ITK  6.0.0
Insight Toolkit
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itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage > Class Template Reference

#include <itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h>

Detailed Description

template<typename TInputImage>
class itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >

Computes a list of PolyLineParametricPath objects from the contours in a 2D image.

Uses the "marching squares" method to compute a the iso-valued contours of the input 2D image for a given intensity value. Multiple outputs may be produced because an image can have multiple contours at a given level, so it is advised to call GetNumberOfIndexedOutputs() and GetOutput(n) to retrieve all of the contours. The contour value to be extracted can be set with SetContourValue(). Image intensities will be linearly interpolated to provide sub-pixel resolution for the output contours.

The marching squares algorithm is a special case of the marching cubes algorithm (Lorensen, William and Harvey E. Cline. Marching Cubes: A High Resolution 3D Surface Construction Algorithm. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH 87 Proceedings) 21(4) July 1987, p. 163-170). A simple explanation is available here:

There is an ambiguous case in the marching squares algorithm: if a given 2x2-pixel square has two high-valued and two low-valued pixels, each pair diagonally adjacent. (Note that high-valued and low-valued are with respect to the contour value sought when LabelContours is false. When LabelContours is true, high-valued means the label being traced and low-valued means any other label.) In this case, the default behavior is that the low-valued pixels are connected into the same contour via an isthmus that separates the high-valued pixels into separate contours. To reverse this, call VertexConnectHighPixelsOn(). Note that when LabelContours is true, the default behavior will leave all four pixels in separate contours. In this case, VertexConnectHighPixels equal to true can instead create contours that are crossing barbells.

Outputs are not guaranteed to be closed paths: contours which intersect the image edge will be left open. All other paths will be closed. (The closedness of a path can be tested by checking whether the beginning point is the same as the end point.)

Produced paths are oriented. Following the path from beginning to end, image intensity values lower than the contour value are to the left of the path and intensity values greater than the contour value are to the right. In other words, the image gradient at a path segment is (approximately) in the direct of that segment rotated right by 90 degrees, because the image intensity values increase from left-to-right across the segment. This means that the generated contours will circle clockwise around "hills" of above-contour-value intensity, and counter-clockwise around "depressions" of below-contour-value intensity. This convention can be reversed by calling ReverseContourOrientationOn().

By default values are interpreted as intensities relative to a contour value. First calling LabelContoursOn() changes this behavior to instead interpret each value as a label. Boundaries are computed for each label separately and all are returned. The value of LabelContours affects the interpretation of VertexConnectHighPixels; see above.

By default the input image's largest possible region will be processed; call SetRequestedRegion() to process a different region, or ClearRequestedRegion() to revert to the default value. Note that the requested regions are usually set on the output; however since paths have no notion of a "region", this must be set at the filter level.

This class was contributed to the Insight Journal by Zachary Pincus.

See also
ITK Sphinx Examples:

Definition at line 108 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

+ Inheritance diagram for itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >:
+ Collaboration diagram for itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >:


