Demosv0.0.1.1This is the first demo in a series of upcoming demos to show the incremental improvements of our simulator. The scene consist of a single instrument, controlled by a haptic device (Omni from Sensable), interacting with an elastic model of an AVM nidus. Video link: NeuroSim.mp4 Tag link: v0.0.1.1 Build InstructionsFirst pull changes from master (Andinet's) repository, follow the Building Sofa instructions to get Andinet's master repository and to prepare the directory for build. Checkout revision tag: git checkout v0.0.1.1 Build with the following command from the out of source build directory: cmake -DSOFA-PLUGIN_SOFACUDA:BOOL=OFF -DSOFA-PLUGIN_SENSABLE:BOOL=ON /path/to/source After the configuration is done you might need to re-run it again so that SOFA's build system capture the changed options. After that's done run: make You need to have a Sensable Omni haptic device working on your computer in order for this demo to work properly. You should be able to build in Visual Studio as well, follow the Building Sofa instructions and set the cmake variables in the cmake gui: SOFA-PLUGIN_SOFACUDA to OFF and SOFA-PLUGIN_SENSABLE to ON