ITK  4.3.0
Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit
Modules | Classes
Module ITKReview
Group Nonunit
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class  itk::HessianToObjectnessMeasureImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::AbsLessEqualCompare
 Returns ( abs(a) <= abs(b) ) More...
class  itk::AreaClosingImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TAttribute >
 Morphological closing by attributes. More...
class  itk::AreaOpeningImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TAttribute >
 Morphological opening by attributes. More...
class  itk::AttributeMorphologyBaseImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TAttribute, TFunction >
 Morphological opening by attributes. More...
class  itk::BoxMeanImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 Implements a fast rectangular mean filter using the accumulator approach. More...
class  itk::BoxSigmaImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 Implements a fast rectangular sigma filter using the accumulator approach. More...
class  itk::Bruker2DSEQImageIO
 Class that defines how to read Bruker file format. Bruker IMAGE FILE FORMAT - The following is a brief description of the Bruker file format taken from: More...
class  itk::Bruker2DSEQImageIOFactory
 Create instances of Bruker2DSEQImageIO objects using an object factory. More...
class  itk::AttributeMorphologyBaseImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TAttribute, TFunction >::ComparePixStruct
class  itk::ComplexBSplineInterpolateImageFunction< TImageType, TCoordRep, TCoefficientType >
 Complex wrapper around BSplineInterpolateImageFunction. More...
class  itk::ConformalFlatteningMeshFilter< TInputMesh, TOutputMesh >
 ConformalFlatteningMeshFilter applies a conformal mapping from 3D to 2D. More...
class  itk::ConstrainedRegionBasedLevelSetFunctionSharedData< TInputImage, TFeatureImage, TSingleData >
 Helper class used to share data in the ScalarChanAndVeseLevelSetFunction. More...
class  itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >
 Computes a list of PolyLineParametricPath objects from the contours in a 2D image. More...
class  itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::ContourType
class  itk::DiffeomorphicDemonsRegistrationFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage, TDisplacementField >
 Deformably register two images using a diffeomorphic demons algorithm. More...
class  itk::DirectFourierReconstructionImageToImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 Direct fourier reconstruction filter of a tomographic volume. More...
class  itk::DiscreteGaussianDerivativeImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 Calculates image derivatives using discrete derivative gaussian kernels. This filter calculates Gaussian derivative by separable convolution of an image and a discrete Gaussian derivative operator (kernel). More...
class  itk::DiscreteGaussianDerivativeImageFunction< TInputImage, TOutput >
 Compute the discrete gaussian derivatives of an the image at a specific location in space, i.e. point, index or continuous index. This class computes a single derivative given the order in each direction (by default zero). This class is templated over the input image type. More...
class  itk::DiscreteGradientMagnitudeGaussianImageFunction< TInputImage, TOutput >
 Compute the discrete gradient magnitude gaussian of an the image at a specific location in space, i.e. point, index or continuous index. This class computes a single derivative given the order in each direction (by default zero). This class is templated over the input image type. More...
class  itk::DiscreteHessianGaussianImageFunction< TInputImage, TOutput >
 Compute the Hessian Gaussian of an image at a specific location in space by calculating discrete second-order gaussian derivatives. This class is templated over the input image type. More...
class  itk::ESMDemonsRegistrationFunction< TFixedImage, TMovingImage, TDisplacementField >
 Fast implementation of the symmetric demons registration force. More...
class  itk::FastApproximateRankImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 A separable rank filter. More...
class  itk::FastSymmetricForcesDemonsRegistrationFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage, TDisplacementField >
 Deformably register two images using a symmetric forces demons algorithm. More...
struct  itk::MRCHeaderObject::FeiExtendedHeader
class  itk::FFTComplexToComplexImageFilter< TImage >
 Implements an API to enable the Fourier transform or the inverse Fourier transform of images with complex valued voxels to be computed. More...
class  itk::FFTWComplexToComplexImageFilter< TImage >
 Implements an API to enable the Fourier transform or the inverse Fourier transform of images with complex valued voxels to be computed using either FFTW from MIT or the FFTW interface in Intel MKL. This filter is multithreaded and supports input images with sizes which are not a power of two. More...
class  itk::GaussianDerivativeOperator< TPixel, VDimension, TAllocator >
 A NeighborhoodOperator whose coefficients are a one dimensional, discrete derivative Gaussian kernel. More...
