Regular Meetings2013-12-09On the agenda:1. Status Report, check on the status for components. 2. Repository and review software process practices, make sure everyone can build and run SOFA 3. Set specific deadlines for delivering of code so we can integrate before the deadline for the first alpha release (see document for Goals and Deadlines) as we discussed at the kickoff meeting. The main goal of this project is to develop an interactive simulator for neurosurgical procedures involving vasculature using the SOFA framework. The development consists of anatomical modeling and volumetric meshing of vascular structures, combining a FEM biomechanical modeling with fluid simulation; coupling collision detection and response with haptic feedback; and integrating GPU-based implementations for real-time simulation. This Phase II proposal is a partnership between Kitware Inc.; the Center for Modeling, Simulation and Imaging in Medicine (CeMSIM) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI); the Departments of Computer Science and Neurosurgery at the University of North Carolina (UNC); and Old Dominion University (ODU). Kick-off MeetingTentative Schedule
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