[Insight-developers] ITK wrapping status

Michal Suchanek hramrach at centrum.cz
Fri Oct 22 09:16:58 EDT 2010

2010/10/22 Gaëtan Lehmann <gaetan.lehmann at jouy.inra.fr>:
> Le 22 oct. 10 à 09:08, Michal Suchanek a écrit :
>> Hello
>> 2010/10/21 Gaëtan Lehmann <gaetan.lehmann at jouy.inra.fr>:
>>> I've just commited a fix in ITK.
>>> I don't know why I haven't seen that bug yesterday...
>> Thanks for fixing that.
>> I have now installable wrappings.
> great!
>> I tried porting the WaterSchedSegmentation1 example to the new
>> wrappings but is seems they are lacking itkImageFileWriterIUL2 which
>> makes this example unportable to them.
> Well, not exactly unportable. You just have to convert the output of the
> watershed to a more usable type (not tested):

I did that earlier to allow writing the output to an usable image
format such as PNG.

Given that viewers for image types that can store UL component are
rare it is the easiest way to use the example.

As I don't have InsightAppliactions built against any library that
does not conflict with ITK 4 and can't recall any other usable viewer
for nrrd or VTK images it is not exactly easy to view the result but
the example at least does not fail when the UL2 writer is wrapped.

Also the filter intentionally uses UL output to get the best possible
resolution and the image may lose detail when converted to UC.

The obvious choice of filter for this job it RescaleIntensity but that
is not wrapped with inputs and outputs suitable for this example, nor
is RelabelComponent.

>> However I noticed RGB image IO wrappings which I use in my examples
>> which did not work in the ITK 3 wrappings without adding instances for
>> RGB.
> Can you be more specific on what is missing?

In ITK 3 there are not RGB wrappings at all in the included CSWIG wrappings.

I did not port the code to ITK4 yet but the RGB images are already
supported so it should be easier to use ITK4 for that.

That's why I started building ITK4 in the first place.



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