struct  itk::RegionBasedLevelSetFunction< TInput, TFeature, TSharedData >::GlobalDataStruct
class  itk::AttributeMorphologyBaseImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TAttribute, TFunction >::GreyAndPos
class  itk::GridForwardWarpImageFilter< TDisplacementField, TOutputImage >
 Warps a grid using an input deformation field. More...
struct  itk::MRCHeaderObject::Header
class  itk::HessianToObjectnessMeasureImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 A filter to enhance M-dimensional objects in N-dimensional images. More...
class  itk::ImageToPathFilter< TInputImage, TOutputPath >
 Base class for filters that take an image as input and produce an path as output. More...
class  itk::JPEG2000ImageIO
 Supports for the JPEG2000 file format based on openjpeg. More...
class  itk::JPEG2000ImageIOFactory
 Supports for the JPEG2000 file format based on openjpeg. More...
class  itk::KappaSigmaThresholdImageCalculator< TInputImage, TMaskImage >
 Compute moments of an n-dimensional image. More...
class  itk::KappaSigmaThresholdImageFilter< TInputImage, TMaskImage, TOutputImage >
 Threshold an image using multiple Otsu Thresholds. More...
class  itk::LabelGeometryImageFilter< TLabelImage, TIntensityImage >::LabelGeometry
 Geometry stored per label. More...
class  itk::LabelGeometryImageFilter< TLabelImage, TIntensityImage >
 Given a label map and an optional intensity image, compute geometric features. More...
struct  itk::NeuralNetworkFileReader< TNetwork >::LineType
class  itk::MaskedMovingHistogramImageFilter< TInputImage, TMaskImage, TOutputImage, TKernel, THistogram >
class  itk::MaskedRankImageFilter< TInputImage, TMaskImage, TOutputImage, TKernel >
 Rank filter of a greyscale image. More...
class  itk::MINC2ImageIO
 Class that defines how to read MINC2 file format. Note,like ITK, MINC2 is N dimensional and dimensions can be submitted in any arbitrary order. Here we make sure the dimensions are ordered as xspace, yspace, zspace, time and vector_dimension and so on or xfrequencey, yfrequency, zfrequency, tfrequency and vector_dimension and so on NOTE** This class only reads the regularly sampled dimensions as I am not sure how to deal with "iregularly sampled" dimensions yet! More...
class  itk::MINC2ImageIOFactory
 Create instances of MINC2ImageIO objects using an object factory. More...
class  itk::MiniPipelineSeparableImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TFilter >
 A separable filter for filter which are using radius. More...
class  itk::MorphologicalWatershedFromMarkersImageFilter< TInputImage, TLabelImage >
 Morphological watershed transform from markers. More...
class  itk::MorphologicalWatershedImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 TODO. More...
class  itk::MRCHeaderObject
 This class is a light wrapper for a couple of plain old data structures, so that they can be utilized in a MetaDataDictionary. More...
class  itk::MRCImageIO
 An ImageIO class to read the MRC file format. The MRC file format frequently has the extension ".mrc" or ".rec". It is used frequently for electron microscopy and is an emerging standard for cryo-electron tomography and molecular imaging. The format is used to represent 2D, 3D images along with 2D tilt series for tomography. More...
class  itk::MRCImageIOFactory
 Create instances of MRCImageIO objects using an object factory. More...
class  itk::MultiphaseDenseFiniteDifferenceImageFilter< TInputImage, TFeatureImage, TOutputImage, TFunction, TIdCell >
class  itk::MultiphaseFiniteDifferenceImageFilter< TInputImage, TFeatureImage, TOutputImage, TFiniteDifferenceFunction, TIdCell >
class  itk::MultiphaseSparseFiniteDifferenceImageFilter< TInputImage, TFeatureImage, TOutputImage, TFunction, TIdCell >
 This class implements a finite difference partial differential equation solver for evolving surfaces embedded in volumes as level-sets. More...
class  itk::MultiScaleHessianBasedMeasureImageFilter< TInputImage, THessianImage, TOutputImage >
 A filter to enhance structures using Hessian eigensystem-based measures in a multiscale framework. More...
class  itk::NeuralNetworkFileReader< TNetwork >
 Reader for Neural Network. More...
