ITK  5.0.0
Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit
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itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType > Class Template Reference

#include <itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >:
+ Collaboration diagram for itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >:

Detailed Description

template<typename TInputVectorImage, typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
class itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >

Performs Bayesian Classification on an image.

Inputs and Outputs
The input to this filter is an itk::VectorImage that represents pixel memberships to 'n' classes. This image is conveniently generated by the BayesianClassifierInitializationImageFilter. You may use that filter to generate the membership images or specify your own.
The output of the filter is a label map (an image of unsigned char's is the default.) with pixel values indicating the classes they correspond to. Pixels with intensity 0 belong to the 0th class, 1 belong to the 1st class etc.... The classification is done by applying a Maximum decision rule to the posterior image.
The filter optionally allows you to specify a prior image as well. The prior image, if specified must be a VectorImage with as many components as the number of classes. The posterior image is then generated by multiplying the prior image with the membership image. If the prior image is not specified, the posterior image is the same as the membership image. Another way to look at it is that the priors default to having a uniform distribution over the number of classes. Posterior membership of a pixel = Prior * Membership
The filter optionally accepts a smoothing filter and number of iterations associated with the smoothing filter. The philosophy is that the filter allows you to iteratively smooth the posteriors prior to applying the decision rule. It is hoped that this would yield a better classification. The user will need to plug in his own smoothing filter with all the parameters set.
Template parameters
InputVectorImage, datatype of the output labelmap, precision of the posterior image, precision of the prior image.
John Melonakos, Georgia Tech
This work is part of the National Alliance for Medical Image Computing (NAMIC), funded by the National Institutes of Health through the NIH Roadmap for Medical Research, Grant U54 EB005149.
See Also

Definition at line 81 of file itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter.h.

