMeshEdgeCells | ( | const TInputMesh * | in, |
TOutputMesh * | out | ||
) |
Definition at line 265 of file itkQuadEdgeMeshToQuadEdgeMeshFilter.h.
Referenced by CopyMeshToMesh().
void itk::CopyMeshToMeshPointData | ( | const TInputMesh * | in, |
TOutputMesh * | out | ||
) |
Definition at line 186 of file itkQuadEdgeMeshToQuadEdgeMeshFilter.h.
References New(), and point().
Referenced by CopyMeshToMesh().
void itk::CopyMeshToMeshPoints | ( | const TInputMesh * | in, |
TOutputMesh * | out | ||
) |
Definition at line 298 of file itkQuadEdgeMeshToQuadEdgeMeshFilter.h.
References itk::FixedArray< TValue, VLength >::Begin(), and New().
Referenced by CopyMeshToMesh().
std::vector<typename TImage::OffsetType> itk::CornerOffsets | ( | const TImage * | im | ) |
Definition at line 164 of file itkBoxUtilities.h.
ITKCommon_EXPORT Vector<double, 3> itk::CrossProduct | ( | const Vector< double, 3 > & | , |
const Vector< double, 3 > & | |||
) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT Vector<float, 3> itk::CrossProduct | ( | const Vector< float, 3 > & | , |
const Vector< float, 3 > & | |||
) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT Vector<int, 3> itk::CrossProduct | ( | const Vector< int, 3 > & | , |
const Vector< int, 3 > & | |||
) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT void itk::CrossProduct | ( | CovariantVector< double, 3 > & | , |
const Vector< double, 3 > & | , | ||
const Vector< double, 3 > & | |||
) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT void itk::CrossProduct | ( | CovariantVector< float, 3 > & | , |
const Vector< float, 3 > & | , | ||
const Vector< float, 3 > & | |||
) |
ITKCommon_EXPORT void itk::CrossProduct | ( | CovariantVector< int, 3 > | , |
const Vector< int, 3 > & | , | ||
const Vector< int, 3 > & | |||
) |
T& itk::Deref | ( | T *const | ptr | ) |
Dereferences the specified pointer, when the pointer is not null. Throws a DerefError
exception when the pointer is null. Aims to avoid undefined behavior from accidentally dereferencing a null pointer.
Definition at line 49 of file itkDeref.h.
void itk::DoAnchorFace | ( | const TImage * | input, |
TImage * | output, | ||
typename TImage::PixelType | border, | ||
TLine | line, | ||
TAnchor & | AnchorLine, | ||
typename TBres::OffsetArray | LineOffsets, | ||
std::vector< typename TImage::PixelType > & | inbuffer, | ||
std::vector< typename TImage::PixelType > & | outbuffer, | ||
const typename TImage::RegionType | AllImage, | ||
const typename TImage::RegionType | face | ||
) |
void itk::DoFace | ( | typename TImage::ConstPointer | input, |
typename TImage::Pointer | output, | ||
typename TImage::PixelType | border, | ||
TLine | line, | ||
const typename TBres::OffsetArray | LineOffsets, | ||
const unsigned int | KernLen, | ||
std::vector< typename TImage::PixelType > & | pixbuffer, | ||
std::vector< typename TImage::PixelType > & | fExtBuffer, | ||
std::vector< typename TImage::PixelType > & | rExtBuffer, | ||
const typename TImage::RegionType | AllImage, | ||
const typename TImage::RegionType | face | ||
) |
inline |
Definition at line 228 of file itkMetaDataObject.h.
References EncapsulateMetaData().
inline |
EncapsulateMetaData is a convenience function that encapsulates raw MetaData into a MetaDataObject that can be put into the MetaDataDictionary.
Dictionary | reference to a dictionary |
key | string identifier for this object |
invalue | the value of type T that is to be encapsulated. |
Definition at line 218 of file itkMetaDataObject.h.
References itk::MetaDataObject< MetaDataObjectType >::New().
Referenced by EncapsulateMetaData().
inline |
ExposeMetaData provides a shortcut for pulling a value of type T out of a MetaDataDictionary. If Dictionary[key] isn't set, return false, otherwise copy into outval reference and return true.