struct  ContourData
class  ContourType
struct  VertexHash

Public Types

using ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self >
using InputImagePointer = typename InputImageType::Pointer
using InputImageType = TInputImage
using InputIndexType = typename InputImageType::IndexType
using InputOffsetType = typename InputImageType::OffsetType
using InputPixelType = typename InputImageType::PixelType
using InputRealType = typename NumericTraits< InputPixelType >::RealType
using InputRegionType = typename InputImageType::RegionType
using InputSizeType = typename InputImageType::SizeType
using OutputPathPointer = typename OutputPathType::Pointer
using OutputPathType = PolyLineParametricPath< 2 >
using Pointer = SmartPointer< Self >
using RegionConstIterator = ImageRegionConstIterator< InputImageType >
using RegionConstRange = ImageRegionRange< const InputImageType >
using RegionIndexRange = ImageRegionIndexRange< InputImageType::ImageDimension >
using RegionIterator = ImageRegionIterator< InputImageType >
using RegionRange = ImageRegionRange< InputImageType >
using Self = ContourExtractor2DImageFilter
using Superclass = ImageToPathFilter< InputImageType, OutputPathType >
using VertexListConstPointer = typename VertexListType::ConstPointer
using VertexListType = typename OutputPathType::VertexListType
using VertexType = typename OutputPathType::VertexType
using VertexValueType = typename VertexType::ValueType
- Public Types inherited from itk::ImageToPathFilter< TInputImage, PolyLineParametricPath< 2 > >
using ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self >
using InputImageConstPointer = typename InputImageType::ConstPointer
using InputImagePixelType = typename InputImageType::PixelType
using InputImagePointer = typename InputImageType::Pointer
using InputImageRegionType = typename InputImageType::RegionType
using InputImageType = TInputImage
using Pointer = SmartPointer< Self >
using Self = ImageToPathFilter
using Superclass = PathSource< PolyLineParametricPath< 2 > >
- Public Types inherited from itk::PathSource< PolyLineParametricPath< 2 > >
using ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self >
using DataObjectPointer = DataObject::Pointer
using OutputPathIndexType = typename OutputPathType::IndexType
using OutputPathInputType = typename OutputPathType::InputType
using OutputPathOffsetType = typename OutputPathType::OffsetType
using OutputPathOutputType = typename OutputPathType::OutputType
using OutputPathPointer = typename OutputPathType::Pointer
using OutputPathType = PolyLineParametricPath< 2 >
using Pointer = SmartPointer< Self >
using Self = PathSource
using Superclass = ProcessObject
using DataObjectPointerArraySizeType = ProcessObject::DataObjectPointerArraySizeType
- Public Types inherited from itk::ProcessObject
using ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self >
using DataObjectIdentifierType = DataObject::DataObjectIdentifierType
using DataObjectPointer = DataObject::Pointer
using DataObjectPointerArray = std::vector< DataObjectPointer >
using DataObjectPointerArraySizeType = DataObjectPointerArray::size_type
using MultiThreaderType = MultiThreaderBase
using NameArray = std::vector< DataObjectIdentifierType >
using Pointer = SmartPointer< Self >
using Self = ProcessObject
using Superclass = Object
- Public Types inherited from itk::Object
using ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self >
using Pointer = SmartPointer< Self >
using Self = Object
using Superclass = LightObject
- Public Types inherited from itk::LightObject
using ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self >
using Pointer = SmartPointer< Self >
using Self = LightObject

