17 #ifndef itkSinglePhaseLevelSetSegmentationModule_h
18 #define itkSinglePhaseLevelSetSegmentationModule_h
34 template <
unsigned int NDimension>
51 itkStaticConstMacro(
unsigned int, NDimension);
72 itkSetMacro( PropagationScaling,
double );
73 itkGetMacro( PropagationScaling,
double );
78 itkSetMacro( CurvatureScaling,
double );
79 itkGetMacro( CurvatureScaling,
double );
83 itkSetMacro( AdvectionScaling,
double );
84 itkGetMacro( AdvectionScaling,
double );
89 itkSetMacro( MaximumRMSError,
double );
90 itkGetMacro( MaximumRMSError,
double );
94 itkSetMacro( MaximumNumberOfIterations,
unsigned int );
95 itkGetMacro( MaximumNumberOfIterations,
unsigned int );
107 itkSetMacro( InvertOutputIntensities,
bool );
108 itkGetMacro( InvertOutputIntensities,
bool );
109 itkBooleanMacro( InvertOutputIntensities );
115 void PrintSelf(std::ostream& os,
Indent indent)
119 void GenerateData ();
122 void PackOutputImageInOutputSpatialObject(
OutputImageType * outputImage );
132 void operator=(
const Self&);
150 # include "itkSinglePhaseLevelSetSegmentationModule.hxx"
Image< OutputPixelType, NDimension > OutputImageType
Light weight base class for most itk classes.
ImageSpatialObject< NDimension, FeaturePixelType > FeatureSpatialObjectType
Class applies a single-phase level set segmentation method.
Superclass::SpatialObjectPointer SpatialObjectPointer
Superclass::SpatialObjectType SpatialObjectType
ImageSpatialObject< NDimension, OutputPixelType > OutputSpatialObjectType
Class provides the abstract interface of the segmentation methods.
InputImageType::ConstPointer ImageConstPointer
SmartPointer< Self > Pointer
SegmentationModule< NDimension > Superclass
const unsigned int Dimension
SinglePhaseLevelSetSegmentationModule Self
double m_AdvectionScaling
Implementation of an image as spatial object.
bool m_InvertOutputIntensities
double m_PropagationScaling
Image< FeaturePixelType, NDimension > FeatureImageType
ImageConstPointer m_ZeroSetInputImage
unsigned int m_MaximumNumberOfIterations
Control indentation during Print() invocation.
ImageSpatialObject< NDimension, InputPixelType > InputSpatialObjectType
SmartPointer< const Self > ConstPointer
double m_CurvatureScaling
Templated n-dimensional image class.
Image< InputPixelType, NDimension > InputImageType