class  itk::NeuralNetworkFileWriter< TNetwork >
 Writer for Neural Network. More...
class  itk::RankImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TKernel >
 Rank filter of a greyscale image. More...
class  itk::RegionalMaximaImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 Produce a binary image where foreground is the regional maxima of the input image. More...
class  itk::RegionalMinimaImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 Produce a binary image where foreground is the regional minima of the input image. More...
class  itk::RegionBasedLevelSetFunction< TInput, TFeature, TSharedData >
 LevelSet function that computes a speed image based on regional integrals. More...
class  itk::RegionBasedLevelSetFunctionData< TInputImage, TFeatureImage >
 Helper class used to share data in the ScalarChanAndVeseLevelSetFunction. More...
class  itk::RegionBasedLevelSetFunctionSharedData< TInputImage, TFeatureImage, TSingleData >
 Helper class used to share data in the ScalarChanAndVeseLevelSetFunction. More...
class  itk::RobustAutomaticThresholdCalculator< TInputImage, TGradientImage >
 Compute the robust automatic threshold. More...
class  itk::RobustAutomaticThresholdImageFilter< TInputImage, TGradientImage, TOutputImage >
 Threshold an image using robust automatic threshold selection (RATS) method. More...
class  itk::ScalarChanAndVeseDenseLevelSetImageFilter< TInputImage, TFeatureImage, TOutputImage, TFunction, TSharedData >
 Dense implementation of the Chan and Vese multiphase level set image filter. More...
class  itk::ScalarChanAndVeseLevelSetFunction< TInputImage, TFeatureImage, TSharedData >
 LevelSet function that computes a speed image based on regional integrals of probabilities. More...
class  itk::ScalarChanAndVeseLevelSetFunctionData< TInputImage, TFeatureImage >
 Helper class used to share data in the ScalarChanAndVeseLevelSetFunction. More...
class  itk::ScalarChanAndVeseSparseLevelSetImageFilter< TInputImage, TFeatureImage, TOutputImage, TFunction, TSharedData, TIdCell >
 Sparse implementation of the Chan and Vese multiphase level set image filter. More...
class  itk::ScalarRegionBasedLevelSetFunction< TInputImage, TFeatureImage, TSharedData >
 LevelSet function that computes a speed image based on regional integrals. More...
struct  itk::MultiphaseSparseFiniteDifferenceImageFilter< TInputImage, TFeatureImage, TOutputImage, TFunction, TIdCell >::SparseDataStruct
class  itk::StochasticFractalDimensionImageFilter< TInputImage, TMaskImage, TOutputImage >
 This filter computes the stochastic fractal dimension of the input image. More...
class  itk::TransformToDisplacementFieldSource< TOutputImage, TTransformPrecisionType >
 Generate a displacement field from a coordinate transform. More...
class  itk::UnconstrainedRegionBasedLevelSetFunctionSharedData< TInputImage, TFeatureImage, TSingleData >
 Helper class used to share data in the ScalarChanAndVeseLevelSetFunction. More...
class  itk::ValuedRegionalExtremaImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TFunction1, TFunction2 >
 Uses a flooding algorithm to set all voxels that are not a regional extrema to the max or min of the pixel type. More...
class  itk::ValuedRegionalMaximaImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 Transforms the image so that any pixel that is not a regional maxima is set to the minimum value for the pixel type. Pixels that are regional maxima retain their value. More...
class  itk::ValuedRegionalMinimaImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 Transforms the image so that any pixel that is not a regional minima is set to the maximum value for the pixel type. Pixels that are regional minima retain their value. More...
class  itk::VectorCentralDifferenceImageFunction< TInputImage, TCoordRep >
 Calculate the derivative by central differencing. More...
struct  itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter< TInputImage >::VertexHash
class  itk::VoxBoCUBImageIO
 Read VoxBoCUBImage file format. More...
class  itk::VoxBoCUBImageIOFactory
 Create instances of VoxBoCUBImageIO objects using an object factory. More...
class  itk::WarpHarmonicEnergyCalculator< TInputImage >
 Compute the harmonic energy of a deformation field. More...

Detailed Description

These classes came into the toolkit from the Insight Journal and are staged to be integrated into the appropriate Module if they are high quality and see high use. If they are low quality or serve a very specific use case, they may be removed or made available as an ExternalModule.