Public Member Functions

void ClearRequestedRegion ()
const char * GetNameOfClass () const override
virtual const InputRegionTypeGetRequestedRegion () const
void SetRequestedRegion (const InputRegionType region)
virtual void SetReverseContourOrientation (bool _arg)
virtual const bool & GetReverseContourOrientation () const
virtual void ReverseContourOrientationOn ()
virtual void SetVertexConnectHighPixels (bool _arg)
virtual const bool & GetVertexConnectHighPixels () const
virtual void VertexConnectHighPixelsOn ()
virtual void SetLabelContours (bool _arg)
virtual const bool & GetLabelContours () const
virtual void LabelContoursOn ()
virtual void SetContourValue (InputRealType _arg)
virtual const InputRealTypeGetContourValue () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::ImageToPathFilter< TInputImage, PolyLineParametricPath< 2 > >
const InputImageTypeGetInput ()
const InputImageTypeGetInput (unsigned int idx)
const char * GetNameOfClass () const override
virtual void SetInput (const InputImageType *input)
virtual void SetInput (unsigned int, const TInputImage *image)
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::PathSource< PolyLineParametricPath< 2 > >
const char * GetNameOfClass () const override
OutputPathTypeGetOutput (unsigned int idx)
virtual void GraftNthOutput (unsigned int idx, OutputPathType *graft)
virtual void GraftOutput (OutputPathType *graft)
OutputPathTypeGetOutput ()
DataObjectPointer MakeOutput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::ProcessObject
virtual void AbortGenerateDataOn ()
virtual void EnlargeOutputRequestedRegion (DataObject *)
virtual const bool & GetAbortGenerateData () const
DataObjectPointerArray GetIndexedInputs ()
DataObjectPointerArray GetIndexedOutputs ()
NameArray GetInputNames () const
DataObjectPointerArray GetInputs ()
MultiThreaderTypeGetMultiThreader () const
DataObjectPointerArraySizeType GetNumberOfIndexedInputs () const
DataObjectPointerArraySizeType GetNumberOfIndexedOutputs () const
DataObjectPointerArraySizeType GetNumberOfInputs () const
DataObjectPointerArraySizeType GetNumberOfOutputs () const
virtual DataObjectPointerArraySizeType GetNumberOfValidRequiredInputs () const
NameArray GetOutputNames () const
DataObjectPointerArray GetOutputs ()
virtual float GetProgress () const
NameArray GetRequiredInputNames () const
bool HasInput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) const
bool HasOutput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) const
void IncrementProgress (float increment)
virtual DataObjectPointer MakeOutput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &)
virtual void PrepareOutputs ()
virtual void PropagateRequestedRegion (DataObject *output)
virtual void ResetPipeline ()
virtual void SetAbortGenerateData (bool _arg)
void SetMultiThreader (MultiThreaderType *threader)
virtual void Update ()
virtual void UpdateLargestPossibleRegion ()
virtual void UpdateOutputData (DataObject *output)
virtual void UpdateOutputInformation ()
void UpdateProgress (float progress)
virtual void SetReleaseDataFlag (bool val)
virtual bool GetReleaseDataFlag () const
void ReleaseDataFlagOn ()
void ReleaseDataFlagOff ()
virtual void SetReleaseDataBeforeUpdateFlag (bool _arg)
virtual const bool & GetReleaseDataBeforeUpdateFlag () const
virtual void ReleaseDataBeforeUpdateFlagOn ()
virtual void SetNumberOfWorkUnits (ThreadIdType _arg)
virtual const ThreadIdTypeGetNumberOfWorkUnits () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::Object
unsigned long AddObserver (const EventObject &event, Command *cmd) const
unsigned long AddObserver (const EventObject &event, std::function< void(const EventObject &)> function) const
LightObject::Pointer CreateAnother () const override
virtual void DebugOff () const
virtual void DebugOn () const
CommandGetCommand (unsigned long tag)
bool GetDebug () const
MetaDataDictionaryGetMetaDataDictionary ()
const MetaDataDictionaryGetMetaDataDictionary () const
virtual ModifiedTimeType GetMTime () const
virtual const TimeStampGetTimeStamp () const
bool HasObserver (const EventObject &event) const
void InvokeEvent (const EventObject &)
void InvokeEvent (const EventObject &) const
virtual void Modified () const
void Register () const override
void RemoveAllObservers ()
void RemoveObserver (unsigned long tag) const
void SetDebug (bool debugFlag) const
void SetReferenceCount (int) override
void UnRegister () const noexcept override
void SetMetaDataDictionary (const MetaDataDictionary &rhs)
void SetMetaDataDictionary (MetaDataDictionary &&rrhs)
virtual void SetObjectName (std::string _arg)
virtual const std::string & GetObjectName () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::LightObject
Pointer Clone () const
virtual void Delete ()
virtual int GetReferenceCount () const
void Print (std::ostream &os, Indent indent=0) const

Static Public Member Functions

static Pointer New ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from itk::PathSource< PolyLineParametricPath< 2 > >
static Pointer New ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from itk::Object
static bool GetGlobalWarningDisplay ()
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOff ()
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOn ()
static Pointer New ()
static void SetGlobalWarningDisplay (bool val)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from itk::LightObject
static void BreakOnError ()
static Pointer New ()

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr unsigned int InputImageDimension { TInputImage::ImageDimension }
- Static Public Attributes inherited from itk::ImageToPathFilter< TInputImage, PolyLineParametricPath< 2 > >
static constexpr unsigned int InputImageDimension