Public Types

using ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self >
using DataObjectPointer = typename Superclass::DataObjectPointer
using DataObjectPointerArraySizeType = ProcessObject::DataObjectPointerArraySizeType
using DecisionRulePointer = DecisionRuleType::Pointer
using DecisionRuleType = Statistics::MaximumDecisionRule
using ExtractedComponentImageType = itk::Image< TPosteriorsPrecisionType, Self::Dimension >
using ImageRegionType = typename InputImageType::RegionType
using InputImageIteratorType = ImageRegionConstIterator< InputImageType >
using InputImagePointer = typename InputImageType::ConstPointer
using InputImageType = typename Superclass::InputImageType
using InputPixelType = typename InputImageType::PixelType
using MembershipImageIteratorType = ImageRegionConstIterator< MembershipImageType >
using MembershipImagePointer = typename MembershipImageType::Pointer
using MembershipImageType = TInputVectorImage
using MembershipPixelType = typename MembershipImageType::PixelType
using OutputImageIteratorType = ImageRegionIterator< OutputImageType >
using OutputImagePointer = typename OutputImageType::Pointer
using OutputImageType = Image< TLabelsType, Self::Dimension >
using OutputPixelType = typename OutputImageType::PixelType
using Pointer = SmartPointer< Self >
using PosteriorsImageIteratorType = ImageRegionIterator< PosteriorsImageType >
using PosteriorsImagePointer = typename PosteriorsImageType::Pointer
using PosteriorsImageType = VectorImage< TPosteriorsPrecisionType, Self::Dimension >
using PosteriorsPixelType = typename PosteriorsImageType::PixelType
using PriorsImageIteratorType = ImageRegionConstIterator< PriorsImageType >
using PriorsImagePointer = typename PriorsImageType::Pointer
using PriorsImageType = VectorImage< TPriorsPrecisionType, Self::Dimension >
using PriorsPixelType = typename PriorsImageType::PixelType
using Self = BayesianClassifierImageFilter
using SmoothingFilterPointer = typename SmoothingFilterType::Pointer
using SmoothingFilterType = ImageToImageFilter< ExtractedComponentImageType, ExtractedComponentImageType >
using Superclass = ImageToImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, Image< TLabelsType, TInputVectorImage::ImageDimension > >
- Public Types inherited from itk::ImageToImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, Image< TLabelsType, TInputVectorImage::ImageDimension > >
using ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self >
using InputImageConstPointer = typename InputImageType::ConstPointer
using InputImagePixelType = typename InputImageType::PixelType
using InputImagePointer = typename InputImageType::Pointer
using InputImageRegionType = typename InputImageType::RegionType
using InputImageType = TInputVectorImage
using OutputImagePixelType = typename Superclass::OutputImagePixelType
using OutputImageRegionType = typename Superclass::OutputImageRegionType
using Pointer = SmartPointer< Self >
using Self = ImageToImageFilter
using Superclass = ImageSource< Image< TLabelsType, TInputVectorImage::ImageDimension > >
- Public Types inherited from itk::ImageSource< Image< TLabelsType, TInputVectorImage::ImageDimension > >
using ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self >
using DataObjectIdentifierType = Superclass::DataObjectIdentifierType
using DataObjectPointer = DataObject::Pointer
using DataObjectPointerArraySizeType = Superclass::DataObjectPointerArraySizeType
using OutputImagePixelType = typename OutputImageType::PixelType
using OutputImagePointer = typename OutputImageType::Pointer
using OutputImageRegionType = typename OutputImageType::RegionType
using OutputImageType = Image< TLabelsType, TInputVectorImage::ImageDimension >
using Pointer = SmartPointer< Self >
using Self = ImageSource
using Superclass = ProcessObject
- Public Types inherited from itk::ProcessObject
using ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self >
using DataObjectIdentifierType = DataObject::DataObjectIdentifierType
using DataObjectPointer = DataObject::Pointer
using DataObjectPointerArray = std::vector< DataObjectPointer >
using DataObjectPointerArraySizeType = DataObjectPointerArray::size_type
using MultiThreaderType = MultiThreaderBase
using NameArray = std::vector< DataObjectIdentifierType >
using Pointer = SmartPointer< Self >
using Self = ProcessObject
using Superclass = Object
- Public Types inherited from itk::Object
using ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self >
using Pointer = SmartPointer< Self >
using Self = Object
using Superclass = LightObject
- Public Types inherited from itk::LightObject
using ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self >
using Pointer = SmartPointer< Self >
using Self = LightObject

