ITK  6.0.0
Insight Toolkit
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itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType > Class Template Reference

#include <itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h>

Detailed Description

template<typename TCoordType>
class itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >

Implements the 2-Dimensional Voronoi Diagram.

Given a set of seed points, the Voronoi Diagram partitions the plane into regions, each region is a collection of all pixels that is closest to one particular seed point than to other seed points. VoronoiDiagram2D is a mesh structure for storing the Voronoi Diagram, can be Generated by itkVoronoiDiagram2DGenerator.

Template parameters for VoronoiDiagram2D:

TCoordType = The type associated with the coordination of the seeds and the resulting vertices.

ITK Sphinx Examples:

Definition at line 51 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

+ Inheritance diagram for itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >:
+ Collaboration diagram for itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >:


class  VoronoiEdge

Public Types

using BoundingBoxPointer = typename BoundingBoxType::Pointer
using BoundingBoxType = BoundingBox< PointIdentifier, Self::PointDimension, CoordRepType, PointsContainer >
using CellDataContainer = typename MeshTraits::CellDataContainer
using CellDataContainerIterator = typename CellDataContainer::ConstIterator
using CellDataContainerPointer = typename CellDataContainer::Pointer
using CellFeatureCount = CellFeatureIdentifier
using CellFeatureIdentifier = typename MeshTraits::CellFeatureIdentifier
using CellIdentifier = typename MeshTraits::CellIdentifier
using CellLinksContainer = typename MeshTraits::CellLinksContainer
using CellLinksContainerIterator = typename CellLinksContainer::ConstIterator
using CellLinksContainerPointer = typename CellLinksContainer::Pointer
using CellMultiVisitorType = typename CellType::MultiVisitor
using CellsContainer = typename MeshTraits::CellsContainer
using CellsContainerConstIterator = typename CellsContainer::ConstIterator
using CellsContainerIterator = typename CellsContainer::Iterator
using CellsContainerPointer = typename CellsContainer::Pointer
using CellTraits = typename MeshTraits::CellTraits
using ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self >
using CoordRepType = typename MeshTraits::CoordRepType
using Edge = LineCell< CellType >
using EdgeAutoPointer = typename Edge::SelfAutoPointer
using EdgeInfo = Point< int, 2 >
using EdgeInfoDQ = std::deque< EdgeInfo >
using genericCellPointer = typename MeshTraits::CellAutoPointer
using InterpolationWeightType = typename MeshTraits::InterpolationWeightType
using INTvector = std::vector< int >
using MeshTraits = DefaultDynamicMeshTraits< TCoordType, 2, 2, TCoordType >
using NeighborIdIterator = typename INTvector::iterator
using PixelType = typename MeshTraits::PixelType
using PointCellLinksContainer = typename MeshTraits::PointCellLinksContainer
using PointCellLinksContainerIterator = typename PointCellLinksContainer::const_iterator
using PointDataContainer = typename MeshTraits::PointDataContainer
using PointDataContainerIterator = typename PointDataContainer::ConstIterator
using PointDataContainerPointer = typename PointDataContainer::Pointer
using Pointer = SmartPointer< Self >
using PointIdentifier = typename MeshTraits::PointIdentifier
using PointList = std::list< PointType >
using PointsContainer = typename MeshTraits::PointsContainer
using PointsContainerConstIterator = typename PointsContainer::ConstIterator
using PointsContainerIterator = typename PointsContainer::Iterator
using PointsContainerPointer = typename PointsContainer::Pointer
using PointType = typename MeshTraits::PointType
using PolygonCellType = PolygonCell< CellType >
using SeedsIterator = typename SeedsType::iterator
using SeedsType = std::vector< PointType >
using Self = VoronoiDiagram2D
using Superclass = Mesh< TCoordType, 2, DefaultDynamicMeshTraits< TCoordType, 2, 2, TCoordType > >
using VertexIterator = PointsContainerIterator
using VoronoiEdgeIterator = typename std::vector< VoronoiEdge >::iterator
- Public Types inherited from itk::Mesh< TCoordType, 2, DefaultDynamicMeshTraits< TCoordType, 2, 2, TCoordType > >
using BoundaryAssignmentsContainer = MapContainer< BoundaryAssignmentIdentifier, CellIdentifier >
using BoundaryAssignmentsContainerPointer = typename BoundaryAssignmentsContainer::Pointer
using BoundaryAssignmentsContainerVector = std::vector< BoundaryAssignmentsContainerPointer >
using BoundingBoxPointer = typename BoundingBoxType::Pointer
using BoundingBoxType = BoundingBox< PointIdentifier, Self::PointDimension, CoordRepType, PointsContainer >
using CellAutoPointer = typename CellType::CellAutoPointer
using CellDataContainer = typename MeshTraits::CellDataContainer
using CellDataContainerConstPointer = typename CellDataContainer::ConstPointer
using CellDataContainerIterator = typename CellDataContainer::ConstIterator
using CellDataContainerPointer = typename CellDataContainer::Pointer
using CellFeatureCount = CellFeatureIdentifier
using CellFeatureIdentifier = typename MeshTraits::CellFeatureIdentifier