Dictionary | – reference to a dictionary |
key | – string identifier for this object |
outval | – where to store value found in table. |
Definition at line 244 of file itkMetaDataObject.h.
References itk::MetaDataDictionary::End(), itk::MetaDataDictionary::Find(), and itk::MetaDataObject< MetaDataObjectType >::GetMetaDataObjectValue().
Referenced by itk::MetaImageIO::WriteMatrixInMetaData().
void itk::FillForwardExt | ( | std::vector< PixelType > & | pixbuffer, |
std::vector< PixelType > & | fExtBuffer, | ||
const unsigned int | KernLen, | ||
unsigned int | len | ||
) |
int itk::FillLineBuffer | ( | typename TImage::ConstPointer | input, |
const typename TImage::IndexType | StartIndex, | ||
const TLine | line, | ||
const float | tol, | ||
const typename TBres::OffsetArray | LineOffsets, | ||
const typename TImage::RegionType | AllImage, | ||
std::vector< typename TImage::PixelType > & | inbuffer, | ||
unsigned int & | start, | ||
unsigned int & | end | ||
) |
void itk::FillReverseExt | ( | std::vector< PixelType > & | pixbuffer, |
std::vector< PixelType > & | rExtBuffer, | ||
const unsigned int | KernLen, | ||
unsigned int | len | ||
) |
noexcept |
Generates the offsets for a connected image neighborhood shape.
Definition at line 260 of file itkConnectedImageNeighborhoodShape.h.
References itk::ConnectedImageNeighborhoodShape< VImageDimension >::GetNumberOfOffsets().
std::vector<Offset<TImageNeighborhoodShape::ImageDimension> > itk::GenerateImageNeighborhoodOffsets | ( | const TImageNeighborhoodShape & | shape | ) |
Generates the offsets for a neighborhood of the specified shape.
Definition at line 31 of file itkImageNeighborhoodOffsets.h.
Referenced by GenerateRectangularImageNeighborhoodOffsets().
std::vector<Offset<VImageDimension> > itk::GenerateRectangularImageNeighborhoodOffsets | ( | const Size< VImageDimension > & | radius | ) |
Generates the offsets for a hyperrectangular (box shaped) neighborhood.
Definition at line 43 of file itkImageNeighborhoodOffsets.h.
References GenerateImageNeighborhoodOffsets().
Referenced by itk::SumOfSquaresImageFunction< TInputImage, TCoordinate >::SetNeighborhoodRadius().
std::string itk::Get64BitPragma | ( | ) |
Get 64-bit pragma
unsigned int itk::GetLinePixels | ( | const TLine | line | ) |
int itk::GetPixelDimension | ( | const std::type_info & | intype | ) |
Get pixel dimension (number of channels). For high-dimensional pixel format, only itk::Vector< type, 2/3 > is acceptable.
std::string ITKIOTransformHDF5_EXPORT itk::GetTransformName | ( | int | ) |
std::string itk::GetTypename | ( | const std::type_info & | intype | ) |
Get Typename
void itk::GetTypenameInString | ( | const std::type_info & | intype, |
std::ostringstream & | ret | ||
) |
Get Typename in String
bool itk::GetValidTypename | ( | const std::type_info & | intype, |
const std::vector< std::string > & | validtypes, | ||
std::string & | retTypeName | ||
) |
Get Typename in String if a valid type
itk::ImageBufferRange | ( | TImage & | ) | -> ImageBufferRange< TImage > |
itk::IMAGEIOBASE_TYPEMAP | ( | char | , |
std::numeric_limits< char >::is_signed ? IOComponentEnum::CHAR :IOComponentEnum::UCHAR | |||
) |
itk::IMAGEIOBASE_TYPEMAP | ( | double | , |
IOComponentEnum::DOUBLE | |||
) |
itk::IMAGEIOBASE_TYPEMAP | ( | float | , |
IOComponentEnum::FLOAT | |||
) |
itk::IMAGEIOBASE_TYPEMAP | ( | int | , |