Public Member Functions

virtual ::itk::LightObject::Pointer CreateAnother () const
virtual const char * GetNameOfClass () const
DataObjectPointer MakeOutput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) override
virtual void SetPriors (const PriorsImageType *)
void SetSmoothingFilter (SmoothingFilterType *)
virtual SmoothingFilterPointer GetSmoothingFilter () const
virtual void SetNumberOfSmoothingIterations (unsigned int _arg)
virtual unsigned int GetNumberOfSmoothingIterations () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::ImageToImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, Image< TLabelsType, TInputVectorImage::ImageDimension > >
const InputImageTypeGetInput () const
const InputImageTypeGetInput (unsigned int idx) const
void PopBackInput () override
void PopFrontInput () override
virtual void PushBackInput (const InputImageType *image)
virtual void PushFrontInput (const InputImageType *image)
virtual void SetInput (const InputImageType *image)
virtual void SetInput (unsigned int, const TInputVectorImage *image)
virtual void SetCoordinateTolerance (double _arg)
virtual double GetCoordinateTolerance () const
virtual void SetDirectionTolerance (double _arg)
virtual double GetDirectionTolerance () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::ImageSource< Image< TLabelsType, TInputVectorImage::ImageDimension > >
OutputImageTypeGetOutput (unsigned int idx)
OutputImageTypeGetOutput ()
const OutputImageTypeGetOutput () const
virtual void GraftOutput (DataObject *output)
virtual void GraftOutput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key, DataObject *output)
virtual void GraftNthOutput (unsigned int idx, DataObject *output)
ProcessObject::DataObjectPointer MakeOutput (ProcessObject::DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) override
ProcessObject::DataObjectPointer MakeOutput (const ProcessObject::DataObjectIdentifierType &) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::ProcessObject
virtual void AbortGenerateDataOff ()
virtual void AbortGenerateDataOn ()
virtual void EnlargeOutputRequestedRegion (DataObject *)
virtual const bool & GetAbortGenerateData () const
DataObjectPointerArray GetIndexedInputs ()
DataObjectPointerArray GetIndexedOutputs ()
NameArray GetInputNames () const
DataObjectPointerArray GetInputs ()
MultiThreaderTypeGetMultiThreader () const
DataObjectPointerArraySizeType GetNumberOfIndexedInputs () const
DataObjectPointerArraySizeType GetNumberOfIndexedOutputs () const
DataObjectPointerArraySizeType GetNumberOfInputs () const
DataObjectPointerArraySizeType GetNumberOfOutputs () const
GetNumberOfValidRequiredInputs () const
NameArray GetOutputNames () const
DataObjectPointerArray GetOutputs ()
virtual const float & GetProgress () const
NameArray GetRequiredInputNames () const
bool HasInput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) const
bool HasOutput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) const
virtual void PrepareOutputs ()
virtual void PropagateRequestedRegion (DataObject *output)
virtual void ResetPipeline ()
virtual void SetAbortGenerateData (bool _arg)
void SetMultiThreader (MultiThreaderType *threader)
virtual void Update ()
virtual void UpdateLargestPossibleRegion ()
virtual void UpdateOutputData (DataObject *output)
virtual void UpdateOutputInformation ()
void UpdateProgress (float progress)
virtual void SetReleaseDataFlag (bool flag)
virtual bool GetReleaseDataFlag () const
void ReleaseDataFlagOn ()
void ReleaseDataFlagOff ()
virtual void SetReleaseDataBeforeUpdateFlag (bool _arg)
virtual const bool & GetReleaseDataBeforeUpdateFlag () const
virtual void ReleaseDataBeforeUpdateFlagOn ()
virtual void ReleaseDataBeforeUpdateFlagOff ()
virtual void SetNumberOfWorkUnits (ThreadIdType _arg)
virtual const ThreadIdTypeGetNumberOfWorkUnits () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::Object
unsigned long AddObserver (const EventObject &event, Command *)
unsigned long AddObserver (const EventObject &event, Command *) const
virtual void DebugOff () const
virtual void DebugOn () const
CommandGetCommand (unsigned long tag)
bool GetDebug () const
MetaDataDictionaryGetMetaDataDictionary ()
const MetaDataDictionaryGetMetaDataDictionary () const
virtual ModifiedTimeType GetMTime () const
virtual const TimeStampGetTimeStamp () const
bool HasObserver (const EventObject &event) const
void InvokeEvent (const EventObject &)
void InvokeEvent (const EventObject &) const
virtual void Modified () const
void Register () const override
void RemoveAllObservers ()
void RemoveObserver (unsigned long tag)
void SetDebug (bool debugFlag) const
void SetReferenceCount (int) override
void UnRegister () const noexceptoverride
void SetMetaDataDictionary (const MetaDataDictionary &rhs)
void SetMetaDataDictionary (MetaDataDictionary &&rrhs)
virtual void SetObjectName (std::string _arg)
virtual const std::string & GetObjectName () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::LightObject
virtual void Delete ()
virtual int GetReferenceCount () const
 itkCloneMacro (Self)
void Print (std::ostream &os, Indent indent=0) const

Static Public Member Functions

static Pointer New ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from itk::Object
static bool GetGlobalWarningDisplay ()
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOff ()
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOn ()
static Pointer New ()
static void SetGlobalWarningDisplay (bool flag)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from itk::LightObject
static void BreakOnError ()
static Pointer New ()