Protected Member Functions

 ContourExtractor2DImageFilter ()
void GenerateData () override
void GenerateInputRequestedRegion () override
void PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override
 ~ContourExtractor2DImageFilter () override=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::ImageToPathFilter< TInputImage, PolyLineParametricPath< 2 > >
 ImageToPathFilter ()
void PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override
 ~ImageToPathFilter () override=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::PathSource< PolyLineParametricPath< 2 > >
 PathSource ()
void PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override
 ~PathSource () override=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::ProcessObject
virtual void AddInput (DataObject *input)
void AddOptionalInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &)
void AddOptionalInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &, DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx)
virtual void AddOutput (DataObject *output)
bool AddRequiredInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &)
bool AddRequiredInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &, DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx)
virtual void CacheInputReleaseDataFlags ()
virtual void GenerateOutputInformation ()
virtual void GenerateOutputRequestedRegion (DataObject *output)
DataObjectGetInput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key)
const DataObjectGetInput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) const
virtual const DataObjectPointerArraySizeTypeGetNumberOfRequiredInputs () const
virtual const DataObjectPointerArraySizeTypeGetNumberOfRequiredOutputs () const
bool IsIndexedInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &) const
bool IsIndexedOutputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &) const
bool IsRequiredInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &) const
DataObjectPointerArraySizeType MakeIndexFromInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &name) const
DataObjectPointerArraySizeType MakeIndexFromOutputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &name) const
DataObjectIdentifierType MakeNameFromInputIndex (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) const
DataObjectIdentifierType MakeNameFromOutputIndex (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) const
virtual void PopBackInput ()
virtual void PopFrontInput ()
 ProcessObject ()
virtual void PropagateResetPipeline ()
virtual void PushBackInput (const DataObject *input)
virtual void PushFrontInput (const DataObject *input)
virtual void ReleaseInputs ()
virtual void RemoveInput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key)
virtual void RemoveInput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType)
virtual void RemoveOutput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key)
virtual void RemoveOutput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx)
bool RemoveRequiredInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &)
virtual void RestoreInputReleaseDataFlags ()
virtual void SetInput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key, DataObject *input)
virtual void SetNthInput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx, DataObject *input)
virtual void SetNthOutput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx, DataObject *output)
void SetNumberOfIndexedInputs (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType num)
void SetNumberOfIndexedOutputs (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType num)
virtual void SetNumberOfRequiredInputs (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType)
virtual void SetNumberOfRequiredOutputs (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType _arg)
virtual void SetOutput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &name, DataObject *output)
virtual void SetPrimaryInput (DataObject *object)
virtual void SetPrimaryOutput (DataObject *object)
void SetRequiredInputNames (const NameArray &)
virtual void VerifyInputInformation () const
virtual void VerifyPreconditions () const
 ~ProcessObject () override
DataObjectGetInput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx)
const DataObjectGetInput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) const
DataObjectGetPrimaryInput ()
const DataObjectGetPrimaryInput () const
virtual void SetPrimaryInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key)
virtual const char * GetPrimaryInputName () const
DataObjectGetOutput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key)
const DataObjectGetOutput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) const
virtual void SetPrimaryOutputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key)
virtual const char * GetPrimaryOutputName () const
DataObjectGetOutput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType i)
const DataObjectGetOutput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType i) const
DataObjectGetPrimaryOutput ()
const DataObjectGetPrimaryOutput () const
virtual bool GetThreaderUpdateProgress () const
virtual void ThreaderUpdateProgressOn ()
virtual void SetThreaderUpdateProgress (bool arg)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::Object
 Object ()
bool PrintObservers (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const
virtual void SetTimeStamp (const TimeStamp &timeStamp)
 ~Object () override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::LightObject
virtual LightObject::Pointer InternalClone () const
 LightObject ()
virtual void PrintHeader (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const
virtual void PrintTrailer (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const
virtual ~LightObject ()

Private Types

using ContourConstIterator = typename ContourType::const_iterator
using ContourContainerConstIterator = typename ContourContainerType::const_iterator
using ContourContainerIterator = typename ContourContainerType::iterator
using ContourContainerType = std::list< ContourType >
using LabelsConstIterator = typename LabelsContainer::const_iterator
using LabelsContainer = std::vector< InputPixelType >
using LabelsIterator = typename LabelsContainer::iterator
using VertexToContourContainerIteratorMap = std::unordered_map< VertexType, ContourContainerIterator, VertexHash >
using VertexToContourContainerIteratorMapConstIterator = typename VertexToContourContainerIteratorMap::const_iterator
using VertexToContourContainerIteratorMapIterator = typename VertexToContourContainerIteratorMap::iterator
using VertexToContourContainerIteratorMapKeyValuePair = typename VertexToContourContainerIteratorMap::value_type

