Abstract superclass defines video IO interface.
VideoIOBase is a class that reads and/or writes video data using a particular external technique or external library (OpenCV, vxl). The VideoIOBase encapsulates both the reading and writing of data. The VideoIOBase is used by the VideoFileReader class (to read data) and the VideoFileWriter (to write data). Normally the user does not directly manipulate this class directly.
A Pluggable factory pattern is used. This allows different kinds of readers to be registered (even at run time) without having to modify the code in this class.
- See also
- VideoFileWriter
Definition at line 70 of file itkVideoIOBase.h.
virtual bool | CanReadCamera (CameraIDType cameraID) const =0 |
virtual void | FinishReadingOrWriting ()=0 |
const char * | GetNameOfClass () const override |
ReadFromEnum | GetReadFrom () |
virtual bool | SetNextFrameToRead (FrameOffsetType frameNumber)=0 |
virtual void | SetReadFromCamera ()=0 |
virtual void | SetReadFromFile ()=0 |
virtual void | SetWriterParameters (TemporalRatioType framesPerSecond, const std::vector< SizeValueType > &dim, const char *fourCC, unsigned int nChannels, IOComponentEnum componentType)=0 |
virtual TemporalOffsetType | GetPositionInMSec () const =0 |
virtual TemporalRatioType | GetRatio () const =0 |
virtual FrameOffsetType | GetFrameTotal () const =0 |
virtual TemporalRatioType | GetFramesPerSecond () const =0 |
virtual FrameOffsetType | GetCurrentFrame () const =0 |
virtual FrameOffsetType | GetLastIFrame () const =0 |
virtual bool | CanReadFile (const char *)=0 |
virtual bool | CanStreamRead () |
virtual bool | CanStreamWrite () |
virtual bool | CanWriteFile (const char *)=0 |
virtual ImageIORegion | GenerateStreamableReadRegionFromRequestedRegion (const ImageIORegion &requested) const |
virtual unsigned int | GetActualNumberOfSplitsForWriting (unsigned int numberOfRequestedSplits, const ImageIORegion &pasteRegion, const ImageIORegion &largestPossibleRegion) |
std::string | GetByteOrderAsString (IOByteOrderEnum) const |
virtual unsigned int | GetComponentSize () const |
virtual IOComponentEnum | GetComponentType () const |
virtual const std::type_info & | GetComponentTypeInfo () const |
virtual int | GetCompressionLevel () const |
virtual const std::string & | GetCompressor () const |
virtual std::vector< double > | GetDefaultDirection (unsigned int k) const |
virtual SizeValueType | GetDimensions (unsigned int i) const |
virtual std::vector< double > | GetDirection (unsigned int i) const |
std::string | GetFileTypeAsString (IOFileEnum) const |
SizeType | GetImageSizeInBytes () const |
SizeType | GetImageSizeInComponents () const |
SizeType | GetImageSizeInPixels () const |
virtual bool | GetIsReadAsScalarPlusPalette () const |
virtual unsigned int | GetNumberOfDimensions () const |
virtual double | GetOrigin (unsigned int i) const |
virtual SizeType | GetPixelStride () const |
virtual double | GetSpacing (unsigned int i) const |
virtual ImageIORegion | GetSplitRegionForWriting (unsigned int ithPiece, unsigned int numberOfActualSplits, const ImageIORegion &pasteRegion, const ImageIORegion &largestPossibleRegion) |
const ArrayOfExtensionsType & | GetSupportedReadExtensions () const |
const ArrayOfExtensionsType & | GetSupportedWriteExtensions () const |
virtual void | Read (void *buffer)=0 |
virtual void | ReadImageInformation ()=0 |
void | SetByteOrderToLittleEndian () |
virtual void | SetComponentType (const IOComponentEnum _arg) |
virtual void | SetCompressionLevel (int _arg) |
virtual void | SetCompressor (std::string _c) |
virtual void | SetDirection (unsigned int i, const std::vector< double > &direction) |
virtual void | SetDirection (unsigned int i, const vnl_vector< double > &direction) |
void | SetFileTypeToBinary () |
void | SetNumberOfDimensions (unsigned int) |