using CellIdentifier = typename MeshTraits::CellIdentifier
using CellLinksContainer = typename MeshTraits::CellLinksContainer
using CellLinksContainerConstPointer = typename CellLinksContainer::ConstPointer
using CellLinksContainerIterator = typename CellLinksContainer::ConstIterator
using CellLinksContainerPointer = typename CellLinksContainer::Pointer
using CellMultiVisitorType = typename CellType::MultiVisitor
using CellPixelType = typename MeshTraits::CellPixelType
using CellsContainer = typename MeshTraits::CellsContainer
using CellsContainerConstIterator = typename CellsContainer::ConstIterator
using CellsContainerConstPointer = typename CellsContainer::ConstPointer
using CellsContainerIterator = typename CellsContainer::Iterator
using CellsContainerPointer = typename CellsContainer::Pointer
using CellsVectorContainer = typename itk::VectorContainer< IdentifierType, IdentifierType >
using CellsVectorContainerPointer = typename CellsVectorContainer::Pointer
using CellTraits = typename MeshTraits::CellTraits
using CellType = CellInterface< CellPixelType, CellTraits >
using ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self >
using CoordRepType = typename MeshTraits::CoordRepType
using InterpolationWeightType = typename MeshTraits::InterpolationWeightType
using MeshClassCellsAllocationMethodEnum = MeshEnums::MeshClassCellsAllocationMethod
using MeshTraits = DefaultDynamicMeshTraits< TCoordType, 2, 2, TCoordType >
using OutputHexahedronCellType = itk::HexahedronCell< CellType >
using OutputLineCellType = itk::LineCell< CellType >
using OutputPolygonCellType = itk::PolygonCell< CellType >
using OutputPolyLineCellType = itk::PolyLineCell< CellType >
using OutputQuadraticEdgeCellType = itk::QuadraticEdgeCell< CellType >
using OutputQuadraticTriangleCellType = itk::QuadraticTriangleCell< CellType >
using OutputQuadrilateralCellType = itk::QuadrilateralCell< CellType >
using OutputTetrahedronCellType = itk::TetrahedronCell< CellType >
using OutputTriangleCellType = itk::TriangleCell< CellType >
using OutputVertexCellType = itk::VertexCell< CellType >
using PixelType = typename MeshTraits::PixelType
using PointCellLinksContainer = typename MeshTraits::PointCellLinksContainer
using PointCellLinksContainerIterator = typename PointCellLinksContainer::const_iterator
using PointDataContainer = typename MeshTraits::PointDataContainer
using PointDataContainerIterator = typename PointDataContainer::ConstIterator
using PointDataContainerPointer = typename PointDataContainer::Pointer
using Pointer = SmartPointer< Self >
using PointHashType = typename MeshTraits::PointHashType
using PointIdentifier = typename MeshTraits::PointIdentifier
using PointsContainer = typename MeshTraits::PointsContainer
using PointsContainerConstIterator = typename PointsContainer::ConstIterator
using PointsContainerIterator = typename PointsContainer::Iterator
using PointsContainerPointer = typename PointsContainer::Pointer
using PointType = typename MeshTraits::PointType
using Self = Mesh
using Superclass = PointSet< TCoordType, VDimension, DefaultDynamicMeshTraits< TCoordType, 2, 2, TCoordType > >
- Public Types inherited from itk::PointSet< TCoordType, VDimension, DefaultDynamicMeshTraits< TCoordType, 2, 2, TCoordType > >
using ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self >
using CoordRepType = typename MeshTraits::CoordRepType
using MeshTraits = DefaultDynamicMeshTraits< TCoordType, 2, 2, TCoordType >
using PixelType = typename MeshTraits::PixelType
using PointDataContainer = typename MeshTraits::PointDataContainer
using PointDataContainerConstPointer = typename PointDataContainer::ConstPointer
using PointDataContainerIterator = typename PointDataContainer::ConstIterator
using PointDataContainerPointer = typename PointDataContainer::Pointer
using Pointer = SmartPointer< Self >
using PointIdentifier = typename MeshTraits::PointIdentifier
using PointsContainer = typename MeshTraits::PointsContainer
using PointsContainerConstIterator = typename PointsContainer::ConstIterator
using PointsContainerConstPointer = typename PointsContainer::ConstPointer
using PointsContainerIterator = typename PointsContainer::Iterator
using PointsContainerPointer = typename PointsContainer::Pointer
using PointsVectorContainer = typename itk::VectorContainer< PointIdentifier, CoordRepType >
using PointsVectorContainerPointer = typename PointsVectorContainer::Pointer
using PointType = typename MeshTraits::PointType
using RegionType = long
using Self = PointSet
using Superclass = DataObject
- Public Types inherited from itk::DataObject
using ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self >
using DataObjectIdentifierType = std::string
using DataObjectPointerArraySizeType = std::vector< Pointer >::size_type
using Pointer = SmartPointer< Self >
using Self = DataObject
using Superclass = Object
- Public Types inherited from itk::Object
using ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self >
using Pointer = SmartPointer< Self >
using Self = Object
using Superclass = LightObject
- Public Types inherited from itk::LightObject
using ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self >
using Pointer = SmartPointer< Self >
using Self = LightObject

