[IGSTK-Developers] Computer paper rough draft: my outline

Kevin Cleary cleary at georgetown.edu
Sun Nov 27 11:11:21 EST 2005

Hi everyone:


Stephen's comments are quite useful and what is interesting is that his
suggestions for reorganization are very similar to mine pasted below (I had
sent this to Kevin Gary only earlier but now I am sending this to all)


I also put some introductory sentences below. This is an extremely important
paper for the project and we really need to modify it for a more general
audience for IEEE computer, so please send us your thoughts ASAP. I will
then work with Kevin Gary and others to update the outline and produce a
revised draft. We have asked for an extension to the Dec. 1 deadline, but we
don't know if we will get it so let's keep working on this.


Kevin Sr.




1          Introduction

The open source software movement is gaining increasing attention worldwide
due to its potential for enabling shorter development times in software
intensive projects. One such software intensive domain is the area of
image-guided surgery, where medical images are combined with computer
technology to provide image overlay and guidance for a physician during a
medical procedure. In this paper we will describe our ongoing effort to
develop an open source software toolkit for creating prototype image-guided
systems. Since image-guided systems are intended to be used for patient
care, they can be considered "mission critical" systems and therefore
robustness and safety issues are of paramount importance. We have developed
an open source methodology and process that we believe can produce software
of high quality, even in a project environment with a geographically
dispersed team of experts.


The paper is organized as follows. We begin by describing the motivation for
developing an open source toolkit for image-guided surgery in Section 2.
This is followed in Section 3 by a description of an example application we
have created using the toolkit. 

-then Section 4: requirements

-then Section 5: architecture

-then Section 6: conclusions


-----Original Message-----
From: igstk-developers-bounces+cleary=georgetown.edu at public.kitware.com
[mailto:igstk-developers-bounces+cleary=georgetown.edu at public.kitware.com]
On Behalf Of Stephen R. Aylward
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2005 9:57 AM
To: Kevin Gary
Subject: Re: [IGSTK-Developers] Computer paper rough draft



I've attached some quick comments.   I think the parts are there that 

are needed, but the role and benefits of the toolkit could be clarified 

a bit.


I didn't go into too much detail, since my suggestion might be totally 

off, but hopefully my comments in the intro are sufficient to carry my 



Nice paper by the way - really useful to the project!   Documents some 

important decisions and the thought process behind them - REALLY GOOD!





Kevin Gary wrote:

> All,


> Attached is a very rough first draft of the Computer paper. It still needs

> a major subsection of the process section.


> I'm sending this out in order to get feedback content-wise; the paper

> a good amount of wordsmithing to fit IEEE Computer's stylistic guidelines,

> so please save editorial comments for a later draft.


> If you have a moment to scan the paper and provide feedback on the overall

> content and balance of the paper it would be very helpful.


> Thanks,

> Kevin G.




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Dr. Stephen R. Aylward

Associate Professor of Radiology

Adjunct Associate Professor of Computer Science and Surgery


aylward at unc.edu

(919) 966-9695

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