[IGSTK-Developers] My comments on the SPIE paper

David Gobbi dgobbi at atamai.com
Fri Feb 3 15:32:42 EST 2006

I read through Kevin Gary's version.  It's looking good.  I have the 
following comments.

In Methods section:

- in "methods" at the end of the first paragraph IGSTK is misspelled

- 3) should be re-worded:  "IGSTK does not directly expose ITK and VTK 
objects APIs to the application developer.  Instead, the ITK and VTK 
objects are tightly encapsulated by IGSTK objects that provide a minimal 
but sufficient API for application development.  This ensures that any 
APIs used by developers have been specifically tested for image guidance 

- 4) should be re-worded: "IGSTK does not utilize dynamic object 
typing.  When IGSTK objects are created they must be declared with full 
specialization, and all type checking is performed at compile time and 
never at run time. This reduces the number of software parameters that 
can be adjusted at run-time, and hence reduces the possibility that the 
software will be running in an untested configuration.

- 5) should be re-worded: IGSTK uses events to communicated between 
components, where the events are produced by the state machine of one 
object and received as inputs to the state machine of one (or more) 
other objects.  The mapping of events to state machine inputs is 
explitely defined and deterministic.

Kevin Gary wrote:

> I've added my mods and comments to Brian's version, mostly in the 
> beginning sections
> of the paper.  Thanks for your work Patrick.
> K2
> M. Brian Blake wrote:
>> Patrick,
>> Here are my comments on top of Andinets. Great job on the paper. Just 
>> added an additional statement or two in the requirements step and 
>> some wording changes throughout (mainly just my preferences of course).
>> Best,
>> Brian
>> M. Brian Blake, Ph.D
>> Associate Professor
>> Georgetown University
>> Washington, DC 20057
>> mb7 at georgetown.edu
>> http://www.cs.georgetown.edu/~blakeb/
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Andinet Enquobahrie <andinet.enqu at kitware.com>
>> Date: Thursday, February 2, 2006 10:08 pm
>> Subject: [IGSTK-Developers] My comments on the SPIE paper
>>> Hello Patrick,
>>> Good job! The paper is well-organized and contains lots of useful 
>>> information for application development using IGSTK.  However, it 
>>> needs several iterations of proof reading. I made minor changes 
>>> throughout the paper. Find attached my revision.
>>> One major thing was the title. I found the title to be a bit 
>>> confusing.  I am not sure if we can still modify the title of the 
>>> paper. If we can, I strongly encourage you to change it
>>> Current title:
>>> IGSTK: Framework and Example Applications Using an Open Source 
>>> Toolkit for Image-Guided Surgery Applications
>>> My suggestions are
>>> -IGSTK: Open Source Toolkit for Image-Guided Surgery Applications
>>> -Example Applications Using Image-Guided Surgery Toolkit (IGSTK)
>>> Then, after reading through the whole paper, I realized that we are 
>>> ONLY presenting one example application i.e Needle biopsy Hence, the 
>>> following title might be even more appropriate
>>> Development of an image guided needle biopsy application using 
>>> Image-Guided Surgery Toolkit (IGSTK)
>>> Just a suggestion...
>>> Take a look at my other comments and let me know if you have questions
>>> -Andinet
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