ITK  5.1.0
Insight Toolkit
Classes | Namespaces | Variables
itkMath.h File Reference
#include <cmath>
#include "itkMathDetail.h"
#include "itkConceptChecking.h"
#include <vnl/vnl_math.h>
#include <vxl_version.h>
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struct  itk::Math::Detail::AlmostEqualsFloatVsFloat
struct  itk::Math::Detail::AlmostEqualsFloatVsInteger
struct  itk::Math::Detail::AlmostEqualsFunctionSelector< TInput1IsIntger, TInput1IsSigned, TInput2IsInteger, TInput2IsSigned >
struct  itk::Math::Detail::AlmostEqualsIntegerVsFloat
struct  itk::Math::Detail::AlmostEqualsPlainOldEquals
struct  itk::Math::Detail::AlmostEqualsSignedVsUnsigned
struct  itk::Math::Detail::AlmostEqualsUnsignedVsSigned




static constexpr double itk::Math::deg_per_rad = vnl_math::deg_per_rad
static constexpr double itk::Math::e = vnl_math::e
static constexpr double itk::Math::eps = vnl_math::eps
static constexpr double itk::Math::euler = vnl_math::euler
static constexpr float itk::Math::float_eps = vnl_math::float_eps
static constexpr float itk::Math::float_sqrteps = vnl_math::float_sqrteps
static constexpr double itk::Math::ln10 = vnl_math::ln10
static constexpr double itk::Math::ln2 = vnl_math::ln2
static constexpr double itk::Math::log10e = vnl_math::log10e
static constexpr double itk::Math::log2e = vnl_math::log2e
static constexpr double itk::Math::one_over_pi = vnl_math::one_over_pi
static constexpr double itk::Math::one_over_sqrt2pi = vnl_math::one_over_sqrt2pi
static constexpr double itk::Math::pi = vnl_math::pi
static constexpr double itk::Math::pi_over_180 = vnl_math::pi_over_180
static constexpr double itk::Math::pi_over_2 = vnl_math::pi_over_2
static constexpr double itk::Math::pi_over_4 = vnl_math::pi_over_4
static constexpr double itk::Math::sqrt1_2 = vnl_math::sqrt1_2
static constexpr double itk::Math::sqrt1_3 = vnl_math::sqrt1_3
static constexpr double itk::Math::sqrt2 = vnl_math::sqrt2
static constexpr double itk::Math::sqrt2pi = vnl_math::sqrt2pi
static constexpr double itk::Math::sqrteps = vnl_math::sqrteps
static constexpr double itk::Math::two_over_pi = vnl_math::two_over_pi
static constexpr double itk::Math::two_over_sqrtpi = vnl_math::two_over_sqrtpi
static constexpr double itk::Math::twopi = vnl_math::twopi
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
bool itk::Math::AlmostEquals (T1 x1, T2 x2)
template<typename TReturn , typename TInput >
TReturn itk::Math::CastWithRangeCheck (TInput x)
template<TReturn , typename TInput >
 itk::Math::Ceil (TInput x)
template<typename TInput1 , typename TInput2 >
bool itk::Math::ExactlyEquals (const TInput1 &x1, const TInput2 &x2)
template<typename T >
itk::Math::FloatAddULP (T x, typename Detail::FloatIEEE< T >::IntType ulps)
template<typename T >
bool itk::Math::FloatAlmostEqual (T x1, T x2, typename Detail::FloatIEEE< T >::IntType maxUlps=4, typename Detail::FloatIEEE< T >::FloatType maxAbsoluteDifference=0.1 *itk::NumericTraits< T >::epsilon())
template<typename T >
Detail::FloatIEEE< T >::IntType itk::Math::FloatDifferenceULP (T x1, T x2)
template<TReturn , typename TInput >
 itk::Math::Floor (TInput x)
ITKCommon_EXPORT unsigned int itk::Math::GreatestPrimeFactor (unsigned int n)
ITKCommon_EXPORT unsigned long long itk::Math::GreatestPrimeFactor (unsigned long long n)
ITKCommon_EXPORT unsigned long itk::Math::GreatestPrimeFactor (unsigned long n)
ITKCommon_EXPORT unsigned short itk::Math::GreatestPrimeFactor (unsigned short n)
ITKCommon_EXPORT bool itk::Math::IsPrime (unsigned int n)
ITKCommon_EXPORT bool itk::Math::IsPrime (unsigned long long n)
ITKCommon_EXPORT bool itk::Math::IsPrime (unsigned long n)
ITKCommon_EXPORT bool itk::Math::IsPrime (unsigned short n)
#define ITK_X_ASSERT(CHECK)   ((CHECK) ? void(0) : [] { assert(!#CHECK); }())
#define itkTemplateFloatingToIntegerMacro(name)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
bool itk::Math::NotAlmostEquals (T1 x1, T2 x2)
template<typename TInput1 , typename TInput2 >
bool itk::Math::NotExactlyEquals (const TInput1 &x1, const TInput2 &x2)
template<typename TReturn , typename TInput >
TReturn itk::Math::Round (TInput x)
template<TReturn , typename TInput >
 itk::Math::RoundHalfIntegerToEven (TInput x)
template<TReturn , typename TInput >
 itk::Math::RoundHalfIntegerUp (TInput x)
template<typename TReturnType = std::uintmax_t>
constexpr TReturnType itk::Math::UnsignedPower (const std::uintmax_t base, const std::uintmax_t exponent) noexcept
template<typename TReturnType = std::uintmax_t>
constexpr TReturnType itk::Math::UnsignedProduct (const std::uintmax_t a, const std::uintmax_t b) noexcept

Macro Definition Documentation


#define ITK_X_ASSERT (   CHECK)    ((CHECK) ? void(0) : [] { assert(!#CHECK); }())

A useful macro to generate a template floating point to integer conversion templated on the return type and using either the 32 bit, the 64 bit or the vanilla version

Definition at line 772 of file itkMath.h.

◆ itkTemplateFloatingToIntegerMacro

#define itkTemplateFloatingToIntegerMacro (   name)
template <typename TReturn, typename TInput> \
inline TReturn name(TInput x) \
{ \
if (sizeof(TReturn) <= 4) \
{ \
return static_cast<TReturn>(Detail::name##_32(x)); \
} \
else if (sizeof(TReturn) <= 8) \
{ \
return static_cast<TReturn>(Detail::name##_64(x)); \
} \
else \
{ \
return static_cast<TReturn>(Detail::name##_base<TReturn, TInput>(x)); \
} \

A useful macro to generate a template floating point to integer conversion templated on the return type and using either the 32 bit, the 64 bit or the vanilla version

Definition at line 104 of file itkMath.h.