IOComponentEnum::INT | |||
) |
itk::IMAGEIOBASE_TYPEMAP | ( | long long | , |
IOComponentEnum::LONGLONG | |||
) |
itk::IMAGEIOBASE_TYPEMAP | ( | long | , |
IOComponentEnum::LONG | |||
) |
itk::IMAGEIOBASE_TYPEMAP | ( | short | , |
IOComponentEnum::SHORT | |||
) |
itk::IMAGEIOBASE_TYPEMAP | ( | signed char | , |
IOComponentEnum::CHAR | |||
) |
itk::IMAGEIOBASE_TYPEMAP | ( | unsigned char | , |
IOComponentEnum::UCHAR | |||
) |
itk::IMAGEIOBASE_TYPEMAP | ( | unsigned int | , |
IOComponentEnum::UINT | |||
) |
itk::IMAGEIOBASE_TYPEMAP | ( | unsigned long long | , |
IOComponentEnum::ULONGLONG | |||
) |
itk::IMAGEIOBASE_TYPEMAP | ( | unsigned long | , |
IOComponentEnum::ULONG | |||
) |
itk::IMAGEIOBASE_TYPEMAP | ( | unsigned short | , |
IOComponentEnum::USHORT | |||
) |
itk::ImageRegion | ( | const Index< VImageDimension > & | , |
const Size< VImageDimension > & | |||
) | -> ImageRegion< VImageDimension > |
itk::ImageRegionRange | ( | TImage & | ) | -> ImageRegionRange< TImage > |
itk::ImageScanlineConstIterator | ( | SmartPointer< TImage > | , |
const typename TImage::RegionType & | |||
) | -> ImageScanlineConstIterator< std::remove_const_t< TImage >> |
itk::ImageScanlineIterator | ( | SmartPointer< TImage > | , |
const typename TImage::RegionType & | |||
) | -> ImageScanlineIterator< TImage > |
inline |
Definition at line 145 of file itkSymmetricEigenAnalysis.h.
References itk::SymmetricEigenAnalysisEnums::DoNotOrder, itk::SymmetricEigenAnalysisEnums::OrderByMagnitude, and itk::SymmetricEigenAnalysisEnums::OrderByValue.
bool itk::IsGPUAvailable | ( | ) |
Check if OpenCL-enabled GPU is present.
Referenced by itk::GPUBinaryThresholdImageFilterFactory::GPUBinaryThresholdImageFilterFactory(), itk::GPUDemonsRegistrationFilterFactory::GPUDemonsRegistrationFilterFactory(), itk::GPUGradientAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilterFactory::GPUGradientAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilterFactory(), itk::GPUImageFactory::GPUImageFactory(), and itk::GPUMeanImageFilterFactory::GPUMeanImageFilterFactory().
itk::ITK_DEFAULTCONVERTTRAITS_NATIVE_SPECIAL | ( | unsigned long long | ) |
itk::itkEventMacroDeclaration | ( | AbortCheckEvent | , |
PickEvent | |||
) |
Declare some common ITK events
itk::itkEventMacroDeclaration | ( | AbortEvent | , |
AnyEvent | |||
) |
Declare some common ITK events
itk::itkEventMacroDeclaration | ( | AnyEvent | , |
EventObject | |||
) |
Declare some common ITK events
itk::itkEventMacroDeclaration | ( | DeleteEvent | , |
AnyEvent | |||
) |
Declare some common ITK events
itk::itkEventMacroDeclaration | ( | EndEvent | , |
AnyEvent | |||
) |
Declare some common ITK events
itk::itkEventMacroDeclaration | ( | EndPickEvent | , |
PickEvent | |||
) |
Declare some common ITK events
itk::itkEventMacroDeclaration | ( | ExitEvent | , |
AnyEvent | |||
) |
Declare some common ITK events
itk::itkEventMacroDeclaration | ( | FunctionAndGradientEvaluationIterationEvent | , |
IterationEvent | |||
) |
Declare some common ITK events
itk::itkEventMacroDeclaration | ( | FunctionEvaluationIterationEvent | , |
IterationEvent | |||
) |
Declare some common ITK events
itk::itkEventMacroDeclaration | ( | GradientEvaluationIterationEvent | , |
IterationEvent | |||
) |
Declare some common ITK events
itk::itkEventMacroDeclaration | ( | InitializeEvent | , |
AnyEvent | |||
) |
Declare some common ITK events