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr unsigned int Dimension = InputImageType ::ImageDimension
- Static Public Attributes inherited from itk::ImageToImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, Image< TLabelsType, TInputVectorImage::ImageDimension > >
static constexpr unsigned int InputImageDimension
static constexpr unsigned int OutputImageDimension
- Static Public Attributes inherited from itk::ImageSource< Image< TLabelsType, TInputVectorImage::ImageDimension > >
static constexpr unsigned int OutputImageDimension

Protected Member Functions

 BayesianClassifierImageFilter ()
virtual void ClassifyBasedOnPosteriors ()
virtual void ComputeBayesRule ()
void GenerateData () override
void GenerateOutputInformation () override
PosteriorsImageTypeGetPosteriorImage ()
virtual void NormalizeAndSmoothPosteriors ()
void PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override
 ~BayesianClassifierImageFilter () override=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::ImageToImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, Image< TLabelsType, TInputVectorImage::ImageDimension > >
virtual void CallCopyInputRegionToOutputRegion (OutputImageRegionType &destRegion, const InputImageRegionType &srcRegion)
virtual void CallCopyOutputRegionToInputRegion (InputImageRegionType &destRegion, const OutputImageRegionType &srcRegion)
void GenerateInputRequestedRegion () override
 ImageToImageFilter ()
void PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override
void VerifyInputInformation () ITKv5_CONST override
 ~ImageToImageFilter () override
void PushBackInput (const DataObject *input) override
void PushFrontInput (const DataObject *input) override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::ImageSource< Image< TLabelsType, TInputVectorImage::ImageDimension > >
virtual void AfterThreadedGenerateData ()
virtual void AllocateOutputs ()
virtual void BeforeThreadedGenerateData ()
void ClassicMultiThread (ThreadFunctionType callbackFunction)
void GenerateData () override
virtual const
GetImageRegionSplitter () const
 ImageSource ()
virtual unsigned int SplitRequestedRegion (unsigned int i, unsigned int pieces, OutputImageRegionType &splitRegion)
 ~ImageSource () override=default
virtual void ThreadedGenerateData (const OutputImageRegionType &outputRegionForThread, ThreadIdType threadId)
virtual void DynamicThreadedGenerateData (const OutputImageRegionType &outputRegionForThread)
virtual bool GetDynamicMultiThreading () const
virtual void SetDynamicMultiThreading (bool _arg)
virtual void DynamicMultiThreadingOn ()
virtual void DynamicMultiThreadingOff ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::ProcessObject
virtual void AddInput (DataObject *input)
void AddOptionalInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &)
void AddOptionalInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &, DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx)
virtual void AddOutput (DataObject *output)
bool AddRequiredInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &)
bool AddRequiredInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &, DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx)
virtual void CacheInputReleaseDataFlags ()
virtual void GenerateOutputRequestedRegion (DataObject *output)
DataObjectGetInput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key)
const DataObjectGetInput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) const
virtual const
GetNumberOfRequiredInputs () const
virtual const
GetNumberOfRequiredOutputs () const
bool IsIndexedInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &) const
bool IsIndexedOutputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &) const
bool IsRequiredInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &) const
DataObjectPointerArraySizeType MakeIndexFromInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &name) const
DataObjectPointerArraySizeType MakeIndexFromOutputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &name) const
DataObjectIdentifierType MakeNameFromInputIndex (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) const
DataObjectIdentifierType MakeNameFromOutputIndex (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) const
 ProcessObject ()
virtual void PropagateResetPipeline ()
virtual void ReleaseInputs ()
virtual void RemoveInput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key)
virtual void RemoveInput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType)
virtual void RemoveOutput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key)
virtual void RemoveOutput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx)
bool RemoveRequiredInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &)
virtual void RestoreInputReleaseDataFlags ()
virtual void SetInput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key, DataObject *input)
virtual void SetNthInput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType num, DataObject *input)
virtual void SetNthOutput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType num, DataObject *output)
void SetNumberOfIndexedInputs (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType num)
void SetNumberOfIndexedOutputs (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType num)
virtual void SetNumberOfRequiredInputs (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType)
virtual void SetNumberOfRequiredOutputs (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType _arg)
virtual void SetOutput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key, DataObject *output)
virtual void SetPrimaryInput (DataObject *input)
virtual void SetPrimaryOutput (DataObject *output)
void SetRequiredInputNames (const NameArray &)
virtual void VerifyPreconditions () ITKv5_CONST
 ~ProcessObject () override
DataObjectGetInput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx)
const DataObjectGetInput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) const
DataObjectGetPrimaryInput ()
const DataObjectGetPrimaryInput () const
virtual void SetPrimaryInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key)
virtual const char * GetPrimaryInputName () const
DataObjectGetOutput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key)
const DataObjectGetOutput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) const
virtual void SetPrimaryOutputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key)
virtual const char * GetPrimaryOutputName () const
DataObjectGetOutput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx)
const DataObjectGetOutput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) const
DataObjectGetPrimaryOutput ()
const DataObjectGetPrimaryOutput () const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::Object
 Object ()
bool PrintObservers (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const
virtual void SetTimeStamp (const TimeStamp &time)
 ~Object () override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::LightObject
virtual LightObject::Pointer InternalClone () const
 LightObject ()
virtual void PrintHeader (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const
virtual void PrintTrailer (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const
virtual ~LightObject ()

