[Insight-developers] ITKData and branches

Marcus D. Hanwell marcus.hanwell at kitware.com
Sat Oct 16 14:36:41 EDT 2010

2010/10/16 Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez at kitware.com>

> Hi Gaetan,
> Given that ITK and ITKData are two separate Git
> repositories, I would suspect that the branch that
> you created in ITK does not necessarily create a
> branch in the ITKData subdirectory.

That is correct.

> Marcus (in CC) may be able to help us here.

I have worked with submodules a great deal. With the data submodule you can
add the new baselines when you are ready, as described in the wiki article,
and then push. ITK will not "see" the new data until you move the submodule
forward. So the sequence goes add the new baselines, commit and push. Once
that is done come out to the ITK source directory and,

git add Testing/Data
git commit -v

This moves the submodule pointer forward, and then once you have committed
push that. This means that the next time someone pulls from ITK the
submodule pointer will be updated, and a git submodule update will bring in
the new baselines.

Hopefully that is clearer.

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