Public Member Functions

void AddCellNeighbor (EdgeInfo x)
void AddEdge (VoronoiEdge x)
void AddLine (EdgeInfo x)
void AddVert (PointType x)
void BuildEdge (int id)
void ClearRegion (int i)
VoronoiEdgeIterator EdgeBegin ()
VoronoiEdgeIterator EdgeEnd ()
void EdgeListClear ()
int EdgeListSize ()
void GetCellId (CellIdentifier cellId, CellAutoPointer &)
VoronoiEdge GetEdge (int id)
EdgeInfo GetEdgeEnd (int id)
int GetEdgeLineID (int id)
EdgeInfo GetLine (int id)
const char * GetNameOfClass () const override
virtual unsigned int GetNumberOfSeeds () const
void GetPoint (int pId, PointType *answer)
PointType GetSeed (int SeedID)
EdgeInfo GetSeedsIDAroundEdge (VoronoiEdge *task)
PointType GetVertex (int id)
void InsertCells ()
void LineListClear ()
int LineListSize ()
NeighborIdIterator NeighborIdsBegin (int seeds)
NeighborIdIterator NeighborIdsEnd (int seeds)
void Reset ()
void SetBoundary (PointType vorsize)
void SetOrigin (PointType vorsize)
void SetSeeds (int num, SeedsIterator begin)
VertexIterator VertexBegin ()
VertexIterator VertexEnd ()
void VertexListClear ()
int VertexListSize ()
void VoronoiRegionAddPointId (int id, int x)
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::Mesh< TCoordType, 2, DefaultDynamicMeshTraits< TCoordType, 2, 2, TCoordType > >
virtual void Accept (CellMultiVisitorType *mv) const
void BuildCellLinks () const
void CopyInformation (const DataObject *data) override
void DeleteUnusedCellData ()
bool GetAssignedCellBoundaryIfOneExists (int dimension, CellIdentifier, CellFeatureIdentifier, CellAutoPointer &) const
bool GetBoundaryAssignment (int dimension, CellIdentifier cellId, CellFeatureIdentifier featureId, CellIdentifier *boundaryId) const
BoundaryAssignmentsContainerPointer GetBoundaryAssignments (int dimension)
const BoundaryAssignmentsContainerPointer GetBoundaryAssignments (int dimension) const
const BoundingBoxTypeGetBoundingBox () const
bool GetCell (CellIdentifier, CellAutoPointer &) const
bool GetCellBoundaryFeature (int dimension, CellIdentifier, CellFeatureIdentifier, CellAutoPointer &) const
CellIdentifier GetCellBoundaryFeatureNeighbors (int dimension, CellIdentifier, CellFeatureIdentifier, std::set< CellIdentifier > *cellSet)
CellDataContainerGetCellData ()
const CellDataContainerGetCellData () const
bool GetCellData (CellIdentifier, CellPixelType *) const
CellLinksContainerGetCellLinks ()
const CellLinksContainerGetCellLinks () const
CellIdentifier GetCellNeighbors (CellIdentifier cellId, std::set< CellIdentifier > *cellSet)
CellsContainerGetCells ()
const CellsContainerGetCells () const
virtual CellsVectorContainerGetCellsArray ()
const char * GetNameOfClass () const override
CellFeatureCount GetNumberOfCellBoundaryFeatures (int dimension, CellIdentifier) const
CellIdentifier GetNumberOfCells () const
void Graft (const DataObject *data) override
void Initialize () override
void PassStructure (Self *inputMesh)
bool RemoveBoundaryAssignment (int dimension, CellIdentifier cellId, CellFeatureIdentifier featureId)
void SetBoundaryAssignment (int dimension, CellIdentifier cellId, CellFeatureIdentifier featureId, CellIdentifier boundaryId)
void SetBoundaryAssignments (int dimension, BoundaryAssignmentsContainer *)
void SetCell (CellIdentifier, CellAutoPointer &)
void SetCellData (CellDataContainer *)
void SetCellData (CellIdentifier, CellPixelType)
void SetCellLinks (CellLinksContainer *)
void SetCells (CellsContainer *)
virtual void SetCellsArray (CellsVectorContainer *)
virtual void SetCellsArray (CellsVectorContainer *, int cellType)
virtual void SetCellsAllocationMethod (MeshClassCellsAllocationMethodEnum _arg)