Private Member Functions

void AddSegment (const VertexType from, const VertexType to, ContourData &contourData)
void CreateSingleContour (InputPixelType label, const InputImageType *input, const InputRegionType extendedRegion, SizeValueType totalNumberOfPixels, ContourContainerType &contoursOutput)
void FillOutputs (const std::vector< InputPixelType > &allLabels, std::unordered_map< InputPixelType, ContourContainerType > &labelsContoursOutput)
void GenerateDataForLabels ()
VertexType InterpolateContourPosition (InputPixelType fromValue, InputPixelType toValue, InputIndexType fromIndex, InputOffsetType toOffset)

Private Attributes

InputRealType m_ContourValue {}
bool m_LabelContours {}
InputRegionType m_RequestedRegion {}
bool m_ReverseContourOrientation {}
InputPixelType m_UnusedLabel {}
bool m_UseCustomRegion {}
bool m_VertexConnectHighPixels {}

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::ProcessObject
template<typename TSourceObject >
static void MakeRequiredOutputs (TSourceObject &sourceObject, const DataObjectPointerArraySizeType numberOfRequiredOutputs)
static constexpr float progressFixedToFloat (uint32_t fixed)
static uint32_t progressFloatToFixed (float f)
- Protected Attributes inherited from itk::ProcessObject
TimeStamp m_OutputInformationMTime {}
bool m_Updating {}
- Protected Attributes inherited from itk::LightObject
std::atomic< int > m_ReferenceCount {}

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ConstPointer

template<typename TInputImage >
using itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::ConstPointer = SmartPointer<const Self>

Definition at line 125 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

◆ ContourConstIterator

template<typename TInputImage >
using itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::ContourConstIterator = typename ContourType::const_iterator

Definition at line 252 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

◆ ContourContainerConstIterator

template<typename TInputImage >
using itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::ContourContainerConstIterator = typename ContourContainerType::const_iterator

Definition at line 255 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

◆ ContourContainerIterator

template<typename TInputImage >
using itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::ContourContainerIterator = typename ContourContainerType::iterator

Definition at line 254 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

◆ ContourContainerType

template<typename TInputImage >
using itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::ContourContainerType = std::list<ContourType>

Definition at line 253 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

◆ InputImagePointer

template<typename TInputImage >
using itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::InputImagePointer = typename InputImageType::Pointer

Image and path type alias support

Definition at line 134 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

◆ InputImageType

template<typename TInputImage >
using itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::InputImageType = TInputImage

Convenient type alias for simplifying declarations.

Definition at line 118 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

◆ InputIndexType

template<typename TInputImage >
using itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::InputIndexType = typename InputImageType::IndexType

Definition at line 135 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

◆ InputOffsetType

template<typename TInputImage >
using itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::InputOffsetType = typename InputImageType::OffsetType

Definition at line 137 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

◆ InputPixelType

template<typename TInputImage >
using itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::InputPixelType = typename InputImageType::PixelType

Definition at line 138 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

◆ InputRealType

template<typename TInputImage >
using itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::InputRealType = typename NumericTraits<InputPixelType>::RealType

Real type associated to the input pixel type.

Definition at line 147 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

◆ InputRegionType

template<typename TInputImage >
using itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::InputRegionType = typename InputImageType::RegionType

Definition at line 139 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

◆ InputSizeType

template<typename TInputImage >
using itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::InputSizeType = typename InputImageType::SizeType

Definition at line 136 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

◆ LabelsConstIterator

template<typename TInputImage >
using itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::LabelsConstIterator = typename LabelsContainer::const_iterator

Definition at line 218 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

◆ LabelsContainer

template<typename TInputImage >
using itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::LabelsContainer = std::vector<InputPixelType>

Definition at line 217 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

◆ LabelsIterator

template<typename TInputImage >
using itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::LabelsIterator = typename LabelsContainer::iterator

Definition at line 219 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

◆ OutputPathPointer

template<typename TInputImage >
using itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::OutputPathPointer = typename OutputPathType::Pointer

Definition at line 140 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

◆ OutputPathType

template<typename TInputImage >
using itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::OutputPathType = PolyLineParametricPath<2>

Definition at line 119 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

◆ Pointer

template<typename TInputImage >
using itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::Pointer = SmartPointer<Self>

Definition at line 124 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

◆ RegionConstIterator

template<typename TInputImage >
using itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::RegionConstIterator = ImageRegionConstIterator<InputImageType>

Definition at line 154 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

◆ RegionConstRange

template<typename TInputImage >
using itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::RegionConstRange = ImageRegionRange<const InputImageType>