Private Attributes

unsigned int m_NumberOfSmoothingIterations { 0 }
SmoothingFilterPointer m_SmoothingFilter
bool m_UserProvidedPriors { false }
bool m_UserProvidedSmoothingFilter { false }

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Types inherited from itk::ImageToImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, Image< TLabelsType, TInputVectorImage::ImageDimension > >
using InputToOutputRegionCopierType = ImageToImageFilterDetail::ImageRegionCopier< Self::OutputImageDimension, Self::InputImageDimension >
using OutputToInputRegionCopierType = ImageToImageFilterDetail::ImageRegionCopier< Self::InputImageDimension, Self::OutputImageDimension >
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::ImageSource< Image< TLabelsType, TInputVectorImage::ImageDimension > >
static const
GetGlobalDefaultSplitter ()
ThreaderCallback (void *arg)
- Protected Attributes inherited from itk::ImageSource< Image< TLabelsType, TInputVectorImage::ImageDimension > >
bool m_DynamicMultiThreading
- Protected Attributes inherited from itk::ProcessObject
TimeStamp m_OutputInformationMTime
bool m_Updating
- Protected Attributes inherited from itk::LightObject
std::atomic< int > m_ReferenceCount

Member Typedef Documentation

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
using itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self >

Definition at line 96 of file itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
using itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::DataObjectPointer = typename Superclass::DataObjectPointer

Definition at line 156 of file itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
using itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::DataObjectPointerArraySizeType = ProcessObject::DataObjectPointerArraySizeType

This is overloaded to create the Posteriors output image.

Definition at line 184 of file itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
using itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::DecisionRulePointer = DecisionRuleType::Pointer

Definition at line 154 of file itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
using itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::DecisionRuleType = Statistics::MaximumDecisionRule

Decision rule to use for defining the label.

Definition at line 153 of file itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
using itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::ExtractedComponentImageType = itk::Image< TPosteriorsPrecisionType, Self::Dimension >

An image from a single component of the Posterior.

Definition at line 160 of file itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
using itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::ImageRegionType = typename InputImageType::RegionType

Definition at line 114 of file itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
using itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::InputImageIteratorType = ImageRegionConstIterator< InputImageType >

Input and Output image iterators.