virtual const MeshClassCellsAllocationMethodEnumGetCellsAllocationMethod () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::PointSet< TCoordType, VDimension, DefaultDynamicMeshTraits< TCoordType, 2, 2, TCoordType > >
virtual RegionType GetBufferedRegion () const
virtual RegionType GetMaximumNumberOfRegions () const
PointIdentifier GetNumberOfPoints () const
PointType GetPoint (PointIdentifier) const
bool GetPoint (PointIdentifier, PointType *) const
PointDataContainerGetPointData ()
const PointDataContainerGetPointData () const
bool GetPointData (PointIdentifier, PixelType *) const
PointsContainerGetPoints ()
const PointsContainerGetPoints () const
virtual RegionType GetRequestedRegion () const
void PassStructure (Self *inputPointSet)
bool RequestedRegionIsOutsideOfTheBufferedRegion () override
virtual void SetBufferedRegion (const RegionType &region)
void SetPoint (PointIdentifier, PointType)
void SetPointData (PointDataContainer *)
void SetPointData (PointIdentifier, PixelType)
void SetPoints (PointsContainer *)
void SetPoints (PointsVectorContainer *)
void SetRequestedRegion (const DataObject *data) override
virtual void SetRequestedRegion (const RegionType &region)
void SetRequestedRegionToLargestPossibleRegion () override
void UpdateOutputInformation () override
bool VerifyRequestedRegion () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::DataObject
virtual void DataHasBeenGenerated ()
void DisconnectPipeline ()
bool GetDataReleased () const
virtual const bool & GetReleaseDataFlag () const
SmartPointer< ProcessObjectGetSource () const
DataObjectPointerArraySizeType GetSourceOutputIndex () const
const DataObjectIdentifierTypeGetSourceOutputName () const
virtual ModifiedTimeType GetUpdateMTime () const
virtual void PrepareForNewData ()
virtual void PropagateRequestedRegion ()
void ReleaseData ()
virtual void ReleaseDataFlagOn ()
virtual void ResetPipeline ()
void SetReleaseDataFlag (bool flag)
bool ShouldIReleaseData () const
virtual void Update ()
virtual void UpdateOutputData ()
void UpdateSource () const
void SetPipelineMTime (ModifiedTimeType time)
virtual const ModifiedTimeTypeGetPipelineMTime () const
virtual void SetRealTimeStamp (RealTimeStamp _arg)
virtual const RealTimeStampGetRealTimeStamp () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::Object
unsigned long AddObserver (const EventObject &event, Command *)
unsigned long AddObserver (const EventObject &event, Command *) const
unsigned long AddObserver (const EventObject &event, std::function< void(const EventObject &)> function) const
LightObject::Pointer CreateAnother () const override
virtual void DebugOff () const
virtual void DebugOn () const
CommandGetCommand (unsigned long tag)
bool GetDebug () const
MetaDataDictionaryGetMetaDataDictionary ()
const MetaDataDictionaryGetMetaDataDictionary () const
virtual ModifiedTimeType GetMTime () const
virtual const TimeStampGetTimeStamp () const
bool HasObserver (const EventObject &event) const
void InvokeEvent (const EventObject &)
void InvokeEvent (const EventObject &) const
virtual void Modified () const
void Register () const override
void RemoveAllObservers ()
void RemoveObserver (unsigned long tag) const
void SetDebug (bool debugFlag) const
void SetReferenceCount (int) override
void UnRegister () const noexcept override
void SetMetaDataDictionary (const MetaDataDictionary &rhs)
void SetMetaDataDictionary (MetaDataDictionary &&rrhs)
virtual void SetObjectName (std::string _arg)
virtual const std::string & GetObjectName () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::LightObject
Pointer Clone () const
virtual void Delete ()
virtual int GetReferenceCount () const
void Print (std::ostream &os, Indent indent=0) const