Definition at line 152 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

◆ RegionIndexRange

template<typename TInputImage >
using itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::RegionIndexRange = ImageRegionIndexRange<InputImageType::ImageDimension>

Ranges and iterators for regions

Definition at line 150 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

◆ RegionIterator

template<typename TInputImage >
using itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::RegionIterator = ImageRegionIterator<InputImageType>

Definition at line 153 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

◆ RegionRange

template<typename TInputImage >
using itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::RegionRange = ImageRegionRange<InputImageType>

Definition at line 151 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

◆ Self

template<typename TInputImage >
using itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::Self = ContourExtractor2DImageFilter

Standard class type aliases.

Definition at line 122 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

◆ Superclass

template<typename TInputImage >
using itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::Superclass = ImageToPathFilter<InputImageType, OutputPathType>

Definition at line 123 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

◆ VertexListConstPointer

template<typename TInputImage >
using itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::VertexListConstPointer = typename VertexListType::ConstPointer

Definition at line 142 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

◆ VertexListType

template<typename TInputImage >
using itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::VertexListType = typename OutputPathType::VertexListType

Definition at line 141 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

◆ VertexToContourContainerIteratorMap

template<typename TInputImage >
using itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::VertexToContourContainerIteratorMap = std::unordered_map<VertexType, ContourContainerIterator, VertexHash>

Definition at line 278 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

◆ VertexToContourContainerIteratorMapConstIterator

template<typename TInputImage >
using itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::VertexToContourContainerIteratorMapConstIterator = typename VertexToContourContainerIteratorMap::const_iterator

Definition at line 280 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

◆ VertexToContourContainerIteratorMapIterator

template<typename TInputImage >
using itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::VertexToContourContainerIteratorMapIterator = typename VertexToContourContainerIteratorMap::iterator

Definition at line 279 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

◆ VertexToContourContainerIteratorMapKeyValuePair

template<typename TInputImage >
using itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::VertexToContourContainerIteratorMapKeyValuePair = typename VertexToContourContainerIteratorMap::value_type

Definition at line 281 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

◆ VertexType

template<typename TInputImage >
using itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::VertexType = typename OutputPathType::VertexType

Definition at line 143 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

◆ VertexValueType

template<typename TInputImage >
using itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::VertexValueType = typename VertexType::ValueType

Definition at line 144 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ContourExtractor2DImageFilter()

template<typename TInputImage >
itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter ( )

◆ ~ContourExtractor2DImageFilter()

template<typename TInputImage >
itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::~ContourExtractor2DImageFilter ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddSegment()

template<typename TInputImage >
void itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::AddSegment ( const VertexType  from,
const VertexType  to,
ContourData contourData 

◆ ClearRequestedRegion()

template<typename TInputImage >
void itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::ClearRequestedRegion ( )

◆ CreateSingleContour()

template<typename TInputImage >
void itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::CreateSingleContour ( InputPixelType  label,
const InputImageType input,
const InputRegionType  extendedRegion,
SizeValueType  totalNumberOfPixels,
ContourContainerType contoursOutput 

◆ FillOutputs()

template<typename TInputImage >
void itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::FillOutputs ( const std::vector< InputPixelType > &  allLabels,
std::unordered_map< InputPixelType, ContourContainerType > &  labelsContoursOutput 

◆ GenerateData()

template<typename TInputImage >
void itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::GenerateData ( )

This method causes the filter to generate its output.

Reimplemented from itk::ProcessObject.

◆ GenerateDataForLabels()

template<typename TInputImage >
void itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::GenerateDataForLabels ( )

◆ GenerateInputRequestedRegion()

template<typename TInputImage >
void itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::GenerateInputRequestedRegion ( )

ContourExtractor2DImageFilter manually controls the input requested region via SetRequestedRegion and ClearRequestedRegion, so it must override the superclass method.

Reimplemented from itk::ProcessObject.

◆ GetContourValue()

template<typename TInputImage >
virtual const InputRealType& itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::GetContourValue ( ) const

Set/Get the image intensity value that the contours should follow. This is the equivalent of an iso-value in Marching Squares.