Definition at line 117 of file itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
using itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::InputImagePointer = typename InputImageType::ConstPointer

Definition at line 112 of file itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
using itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::InputImageType = typename Superclass::InputImageType

Input and Output image types.

Definition at line 105 of file itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
using itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::InputPixelType = typename InputImageType::PixelType

Pixel types.

Definition at line 121 of file itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
using itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::MembershipImageIteratorType = ImageRegionConstIterator< MembershipImageType >

Definition at line 140 of file itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
using itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::MembershipImagePointer = typename MembershipImageType::Pointer

Definition at line 139 of file itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
using itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::MembershipImageType = TInputVectorImage

Image Type and Pixel type for the images representing the membership of a pixel to a particular class. This image has arrays as pixels, the number of elements in the array is the same as the number of classes to be used.

Definition at line 137 of file itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
using itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::MembershipPixelType = typename MembershipImageType::PixelType

Definition at line 138 of file itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
using itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::OutputImageIteratorType = ImageRegionIterator< OutputImageType >

Definition at line 118 of file itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
using itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::OutputImagePointer = typename OutputImageType::Pointer

Definition at line 113 of file itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
using itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::OutputImageType = Image< TLabelsType, Self::Dimension >

Definition at line 111 of file itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
using itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::OutputPixelType = typename OutputImageType::PixelType

Definition at line 122 of file itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
using itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::Pointer = SmartPointer< Self >

Definition at line 95 of file itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
using itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::PosteriorsImageIteratorType = ImageRegionIterator< PosteriorsImageType >

Definition at line 150 of file itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
using itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::PosteriorsImagePointer = typename PosteriorsImageType::Pointer

Definition at line 149 of file itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
using itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::PosteriorsImageType = VectorImage< TPosteriorsPrecisionType, Self::Dimension >

Image Type and Pixel type for the images representing the Posterior probability of a pixel belonging to a particular class. This image has arrays as pixels, the number of elements in the array is the same as the number of classes to be used.

Definition at line 147 of file itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
using itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::PosteriorsPixelType = typename PosteriorsImageType::PixelType

Definition at line 148 of file itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
using itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::PriorsImageIteratorType = ImageRegionConstIterator< PriorsImageType >

Definition at line 132 of file itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
using itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::PriorsImagePointer = typename PriorsImageType::Pointer

Definition at line 131 of file itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
using itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::PriorsImageType = VectorImage< TPriorsPrecisionType, Self::Dimension >

Image Type and Pixel type for the images representing the Prior probability of a pixel belonging to a particular class. This image has arrays as pixels, the number of elements in the array is the same as the number of classes to be used.

Definition at line 129 of file itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
using itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::PriorsPixelType = typename PriorsImageType::PixelType

Definition at line 130 of file itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
using itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::Self = BayesianClassifierImageFilter

Standard class type aliases.

Definition at line 90 of file itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
using itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::SmoothingFilterPointer = typename SmoothingFilterType::Pointer

Definition at line 167 of file itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
using itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::SmoothingFilterType = ImageToImageFilter< ExtractedComponentImageType, ExtractedComponentImageType >

Optional Smoothing filter that will be applied to the Posteriors.

Definition at line 165 of file itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
using itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::Superclass = ImageToImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, Image< TLabelsType, TInputVectorImage::ImageDimension > >

Definition at line 93 of file itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::BayesianClassifierImageFilter ( )
template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::~BayesianClassifierImageFilter ( )

Member Function Documentation

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
virtual void itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::ClassifyBasedOnPosteriors ( )

Compute the labeled map based on the Maximum rule applied to the posteriors.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
virtual void itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::ComputeBayesRule ( )

Compute the posteriors using the Bayes rule. If no priors are available, then the posteriors are just a copy of the memberships. Computes the labeled map for all combinations of conditions.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
virtual::itk::LightObject::Pointer itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::CreateAnother ( ) const

Create an object from an instance, potentially deferring to a factory. This method allows you to create an instance of an object that is exactly the same type as the referring object. This is useful in cases where an object has been cast back to a base class.