itk::itkEventMacroDeclaration | ( | IterationEvent | , |
AnyEvent | |||
) |
Declare some common ITK events
itk::itkEventMacroDeclaration | ( | ModifiedEvent | , |
AnyEvent | |||
) |
Declare some common ITK events
itk::itkEventMacroDeclaration | ( | MultiResolutionIterationEvent | , |
IterationEvent | |||
) |
Declare some common ITK events
itk::itkEventMacroDeclaration | ( | NoEvent | , |
EventObject | |||
) |
Declare some common ITK events
itk::itkEventMacroDeclaration | ( | PickEvent | , |
AnyEvent | |||
) |
Declare some common ITK events
itk::itkEventMacroDeclaration | ( | ProgressEvent | , |
AnyEvent | |||
) |
Declare some common ITK events
itk::itkEventMacroDeclaration | ( | StartEvent | , |
AnyEvent | |||
) |
Declare some common ITK events
itk::itkEventMacroDeclaration | ( | StartPickEvent | , |
PickEvent | |||
) |
Declare some common ITK events
itk::itkEventMacroDeclaration | ( | UserEvent | , |
AnyEvent | |||
) |
Declare some common ITK events
itk::itkGPUKernelClassMacro | ( | GPUBinaryThresholdImageFilterKernel | ) |
Create a helper GPU Kernel class for GPUBinaryThresholdImageFilter
itk::itkGPUKernelClassMacro | ( | GPUCastImageFilterKernel | ) |
Create a helper GPU Kernel class for GPUCastImageFilter
itk::itkGPUKernelClassMacro | ( | GPUDemonsRegistrationFunctionKernel | ) |
Create a helper GPU Kernel class for GPUDemonsRegistrationFunction
itk::itkGPUKernelClassMacro | ( | GPUGradientNDAnisotropicDiffusionFunctionKernel | ) |
Create a helper GPU Kernel class for GPUGradientNDAnisotropicDiffusionFunction
itk::itkGPUKernelClassMacro | ( | GPUImageOpsKernel | ) |
Create a helper GPU Kernel class for GPUImageOps
itk::itkGPUKernelClassMacro | ( | GPUMeanImageFilterKernel | ) |
Create a helper GPU Kernel class for GPUMeanImageFilter
itk::itkGPUKernelClassMacro | ( | GPUNeighborhoodOperatorImageFilterKernel | ) |
Create a helper GPU Kernel class for GPUNeighborhoodOperatorImageFilter
itk::itkGPUKernelClassMacro | ( | GPUPDEDeformableRegistrationFilterKernel | ) |
Create a helper GPU Kernel class for GPUPDEDeformableRegistrationFilter
itk::itkGPUKernelClassMacro | ( | GPUReductionKernel | ) |
Create a helper GPU Kernel class for GPUReduction
itk::itkGPUKernelClassMacro | ( | GPUScalarAnisotropicDiffusionFunctionKernel | ) |
Create a helper GPU Kernel class for GPUScalarAnisotropicDiffusionFunction
class ITKGPUFiniteDifference_EXPORT itk::itkGPUKernelMacro | ( | GPUDenseFiniteDifferenceImageFilterKernel | ) |
Create a helper GPU Kernel class for GPUDenseFiniteDifferenceImageFilter
auto itk::make_unique_for_overwrite | ( | const vcl_size_t | numberOfElements | ) |
implementation for C++14/C++17, specifically for dynamically sized ("unbounded") arrays. From C++20, std::make_unique_for_overwrite
would be preferred, at least if the C++20 feature macro __cpp_lib_smart_ptr_for_overwrite
is defined.
Example (mind the square brackets):
Definition at line 61 of file itkMakeUniqueForOverwrite.h.
void itk::MakeChainCodeTracePath | ( | TChainCodePath & | chainPath, |
const TPathInput & | inPath, | ||
bool | restrictMovement = false |
) |
Make a chain code trace another path of same dimensionality. If restrictMovement is true, then individual steps are allowed to move through only one dimension at a time; for 2D paths this results in an 8-connected chain code.
Definition at line 33 of file itkPathFunctions.h.