virtual void | SetOrigin (unsigned int i, double origin) |
virtual void | SetSpacing (unsigned int i, double spacing) |
template<typename TPixel > |
void | SetTypeInfo (const TPixel *) |
virtual bool | SupportsDimension (unsigned long dim) |
virtual void | Write (const void *buffer)=0 |
virtual void | WriteImageInformation ()=0 |
virtual void | SetFileName (const char *_arg) |
virtual const char * | GetFileName () const |
virtual void | SetDimensions (unsigned int i, SizeValueType dim) |
virtual void | SetIORegion (ImageIORegion _arg) |
virtual const ImageIORegion & | GetIORegion () const |
virtual void | SetPixelType (const itk::CommonEnums::IOPixel _arg) |
virtual itk::CommonEnums::IOPixel | GetPixelType () const |
virtual void | SetNumberOfComponents (unsigned int _arg) |
virtual const unsigned int & | GetNumberOfComponents () const |
virtual void | SetUseCompression (bool _arg) |
virtual bool | GetUseCompression () const |
virtual void | UseCompressionOn () |
virtual void | SetUseStreamedReading (bool _arg) |
virtual bool | GetUseStreamedReading () const |
virtual void | UseStreamedReadingOn () |
virtual void | SetUseStreamedWriting (bool _arg) |
virtual bool | GetUseStreamedWriting () const |
virtual void | UseStreamedWritingOn () |
virtual void | SetExpandRGBPalette (bool _arg) |
virtual bool | GetExpandRGBPalette () const |
virtual void | ExpandRGBPaletteOn () |
virtual void | SetWritePalette (bool _arg) |
virtual bool | GetWritePalette () const |
virtual void | WritePaletteOn () |
virtual void | SetFileType (const IOFileEnum _arg) |
virtual IOFileEnum | GetFileType () const |
void | SetFileTypeToASCII () |
virtual void | SetByteOrder (const IOByteOrderEnum _arg) |
virtual IOByteOrderEnum | GetByteOrder () const |
void | SetByteOrderToBigEndian () |
template<typename TPixel > |
void | SetPixelTypeInfo (const TPixel *) |
template<typename TPixel > |
void | SetPixelTypeInfo (const RGBPixel< TPixel > *) |
template<typename TPixel > |
void | SetPixelTypeInfo (const RGBAPixel< TPixel > *) |
template<unsigned int VLength> |
void | SetPixelTypeInfo (const Offset< VLength > *) |
template<typename TPixel , unsigned int VLength> |
void | SetPixelTypeInfo (const Vector< TPixel, VLength > *) |
template<typename TCoordinate , unsigned int VPointDimension> |
void | SetPixelTypeInfo (const Point< TCoordinate, VPointDimension > *) |
template<typename TPixel , unsigned int VLength> |
void | SetPixelTypeInfo (const CovariantVector< TPixel, VLength > *) |
template<typename TPixel , unsigned int VLength> |
void | SetPixelTypeInfo (const SymmetricSecondRankTensor< TPixel, VLength > *) |
template<typename TPixel > |
void | SetPixelTypeInfo (const DiffusionTensor3D< TPixel > *) |
template<typename TPixel > |
void | SetPixelTypeInfo (const std::complex< TPixel > *) |
template<typename TPixel , unsigned int VLength> |
void | SetPixelTypeInfo (const FixedArray< TPixel, VLength > *) |
template<typename TPixel > |
void | SetPixelTypeInfo (const VariableLengthVector< TPixel > *) |
template<typename TValue > |
void | SetPixelTypeInfo (const Array< TValue > *) |
template<typename TPixel , unsigned int VLength> |
void | SetPixelTypeInfo (const Matrix< TPixel, VLength, VLength > *) |
template<typename TValue > |
void | SetPixelTypeInfo (const VariableSizeMatrix< TValue > *) |
virtual void | AbortGenerateDataOn () |
virtual const bool & | GetAbortGenerateData () const |
virtual void | SetAbortGenerateData (bool _arg) |
virtual void | UpdateOutputData () |
void | UpdateProgress (float amount) |
virtual void | SetProgress (float _arg) |
virtual const float & | GetProgress () const |
unsigned long | AddObserver (const EventObject &event, Command *cmd) const |
unsigned long | AddObserver (const EventObject &event, std::function< void(const EventObject &)> function) const |