Static Public Member Functions

static Pointer New ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from itk::Mesh< TCoordType, 2, DefaultDynamicMeshTraits< TCoordType, 2, 2, TCoordType > >
static Pointer New ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from itk::PointSet< TCoordType, VDimension, DefaultDynamicMeshTraits< TCoordType, 2, 2, TCoordType > >
static Pointer New ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from itk::DataObject
static bool GetGlobalReleaseDataFlag ()
static void GlobalReleaseDataFlagOff ()
static void GlobalReleaseDataFlagOn ()
static Pointer New ()
static void SetGlobalReleaseDataFlag (bool val)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from itk::Object
static bool GetGlobalWarningDisplay ()
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOff ()
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOn ()
static Pointer New ()
static void SetGlobalWarningDisplay (bool val)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from itk::LightObject
static void BreakOnError ()
static Pointer New ()

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr unsigned int MaxTopologicalDimension = MeshTraits::MaxTopologicalDimension
static constexpr unsigned int PointDimension = MeshTraits::PointDimension
- Static Public Attributes inherited from itk::Mesh< TCoordType, 2, DefaultDynamicMeshTraits< TCoordType, 2, 2, TCoordType > >
static constexpr unsigned int MaxTopologicalDimension
static constexpr unsigned int PointDimension
- Static Public Attributes inherited from itk::PointSet< TCoordType, VDimension, DefaultDynamicMeshTraits< TCoordType, 2, 2, TCoordType > >
static constexpr unsigned int PointDimension

Protected Member Functions

void PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override
 VoronoiDiagram2D ()
 ~VoronoiDiagram2D () override=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::Mesh< TCoordType, 2, DefaultDynamicMeshTraits< TCoordType, 2, 2, TCoordType > >
void ReleaseCellsMemory ()
 Mesh ()
 ~Mesh () override
void PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::PointSet< TCoordType, VDimension, DefaultDynamicMeshTraits< TCoordType, 2, 2, TCoordType > >
 PointSet ()=default
 ~PointSet () override=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::DataObject
 DataObject ()
virtual void PropagateResetPipeline ()
 ~DataObject () override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::Object
 Object ()
bool PrintObservers (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const
virtual void SetTimeStamp (const TimeStamp &timeStamp)
 ~Object () override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::LightObject
virtual LightObject::Pointer InternalClone () const
 LightObject ()
virtual void PrintHeader (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const
virtual void PrintTrailer (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const
virtual ~LightObject ()

Private Attributes

std::vector< std::vector< int > > m_CellNeighborsID {}
std::vector< VoronoiEdgem_EdgeList {}
std::vector< EdgeInfom_LineList {}
unsigned int m_NumberOfSeeds {}
SeedsType m_Seeds {}
PointType m_VoronoiBoundary {}
PointType m_VoronoiBoundaryOrigin {}
std::vector< PolygonCellType * > m_VoronoiRegions {}