Reimplemented from itk::Object.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
void itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::GenerateData ( void  )

This method causes the filter to generate its output.

Reimplemented from itk::ProcessObject.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
void itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::GenerateOutputInformation ( )

Generate the information describing the output data. The default implementation of this method will copy information from the input to the output. A filter may override this method if its output will have different information than its input. For instance, a filter that shrinks an image will need to provide an implementation for this method that changes the spacing of the pixels. Such filters should call their superclass' implementation of this method prior to changing the information values they need (i.e. GenerateOutputInformation() should call Superclass::GenerateOutputInformation() prior to changing the information.

Reimplemented from itk::ProcessObject.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
virtual const char* itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::GetNameOfClass ( ) const

Run-time type information (and related methods).

Reimplemented from itk::ImageToImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, Image< TLabelsType, TInputVectorImage::ImageDimension > >.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
virtual unsigned int itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::GetNumberOfSmoothingIterations ( ) const

Number of iterations to apply the smoothing filter.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
PosteriorsImageType* itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::GetPosteriorImage ( )

Get the Posteriors Image.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
virtual SmoothingFilterPointer itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::GetSmoothingFilter ( ) const

Set/Get the smoothing filter that may optionally be applied to the posterior image.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
DataObjectPointer itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::MakeOutput ( DataObjectPointerArraySizeType  idx)

Make a DataObject of the correct type to used as the specified output.

Every ProcessObject subclass must be able to create a DataObject that can be used as a specified output. This method is automatically called when DataObject::DisconnectPipeline() is called. DataObject::DisconnectPipeline, disconnects a data object from being an output of its current source. When the data object is disconnected, the ProcessObject needs to construct a replacement output data object so that the ProcessObject is in a valid state. So DataObject::DisconnectPipeline eventually calls ProcessObject::MakeOutput. Note that MakeOutput always returns a itkSmartPointer to a DataObject. ImageSource and MeshSource override this method to create the correct type of image and mesh respectively. If a filter has multiple outputs of different types, then that filter must provide an implementation of MakeOutput().

Reimplemented from itk::ProcessObject.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
static Pointer itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::New ( )

Method for creation through the object factory.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
virtual void itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::NormalizeAndSmoothPosteriors ( )

Normalize the posteriors and smooth them using a user-provided.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
void itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::PrintSelf ( std::ostream &  os,
Indent  indent 
) const

Methods invoked by Print() to print information about the object including superclasses. Typically not called by the user (use Print() instead) but used in the hierarchical print process to combine the output of several classes.

Reimplemented from itk::ProcessObject.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
virtual void itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::SetNumberOfSmoothingIterations ( unsigned int  _arg)

Number of iterations to apply the smoothing filter.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
virtual void itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::SetPriors ( const PriorsImageType )

Set the priors image.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
void itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::SetSmoothingFilter ( SmoothingFilterType )

Set/Get the smoothing filter that may optionally be applied to the posterior image.

Member Data Documentation

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
constexpr unsigned int itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::Dimension = InputImageType ::ImageDimension

Dimension of the input image.

Definition at line 108 of file itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
unsigned int itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::m_NumberOfSmoothingIterations { 0 }

Definition at line 241 of file itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
SmoothingFilterPointer itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::m_SmoothingFilter

Definition at line 239 of file itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
bool itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::m_UserProvidedPriors { false }

Definition at line 235 of file itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter.h.

template<typename TInputVectorImage , typename TLabelsType = unsigned char, typename TPosteriorsPrecisionType = double, typename TPriorsPrecisionType = double>
bool itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter< TInputVectorImage, TLabelsType, TPosteriorsPrecisionType, TPriorsPrecisionType >::m_UserProvidedSmoothingFilter { false }

Definition at line 237 of file itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter.h.

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