LightObject::Pointer | CreateAnother () const override |
virtual void | DebugOff () const |
virtual void | DebugOn () const |
Command * | GetCommand (unsigned long tag) |
bool | GetDebug () const |
MetaDataDictionary & | GetMetaDataDictionary () |
const MetaDataDictionary & | GetMetaDataDictionary () const |
virtual ModifiedTimeType | GetMTime () const |
virtual const TimeStamp & | GetTimeStamp () const |
bool | HasObserver (const EventObject &event) const |
void | InvokeEvent (const EventObject &) |
void | InvokeEvent (const EventObject &) const |
virtual void | Modified () const |
void | Register () const override |
void | RemoveAllObservers () |
void | RemoveObserver (unsigned long tag) const |
void | SetDebug (bool debugFlag) const |
void | SetReferenceCount (int) override |
void | UnRegister () const noexcept override |
void | SetMetaDataDictionary (const MetaDataDictionary &rhs) |
void | SetMetaDataDictionary (MetaDataDictionary &&rrhs) |
virtual void | SetObjectName (std::string _arg) |
virtual const std::string & | GetObjectName () const |
Pointer | Clone () const |
virtual void | Delete () |
virtual int | GetReferenceCount () const |
void | Print (std::ostream &os, Indent indent=0) const |
void | PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override |
| VideoIOBase () |
| ~VideoIOBase () override |
void | AddSupportedReadExtension (const char *extension) |
void | AddSupportedWriteExtension (const char *extension) |
void | ComputeStrides () |
virtual unsigned int | GetActualNumberOfSplitsForWritingCanStreamWrite (unsigned int numberOfRequestedSplits, const ImageIORegion &pasteRegion) const |
SizeType | GetComponentStride () const |
virtual const ImageRegionSplitterBase * | GetImageRegionSplitter () const |
virtual unsigned int | GetPixelSize () const |
SizeType | GetRowStride () const |
SizeType | GetSliceStride () const |
virtual ImageIORegion | GetSplitRegionForWritingCanStreamWrite (unsigned int ithPiece, unsigned int numberOfActualSplits, const ImageIORegion &pasteRegion) const |
| ImageIOBase () |
virtual void | InternalSetCompressor (const std::string &_compressor) |
virtual void | OpenFileForReading (std::ifstream &inputStream, const std::string &filename, bool ascii=false) |
virtual void | OpenFileForWriting (std::ofstream &outputStream, const std::string &filename, bool truncate=true, bool ascii=false) |
virtual void | ReadBufferAsASCII (std::istream &is, void *buffer, IOComponentEnum ctype, SizeType numComp) |
bool | ReadBufferAsBinary (std::istream &is, void *buffer, SizeType num) |
virtual void | Reset (const bool freeDynamic=true) |
void | Resize (const unsigned int numDimensions, const unsigned int *dimensions) |
void | SetSupportedReadExtensions (const ArrayOfExtensionsType &) |
void | SetSupportedWriteExtensions (const ArrayOfExtensionsType &) |
virtual void | WriteBufferAsASCII (std::ostream &os, const void *buffer, IOComponentEnum ctype, SizeType numComp) |
| ~ImageIOBase () override |
virtual bool | HasSupportedReadExtension (const char *fileName, bool ignoreCase=true) |
virtual bool | HasSupportedWriteExtension (const char *fileName, bool ignoreCase=true) |
virtual void | SetMaximumCompressionLevel (int) |
virtual int | GetMaximumCompressionLevel () const |
virtual void | GenerateData () |
| LightProcessObject () |
| ~LightProcessObject () override |
| Object () |
bool | PrintObservers (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const |
virtual void | SetTimeStamp (const TimeStamp &timeStamp) |
| ~Object () override |
virtual LightObject::Pointer | InternalClone () const |
| LightObject () |
virtual void | PrintHeader (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const |
virtual void | PrintTrailer (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const |
virtual | ~LightObject () |