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from itk::Mesh< TCoordType, 2, DefaultDynamicMeshTraits< TCoordType, 2, 2, TCoordType > >
CellsVectorContainerPointer cellOutputVectorContainer
BoundaryAssignmentsContainerVector m_BoundaryAssignmentsContainers
BoundingBoxPointer m_BoundingBox
CellDataContainerPointer m_CellDataContainer
CellLinksContainerPointer m_CellLinksContainer
CellsContainerPointer m_CellsContainer
- Protected Attributes inherited from itk::PointSet< TCoordType, VDimension, DefaultDynamicMeshTraits< TCoordType, 2, 2, TCoordType > >
RegionType m_BufferedRegion
RegionType m_MaximumNumberOfRegions
RegionType m_NumberOfRegions
PointDataContainerPointer m_PointDataContainer
PointsContainerPointer m_PointsContainer
RegionType m_RequestedNumberOfRegions
RegionType m_RequestedRegion
- Protected Attributes inherited from itk::LightObject
std::atomic< int > m_ReferenceCount {}

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ BoundingBoxPointer

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::BoundingBoxPointer = typename BoundingBoxType::Pointer

Definition at line 98 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ BoundingBoxType

Definition at line 92 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ CellDataContainer

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::CellDataContainer = typename MeshTraits::CellDataContainer

Definition at line 90 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ CellDataContainerIterator

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::CellDataContainerIterator = typename CellDataContainer::ConstIterator

Definition at line 105 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ CellDataContainerPointer

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::CellDataContainerPointer = typename CellDataContainer::Pointer

Definition at line 97 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ CellFeatureCount

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::CellFeatureCount = CellFeatureIdentifier

Definition at line 108 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ CellFeatureIdentifier

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::CellFeatureIdentifier = typename MeshTraits::CellFeatureIdentifier

Definition at line 82 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ CellIdentifier

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::CellIdentifier = typename MeshTraits::CellIdentifier

Definition at line 81 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ CellLinksContainer

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::CellLinksContainer = typename MeshTraits::CellLinksContainer

Definition at line 88 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ CellLinksContainerIterator

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::CellLinksContainerIterator = typename CellLinksContainer::ConstIterator

Definition at line 103 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ CellLinksContainerPointer

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::CellLinksContainerPointer = typename CellLinksContainer::Pointer

Definition at line 95 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ CellMultiVisitorType

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::CellMultiVisitorType = typename CellType::MultiVisitor

Definition at line 114 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ CellsContainer

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::CellsContainer = typename MeshTraits::CellsContainer

Definition at line 86 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ CellsContainerConstIterator

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::CellsContainerConstIterator = typename CellsContainer::ConstIterator

Definition at line 101 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ CellsContainerIterator

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::CellsContainerIterator = typename CellsContainer::Iterator

Definition at line 102 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ CellsContainerPointer

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::CellsContainerPointer = typename CellsContainer::Pointer

Definition at line 94 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ CellTraits

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::CellTraits = typename MeshTraits::CellTraits

Definition at line 85 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ ConstPointer

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::ConstPointer = SmartPointer<const Self>

Definition at line 61 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ CoordRepType

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::CoordRepType = typename MeshTraits::CoordRepType

Definition at line 78 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ Edge

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::Edge = LineCell<CellType>

Definition at line 117 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ EdgeAutoPointer

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::EdgeAutoPointer = typename Edge::SelfAutoPointer

Definition at line 118 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ EdgeInfo

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::EdgeInfo = Point<int, 2>

Definition at line 112 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ EdgeInfoDQ

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::EdgeInfoDQ = std::deque<EdgeInfo>

Definition at line 113 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ genericCellPointer

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::genericCellPointer = typename MeshTraits::CellAutoPointer

Definition at line 91 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ InterpolationWeightType

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::InterpolationWeightType = typename MeshTraits::InterpolationWeightType

Definition at line 79 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ INTvector

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::INTvector = std::vector<int>

Definition at line 120 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ MeshTraits

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::MeshTraits = DefaultDynamicMeshTraits<TCoordType, 2, 2, TCoordType>

Define the mesh traits.

Definition at line 70 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ NeighborIdIterator

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::NeighborIdIterator = typename INTvector::iterator

Definition at line 121 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ PixelType

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::PixelType = typename MeshTraits::PixelType

Typedefs from itkMesh

Definition at line 77 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ PointCellLinksContainer

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::PointCellLinksContainer = typename MeshTraits::PointCellLinksContainer

Definition at line 87 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ PointCellLinksContainerIterator

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::PointCellLinksContainerIterator = typename PointCellLinksContainer::const_iterator

Definition at line 106 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ PointDataContainer

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::PointDataContainer = typename MeshTraits::PointDataContainer

Definition at line 89 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ PointDataContainerIterator