◆ GetLabelContours()

template<typename TInputImage >
virtual const bool& itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::GetLabelContours ( ) const

Return contours for all distinct labels

◆ GetNameOfClass()

template<typename TInputImage >
const char* itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::GetNameOfClass ( ) const

◆ GetRequestedRegion()

template<typename TInputImage >
virtual const InputRegionType& itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::GetRequestedRegion ( ) const

◆ GetReverseContourOrientation()

template<typename TInputImage >
virtual const bool& itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::GetReverseContourOrientation ( ) const

Control the orientation of the contours with reference to the image gradient. (See class documentation.)

◆ GetVertexConnectHighPixels()

template<typename TInputImage >
virtual const bool& itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::GetVertexConnectHighPixels ( ) const

Control whether high- or low-valued pixels are vertex-connected. Default is for low-valued pixels to be vertex-connected. (See class documentation.)

◆ InterpolateContourPosition()

template<typename TInputImage >
VertexType itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::InterpolateContourPosition ( InputPixelType  fromValue,
InputPixelType  toValue,
InputIndexType  fromIndex,
InputOffsetType  toOffset 

◆ LabelContoursOn()

template<typename TInputImage >
virtual void itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::LabelContoursOn ( )

Return contours for all distinct labels

◆ New()

template<typename TInputImage >
static Pointer itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::New ( )

Method for creation through the object factory.

◆ PrintSelf()

template<typename TInputImage >
void itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::PrintSelf ( std::ostream &  os,
Indent  indent 
) const

Methods invoked by Print() to print information about the object including superclasses. Typically not called by the user (use Print() instead) but used in the hierarchical print process to combine the output of several classes.

Reimplemented from itk::ProcessObject.

◆ ReverseContourOrientationOn()

template<typename TInputImage >
virtual void itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::ReverseContourOrientationOn ( )

Control the orientation of the contours with reference to the image gradient. (See class documentation.)

◆ SetContourValue()

template<typename TInputImage >
virtual void itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::SetContourValue ( InputRealType  _arg)

Set/Get the image intensity value that the contours should follow. This is the equivalent of an iso-value in Marching Squares.

◆ SetLabelContours()

template<typename TInputImage >
virtual void itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::SetLabelContours ( bool  _arg)

Return contours for all distinct labels

◆ SetRequestedRegion()

template<typename TInputImage >
void itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::SetRequestedRegion ( const InputRegionType  region)

Control whether the largest possible input region is used, or if a custom requested region is to be used.

◆ SetReverseContourOrientation()

template<typename TInputImage >
virtual void itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::SetReverseContourOrientation ( bool  _arg)

Control the orientation of the contours with reference to the image gradient. (See class documentation.)

◆ SetVertexConnectHighPixels()

template<typename TInputImage >
virtual void itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::SetVertexConnectHighPixels ( bool  _arg)

Control whether high- or low-valued pixels are vertex-connected. Default is for low-valued pixels to be vertex-connected. (See class documentation.)

◆ VertexConnectHighPixelsOn()

template<typename TInputImage >
virtual void itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::VertexConnectHighPixelsOn ( )

Control whether high- or low-valued pixels are vertex-connected. Default is for low-valued pixels to be vertex-connected. (See class documentation.)

Member Data Documentation

◆ InputImageDimension

template<typename TInputImage >
constexpr unsigned int itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::InputImageDimension { TInputImage::ImageDimension }

Extract dimension from input and output image.

Definition at line 115 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

◆ m_ContourValue

template<typename TInputImage >
InputRealType itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::m_ContourValue {}

Definition at line 221 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

◆ m_LabelContours

template<typename TInputImage >
bool itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::m_LabelContours {}

Definition at line 224 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

◆ m_RequestedRegion

template<typename TInputImage >
InputRegionType itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::m_RequestedRegion {}

Definition at line 226 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

◆ m_ReverseContourOrientation

template<typename TInputImage >
bool itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::m_ReverseContourOrientation {}

Definition at line 222 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

◆ m_UnusedLabel

template<typename TInputImage >
InputPixelType itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::m_UnusedLabel {}

Definition at line 317 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

◆ m_UseCustomRegion

template<typename TInputImage >
bool itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::m_UseCustomRegion {}

Definition at line 225 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

◆ m_VertexConnectHighPixels

template<typename TInputImage >
bool itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::m_VertexConnectHighPixels {}

Definition at line 223 of file itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: