template<typename TParametersValueType, unsigned int VDimension>
class itk::TimeVaryingVelocityFieldTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension >
Transform objects based on integration of a time-varying velocity field.
Diffeomorphisms are topology-preserving mappings that are useful for describing biologically plausible deformations. Mathematically, a diffeomorphism, \(\phi\), is generated from a time-varying velocity field, v, as described by the first-order differential equation:
\[ v(\phi(x,t), t) = \frac{d\phi(x, t)}{dt}, \phi(x, 0) = x \]
In this class, the input is the time-varying velocity field. The output diffeomorphism is produced using fourth order Runge-Kutta.
- Warning
- The output deformation field needs to have dimensionality of 1 less than the input time-varying velocity field. It is assumed that the last dimension of the time-varying velocity field corresponds to Time, and the other dimensions represent Space.
- Author
- Nick Tustison
Brian Avants
Definition at line 54 of file itkTimeVaryingVelocityFieldTransform.h.
using | ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self > |
using | FixedParametersValueType = typename FixedParametersType::ValueType |
using | ParametersValueType = typename ParametersType::ValueType |
using | Pointer = SmartPointer< Self > |
using | Self = TimeVaryingVelocityFieldTransform |
using | Superclass = VelocityFieldTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension > |
using | TimeVaryingVelocityFieldPointer = typename VelocityFieldType::Pointer |
using | TimeVaryingVelocityFieldType = VelocityFieldType |
using | TransformPointer = typename Transform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VDimension >::Pointer |
using | VelocityFieldIntegratorType = typename Superclass::VelocityFieldInterpolatorType |
using | ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self > |
using | DirectionType = typename VelocityFieldType::DirectionType |
using | DisplacementFieldPointer = typename DisplacementFieldType::Pointer |
using | IndexType = typename VelocityFieldType::IndexType |
using | OptimizerParametersHelperType = ImageVectorOptimizerParametersHelper< ScalarType, Dimension, VelocityFieldDimension > |
using | PixelType = typename VelocityFieldType::PixelType |
using | Pointer = SmartPointer< Self > |
using | PointType = typename VelocityFieldType::PointType |
using | RegionType = typename VelocityFieldType::RegionType |
using | Self = VelocityFieldTransform |
using | SizeType = typename VelocityFieldType::SizeType |
using | SpacingType = typename VelocityFieldType::SpacingType |
using | Superclass = DisplacementFieldTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension > |
using | VelocityFieldInterpolatorPointer = typename VelocityFieldInterpolatorType::Pointer |
using | VelocityFieldInterpolatorType = VectorInterpolateImageFunction< VelocityFieldType, ScalarType > |
using | VelocityFieldPointer = typename VelocityFieldType::Pointer |
using | VelocityFieldType = Image< OutputVectorType, VelocityFieldDimension > |
using | ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self > |
using | DirectionType = typename DisplacementFieldType::DirectionType |
using | DisplacementFieldConstPointer = typename DisplacementFieldType::ConstPointer |
using | DisplacementFieldPointer = typename DisplacementFieldType::Pointer |
using | DisplacementFieldType = Image< OutputVectorType, Dimension > |
using | IndexType = typename DisplacementFieldType::IndexType |
using | InputTensorEigenVectorType = CovariantVector< ScalarType, InputDiffusionTensor3DType::Dimension > |
using | InterpolatorType = VectorInterpolateImageFunction< DisplacementFieldType, ScalarType > |
using | OptimizerParametersHelperType = ImageVectorOptimizerParametersHelper< ScalarType, OutputVectorType::Dimension, Dimension > |
using | OutputTensorEigenVectorType = CovariantVector< ScalarType, OutputDiffusionTensor3DType::Dimension > |
using | PixelType = typename DisplacementFieldType::PixelType |
using | Pointer = SmartPointer< Self > |
using | PointType = typename DisplacementFieldType::PointType |
using | RegionType = typename DisplacementFieldType::RegionType |
using | Self = DisplacementFieldTransform |
using | SizeType = typename DisplacementFieldType::SizeType |
using | SpacingType = typename DisplacementFieldType::SpacingType |
using | Superclass = Transform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VDimension > |
using | VectorImageDisplacementFieldType = VectorImage< TParametersValueType, Dimension > |
using | ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self > |
using | DerivativeType = Array< ParametersValueType > |
using | DirectionChangeMatrix = Matrix< double, Self::OutputSpaceDimension, Self::InputSpaceDimension > |
using | InputCovariantVectorType = CovariantVector< TParametersValueType, VInputDimension > |
using | InputDiffusionTensor3DType = DiffusionTensor3D< TParametersValueType > |
using | InputDirectionMatrix = Matrix< double, Self::InputSpaceDimension, Self::InputSpaceDimension > |
using | InputPointType = Point< TParametersValueType, VInputDimension > |
using | InputSymmetricSecondRankTensorType = SymmetricSecondRankTensor< TParametersValueType, VInputDimension > |
using | InputVectorPixelType = VariableLengthVector< TParametersValueType > |
using | InputVectorType = Vector< TParametersValueType, VInputDimension > |
using | InputVnlVectorType = vnl_vector_fixed< TParametersValueType, VInputDimension > |
using | InverseJacobianPositionType = vnl_matrix_fixed< ParametersValueType, VInputDimension, VOutputDimension > |
using | InverseTransformBasePointer = typename InverseTransformBaseType::Pointer |
using | InverseTransformBaseType = Transform< TParametersValueType, VOutputDimension, VInputDimension > |
using | JacobianPositionType = vnl_matrix_fixed< ParametersValueType, VOutputDimension, VInputDimension > |
using | JacobianType = Array2D< ParametersValueType > |
using | MatrixType = Matrix< TParametersValueType, Self::OutputSpaceDimension, Self::InputSpaceDimension > |
using | OutputCovariantVectorType = CovariantVector< TParametersValueType, VOutputDimension > |
using | OutputDiffusionTensor3DType = DiffusionTensor3D< TParametersValueType > |
using | OutputDirectionMatrix = Matrix< double, Self::OutputSpaceDimension, Self::OutputSpaceDimension > |
using | OutputPointType = Point< TParametersValueType, VOutputDimension > |
using | OutputSymmetricSecondRankTensorType = SymmetricSecondRankTensor< TParametersValueType, VOutputDimension > |
using | OutputVectorPixelType = VariableLengthVector< TParametersValueType > |
using | OutputVectorType = Vector< TParametersValueType, VOutputDimension > |
using | OutputVnlVectorType = vnl_vector_fixed< TParametersValueType, VOutputDimension > |
using | Pointer = SmartPointer< Self > |
using | ScalarType = ParametersValueType |
using | Self = Transform |
using | Superclass = TransformBaseTemplate< TParametersValueType > |
const char * | GetNameOfClass () const override |
void | IntegrateVelocityField () override |
virtual void | SetTimeVaryingVelocityField (VelocityFieldType *field) |
VelocityFieldType * | GetModifiableTimeVaryingVelocityField () |
const VelocityFieldType * | GetTimeVaryingVelocityField () const |
bool | GetInverse (Self *inverse) const |
InverseTransformBasePointer | GetInverseTransform () const override |
virtual ScalarType | GetLowerTimeBound () const |
const char * | GetNameOfClass () const override |
virtual unsigned int | GetNumberOfIntegrationSteps () const |
virtual ScalarType | GetUpperTimeBound () const |
virtual const unsigned long & | GetVelocityFieldSetTime () const |
void | SetFixedParameters (const FixedParametersType &) override |
virtual void | SetLowerTimeBound (ScalarType _arg) |
virtual void | SetNumberOfIntegrationSteps (unsigned int _arg) |
virtual void | SetUpperTimeBound (ScalarType _arg) |
void | UpdateTransformParameters (const DerivativeType &update, ScalarType factor=1.0) override |
virtual void | SetVelocityField (VelocityFieldType *) |
virtual VelocityFieldType * | GetModifiableVelocityField () |
virtual void | SetVelocityFieldInterpolator (VelocityFieldInterpolatorType *) |
virtual VelocityFieldInterpolatorType * | GetModifiableVelocityFieldInterpolator () |
void | SetDisplacementField (DisplacementFieldType *displacementField) override |
void | ComputeInverseJacobianWithRespectToPosition (const InputPointType &point, InverseJacobianPositionType &jacobian) const override |
virtual void | ComputeJacobianWithRespectToParameters (const IndexType &, JacobianType &j) const |
virtual void | ComputeJacobianWithRespectToPosition (const IndexType &index, JacobianPositionType &jacobian) const |
void | ComputeJacobianWithRespectToPosition (const InputPointType &point, JacobianPositionType &jacobian) const override |
virtual const ModifiedTimeType & | GetDisplacementFieldSetTime () const |
bool | GetInverse (Self *inverse) const |
virtual void | GetInverseJacobianOfForwardFieldWithRespectToPosition (const IndexType &index, JacobianPositionType &jacobian, bool useSVD=false) const |
virtual void | GetInverseJacobianOfForwardFieldWithRespectToPosition (const InputPointType &point, JacobianPositionType &jacobian, bool useSVD=false) const |
const char * | GetNameOfClass () const override |
NumberOfParametersType | GetNumberOfLocalParameters () const override |
TransformCategoryEnum | GetTransformCategory () const override |
virtual void | SetIdentity () |
OutputVectorPixelType | TransformCovariantVector (const InputVectorPixelType &) const override |
OutputVectorPixelType | TransformDiffusionTensor (const InputVectorPixelType &) const |
OutputPointType | TransformPoint (const InputPointType &inputPoint) const override |
OutputVectorPixelType | TransformVector (const InputVectorPixelType &) const override |
OutputVnlVectorType | TransformVector (const InputVnlVectorType &) const override |
virtual void | SetDisplacementField (VectorImageDisplacementFieldType *field) |
void | SetDisplacementField (std::nullptr_t)=delete |
virtual DisplacementFieldType * | GetModifiableDisplacementField () |
virtual void | SetInverseDisplacementField (DisplacementFieldType *inverseField) |
virtual DisplacementFieldType * | GetModifiableInverseDisplacementField () |
virtual void | SetInterpolator (InterpolatorType *interpolator) |
virtual InterpolatorType * | GetModifiableInterpolator () |
virtual void | SetInverseInterpolator (InterpolatorType *interpolator) |
virtual InterpolatorType * | GetModifiableInverseInterpolator () |
OutputVectorType | TransformVector (const InputVectorType &) const override |
OutputDiffusionTensor3DType | TransformDiffusionTensor (const InputDiffusionTensor3DType &) const |
OutputCovariantVectorType | TransformCovariantVector (const InputCovariantVectorType &) const override |
void | SetParameters (const ParametersType ¶ms) override |
void | ComputeJacobianWithRespectToParameters (const InputPointType &, JacobianType &j) const override |
virtual void | SetCoordinateTolerance (double _arg) |
virtual double | GetCoordinateTolerance () const |
virtual void | SetDirectionTolerance (double _arg) |
virtual double | GetDirectionTolerance () const |
virtual void | ComputeJacobianWithRespectToParametersCachedTemporaries (const InputPointType &p, JacobianType &jacobian, JacobianType &) const |
void | CopyInFixedParameters (const FixedParametersValueType *const begin, const FixedParametersValueType *const end) override |
void | CopyInParameters (const ParametersValueType *const begin, const ParametersValueType *const end) override |
const FixedParametersType & | GetFixedParameters () const override |
unsigned int | GetInputSpaceDimension () const override |
bool | GetInverse (Self *) const |
const char * | GetNameOfClass () const override |
virtual NumberOfParametersType | GetNumberOfFixedParameters () const |
NumberOfParametersType | GetNumberOfParameters () const override |
unsigned int | GetOutputSpaceDimension () const override |
const ParametersType & | GetParameters () const override |
TransformCategoryEnum | GetTransformCategory () const override |
std::string | GetTransformTypeAsString () const override |
virtual bool | IsLinear () const |
| itkCloneMacro (Self) |
void | SetParametersByValue (const ParametersType &p) override |
virtual OutputCovariantVectorType | TransformCovariantVector (const InputCovariantVectorType &vector, const InputPointType &point) const |
virtual OutputVectorPixelType | TransformCovariantVector (const InputVectorPixelType &vector, const InputPointType &point) const |
virtual OutputDiffusionTensor3DType | TransformDiffusionTensor3D (const InputDiffusionTensor3DType &) const |
virtual OutputDiffusionTensor3DType | TransformDiffusionTensor3D (const InputDiffusionTensor3DType &inputTensor, const InputPointType &point) const |
virtual OutputVectorPixelType | TransformDiffusionTensor3D (const InputVectorPixelType &) const |
virtual OutputVectorPixelType | TransformDiffusionTensor3D (const InputVectorPixelType &inputTensor, const InputPointType &point) const |
virtual OutputSymmetricSecondRankTensorType | TransformSymmetricSecondRankTensor (const InputSymmetricSecondRankTensorType &) const |
virtual OutputSymmetricSecondRankTensorType | TransformSymmetricSecondRankTensor (const InputSymmetricSecondRankTensorType &inputTensor, const InputPointType &point) const |
virtual OutputVectorPixelType | TransformSymmetricSecondRankTensor (const InputVectorPixelType &) const |
virtual OutputVectorPixelType | TransformSymmetricSecondRankTensor (const InputVectorPixelType &inputTensor, const InputPointType &point) const |
virtual OutputVectorPixelType | TransformVector (const InputVectorPixelType &vector, const InputPointType &point) const |
virtual OutputVectorType | TransformVector (const InputVectorType &vector, const InputPointType &point) const |
virtual OutputVnlVectorType | TransformVector (const InputVnlVectorType &vector, const InputPointType &point) const |
std::enable_if_t< TImage::ImageDimension==VInputDimension &&TImage::ImageDimension==VOutputDimension, void > | ApplyToImageMetadata (TImage *image) const |
std::enable_if_t< TImage::ImageDimension==VInputDimension &&TImage::ImageDimension==VOutputDimension, void > | ApplyToImageMetadata (SmartPointer< TImage > image) const |