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::PointDataContainerIterator = typename PointDataContainer::ConstIterator

Definition at line 104 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ PointDataContainerPointer

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::PointDataContainerPointer = typename PointDataContainer::Pointer

Definition at line 96 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ Pointer

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::Pointer = SmartPointer<Self>

Definition at line 60 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ PointIdentifier

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::PointIdentifier = typename MeshTraits::PointIdentifier

Definition at line 80 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ PointList

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::PointList = std::list<PointType>

Definition at line 119 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ PointsContainer

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::PointsContainer = typename MeshTraits::PointsContainer

Definition at line 84 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ PointsContainerConstIterator

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::PointsContainerConstIterator = typename PointsContainer::ConstIterator

Definition at line 99 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ PointsContainerIterator

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::PointsContainerIterator = typename PointsContainer::Iterator

Definition at line 100 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ PointsContainerPointer

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::PointsContainerPointer = typename PointsContainer::Pointer

Definition at line 93 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ PointType

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::PointType = typename MeshTraits::PointType

Definition at line 83 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ PolygonCellType

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::PolygonCellType = PolygonCell<CellType>

Definition at line 111 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ SeedsIterator

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::SeedsIterator = typename SeedsType::iterator

Definition at line 116 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ SeedsType

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::SeedsType = std::vector<PointType>

Definition at line 115 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ Self

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::Self = VoronoiDiagram2D

Standard class type aliases.

Definition at line 58 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ Superclass

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::Superclass = Mesh<TCoordType, 2, DefaultDynamicMeshTraits<TCoordType, 2, 2, TCoordType> >

Definition at line 59 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ VertexIterator

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::VertexIterator = PointsContainerIterator

Definition at line 122 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ VoronoiEdgeIterator

template<typename TCoordType >
using itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::VoronoiEdgeIterator = typename std::vector<VoronoiEdge>::iterator

The iterator for Voronoi edges,

Definition at line 177 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ VoronoiDiagram2D()

template<typename TCoordType >
itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::VoronoiDiagram2D ( )

◆ ~VoronoiDiagram2D()

template<typename TCoordType >
itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::~VoronoiDiagram2D ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddCellNeighbor()

template<typename TCoordType >
void itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::AddCellNeighbor ( EdgeInfo  x)

Definition at line 199 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ AddEdge()

template<typename TCoordType >
void itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::AddEdge ( VoronoiEdge  x)

Definition at line 271 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ AddLine()

template<typename TCoordType >
void itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::AddLine ( EdgeInfo  x)

Definition at line 265 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ AddVert()

template<typename TCoordType >
void itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::AddVert ( PointType  x)

Definition at line 277 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ BuildEdge()

template<typename TCoordType >
void itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::BuildEdge ( int  id)

Definition at line 218 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ ClearRegion()

template<typename TCoordType >
void itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::ClearRegion ( int  i)

Definition at line 206 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ EdgeBegin()

template<typename TCoordType >
VoronoiEdgeIterator itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::EdgeBegin ( )

The Iterator of all the edges for the Voronoi diagram.

◆ EdgeEnd()

template<typename TCoordType >
VoronoiEdgeIterator itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::EdgeEnd ( )

◆ EdgeListClear()

template<typename TCoordType >
void itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::EdgeListClear ( )

Definition at line 230 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ EdgeListSize()

template<typename TCoordType >
int itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::EdgeListSize ( )

Definition at line 253 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ GetCellId()

template<typename TCoordType >
void itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::GetCellId ( CellIdentifier  cellId,

Return the required cell pointer.

◆ GetEdge()

template<typename TCoordType >
VoronoiEdge itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::GetEdge ( int  id)

Definition at line 289 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ GetEdgeEnd()

template<typename TCoordType >
EdgeInfo itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::GetEdgeEnd ( int  id)

Definition at line 301 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ GetEdgeLineID()

template<typename TCoordType >
int itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::GetEdgeLineID ( int  id)

Definition at line 311 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ GetLine()

template<typename TCoordType >
EdgeInfo itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::GetLine ( int  id)

Definition at line 283 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ GetNameOfClass()

template<typename TCoordType >
const char* itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::GetNameOfClass ( ) const
See also

Reimplemented from itk::DataObject.

◆ GetNumberOfSeeds()

template<typename TCoordType >
virtual unsigned int itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::GetNumberOfSeeds ( ) const

Get the number of Voronoi seeds.

