Compute Normals of a Mesh


Compute normals of a mesh


Input mesh

Input mesh

Interactive input mesh


Index * Point * Normal
0 * [0.461602, -0.018446, -0.115989] * [0.964656, 0.0898966, -0.247704]
1 * [0.202784, 0.359481, -0.217858] * [0.398458, 0.53089, -0.747922]
2 * [-0.481417, -0.046787, 0.167623] * [-0.987132, 0.0342443, 0.1562]
3 * [-0.028388, -0.193602, -0.329748] * [-0.73488, -0.637902, -0.230287]
4 * [-0.087584, 0.116513, -0.399884] * [-0.396325, 0.718368, -0.571729]
5 * [0.310978, -0.239208, -0.176146] * [-0.256754, 0.55162, -0.793595]
6 * [-0.303314, 0.043035, -0.515252] * [-0.26465, 0.684736, -0.679041]
7 * [-0.256717, -0.39897, 0.177429] * [0.0907732, -0.987892, 0.125819]
8 * [0.393919, -0.388691, -0.207638] * [0.290631, -0.955747, -0.0456223]
9 * [-0.225987, -0.368634, -0.367823] * [0.154093, 0.365541, -0.917952]
10 * [-0.142556, -0.187471, -0.613449] * [0.902758, -0.0825592, -0.422153]
11 * [0.405923, -0.12839, -0.433595] * [0.432278, -0.901416, 0.0241831]
12 * [0.107094, 0.05873, -0.53405] * [0.452665, 0.664453, -0.594639]
13 * [0.179737, -0.358912, 0.264171] * [0.622873, -0.779647, 0.0646554]
14 * [0.270291, 0.167529, -0.267412] * [0.282452, 0.630941, -0.722588]
15 * [0.190508, -0.139941, -0.30917] * [0.642572, -0.758423, 0.109063]
16 * [-0.405901, 0.088723, -0.347001] * [-0.736406, 0.557068, -0.383904]
17 * [0.150462, -0.314033, -0.695425] * [-0.171163, -0.38232, -0.908039]
18 * [-0.134383, -0.384493, 0.060186] * [-0.0256952, -0.994633, 0.100226]
19 * [-0.333505, -0.116041, -0.567548] * [-0.847824, -0.186998, -0.496212]
20 * [-0.133643, -0.267196, -0.238155] * [0.123997, 0.550013, -0.8259]
21 * [-0.274406, 0.185852, -0.366349] * [-0.0630695, 0.682696, -0.727976]
22 * [-0.34352, -0.372556, 0.17102] * [-0.565292, -0.779407, 0.270129]
23 * [-0.468522, 0.005617, -0.307273] * [-0.945988, 0.0866878, -0.312397]
24 * [0.012837, 0.243987, -0.417788] * [-0.288839, 0.714998, -0.636671]
25 * [0.004712, 0.118755, -0.486604] * [-0.451072, 0.542366, -0.708783]


1300 * [0.429046, 0.119465, 0.002968] * [0.838127, 0.413114, -0.356201]
1301 * [-0.346539, -0.163042, 0.316913] * [-0.323662, 0.716134, 0.618381]
1302 * [-0.111388, 0.551166, -0.050984] * [-0.558618, 0.686741, -0.465115]
1303 * [0.376285, 0.211351, 0.347429] * [0.754427, -0.0746173, 0.652129]
1304 * [-0.026005, 0.583073, 0.081228] * [0.60426, 0.298334, 0.738828]
1305 * [-0.196168, -0.079437, 0.372088] * [-0.859283, 0.463078, 0.217237]
1306 * [-0.000569, 0.431162, 0.415514] * [0.683671, 0.70426, 0.191341]