◆ GetPoint()

template<typename TCoordType >
void itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::GetPoint ( int  pId,
PointType answer 

Return the given vertex of the voronoi diagram.

◆ GetSeed()

template<typename TCoordType >
PointType itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::GetSeed ( int  SeedID)

Return the given indexed seed.

◆ GetSeedsIDAroundEdge()

template<typename TCoordType >
EdgeInfo itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::GetSeedsIDAroundEdge ( VoronoiEdge task)

Find the two seed point that around the given edge.

◆ GetVertex()

template<typename TCoordType >
PointType itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::GetVertex ( int  id)

Definition at line 295 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ InsertCells()

template<typename TCoordType >
void itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::InsertCells ( )

◆ LineListClear()

template<typename TCoordType >
void itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::LineListClear ( )

Definition at line 224 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ LineListSize()

template<typename TCoordType >
int itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::LineListSize ( )

Definition at line 247 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ NeighborIdsBegin()

template<typename TCoordType >
NeighborIdIterator itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::NeighborIdsBegin ( int  seeds)

Iterators for the neighborhood cells around the given cell.

◆ NeighborIdsEnd()

template<typename TCoordType >
NeighborIdIterator itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::NeighborIdsEnd ( int  seeds)

◆ New()

template<typename TCoordType >
static Pointer itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::New ( )

Method for creation through the object factory.

◆ PrintSelf()

template<typename TCoordType >
void itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::PrintSelf ( std::ostream &  os,
Indent  indent 
) const

Methods invoked by Print() to print information about the object including superclasses. Typically not called by the user (use Print() instead) but used in the hierarchical print process to combine the output of several classes.

Reimplemented from itk::DataObject.

◆ Reset()

template<typename TCoordType >
void itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::Reset ( )

◆ SetBoundary()

template<typename TCoordType >
void itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::SetBoundary ( PointType  vorsize)

The boundary that encloses the whole Voronoi diagram.

◆ SetOrigin()

template<typename TCoordType >
void itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::SetOrigin ( PointType  vorsize)

◆ SetSeeds()

template<typename TCoordType >
void itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::SetSeeds ( int  num,
SeedsIterator  begin 

Input the seeds information, will overwrite if seeds already exists.

◆ VertexBegin()

template<typename TCoordType >
VertexIterator itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::VertexBegin ( )

Iterators for all the vertices of the voronoi diagram.

◆ VertexEnd()

template<typename TCoordType >
VertexIterator itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::VertexEnd ( )

◆ VertexListClear()

template<typename TCoordType >
void itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::VertexListClear ( )

Definition at line 236 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

References New().

◆ VertexListSize()

template<typename TCoordType >
int itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::VertexListSize ( )

Definition at line 259 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ VoronoiRegionAddPointId()

template<typename TCoordType >
void itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::VoronoiRegionAddPointId ( int  id,
int  x 

Definition at line 212 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_CellNeighborsID

template<typename TCoordType >
std::vector<std::vector<int> > itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::m_CellNeighborsID {}

Definition at line 328 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ m_EdgeList

template<typename TCoordType >
std::vector<VoronoiEdge> itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::m_EdgeList {}

Definition at line 331 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ m_LineList

template<typename TCoordType >
std::vector<EdgeInfo> itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::m_LineList {}

Definition at line 330 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ m_NumberOfSeeds

template<typename TCoordType >
unsigned int itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::m_NumberOfSeeds {}

Definition at line 324 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ m_Seeds

template<typename TCoordType >
SeedsType itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::m_Seeds {}

Definition at line 323 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ m_VoronoiBoundary

template<typename TCoordType >
PointType itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::m_VoronoiBoundary {}

Definition at line 326 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ m_VoronoiBoundaryOrigin

template<typename TCoordType >
PointType itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::m_VoronoiBoundaryOrigin {}

Definition at line 327 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ m_VoronoiRegions

template<typename TCoordType >
std::vector<PolygonCellType *> itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::m_VoronoiRegions {}

Definition at line 325 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ MaxTopologicalDimension

template<typename TCoordType >
constexpr unsigned int itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::MaxTopologicalDimension = MeshTraits::MaxTopologicalDimension

Definition at line 74 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

◆ PointDimension

template<typename TCoordType >
constexpr unsigned int itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >::PointDimension = MeshTraits::PointDimension

Dimensions of the points and topology.

Definition at line 73 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.

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