#include "itkVector.h"
#include "itkQuadEdgeMesh.h"
#include "itkMeshFileReader.h"
#include "itkQuadEdgeMeshExtendedTraits.h"
#include "itkNormalQuadEdgeMeshFilter.h"

main(int argc, char * argv[])
  if (argc < 2)
    std::cerr << "Usage:" << std::endl;
    std::cerr << argv[0] << "<InputFileName> <WeightType>" << std::endl;
    std::cerr << "Weight type: " << std::endl;
    std::cerr << "  * 0:  GOURAUD" << std::endl;
    std::cerr << "  * 1:  THURMER" << std::endl;
    std::cerr << "  * 2:  AREA" << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  constexpr unsigned int Dimension = 3;
  using CoordType = double;

  using InputMeshType = itk::QuadEdgeMesh<CoordType, Dimension>;

  using VectorType = itk::Vector<CoordType, Dimension>;

  using Traits =
    itk::QuadEdgeMeshExtendedTraits<VectorType, Dimension, 2, CoordType, CoordType, VectorType, bool, bool>;

  using ReaderType = itk::MeshFileReader<InputMeshType>;
  ReaderType::Pointer reader = ReaderType::New();

  using OutputMeshType = itk::QuadEdgeMesh<VectorType, Dimension, Traits>;

  using NormalFilterType = itk::NormalQuadEdgeMeshFilter<InputMeshType, OutputMeshType>;
  NormalFilterType::WeightEnum weight_type;

  int param = std::stoi(argv[2]);

  if ((param < 0) || (param > 2))
    std::cerr << "Weight type must be either: " << std::endl;
    std::cerr << "   * 0:  GOURAUD" << std::endl;
    std::cerr << "   * 1:  THURMER" << std::endl;
    std::cerr << "   * 2:  AREA" << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
    switch (param)
      case 0:
        weight_type = itk::NormalQuadEdgeMeshFilterEnums::Weight::GOURAUD;
      case 1:
        weight_type = itk::NormalQuadEdgeMeshFilterEnums::Weight::THURMER;
      case 2:
        weight_type = itk::NormalQuadEdgeMeshFilterEnums::Weight::AREA;

  NormalFilterType::Pointer normals = NormalFilterType::New();

  OutputMeshType::Pointer output = normals->GetOutput();

  OutputMeshType::PointsContainerPointer  points = output->GetPoints();
  OutputMeshType::PointsContainerIterator p_it = points->Begin();

  OutputMeshType::PointDataContainerPointer  container = output->GetPointData();
  OutputMeshType::PointDataContainerIterator d_it = container->Begin();

  std::cout << "Index * Point * Normal" << std::endl;

  while (p_it != points->End())
    std::cout << p_it.Index() << " * ";
    std::cout << p_it.Value() << " * ";
    std::cout << d_it.Value() << std::endl;


  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Classes demonstrated

template<typename TInputMesh, typename TOutputMesh>
class NormalQuadEdgeMeshFilter : public itk::QuadEdgeMeshToQuadEdgeMeshFilter<TInputMesh, TOutputMesh>

Filter which computes normals to faces and vertices and store it in the output mesh. Normals to face are first computed, then normals to vertices are computed as linear combination of neighbor face normals, i.e.

n_v = \frac{\sum_{i=0}^{N_f} \omega_i \cdot n_i}{\| \sum_{k=0}^{N_f} \omega_x \cdot n_k\|}

The difference between each method relies in the definition of the weight \omega_i that you can specify by the method SetWeight.

  • GOURAUD \omega_i = 1 [1]

  • THURMER \omega_i = Angle of the considered triangle at the given vertex} [2]

  • AREA \omega_i = Area(t_i) [3]

These weights are defined in the literature:

  • [1] Henri Gouraud. Continuous shading of curved surfaces. IEEE Transaction on Computers, 20(6):623-629, 1971

  • [2] Shuangshuang Jin, Robert R. Lewis, and David West. A comparison of algorithms for vertex normal computation. The Visual Computer, 21(1-2):71-82, 2005.

  • [3] Grit Thurmer and Charles A. Wuthrich. Computing vertex normals from polygonal facets. Journal of Graphic Tools, 3(1):43-46, 1998.


By default the weight is set to the TURMER weight.

ITK Sphinx Examples:

See itk::NormalQuadEdgeMeshFilter for additional documentation.