[Insight-users] SegmentationEditor

Mathieu Malaterre malat@free.fr
Sat, 14 Sep 2002 07:02:41 +0200

hi all,

   I am still stuck on trying to build SegmentationEditor on a Linux 
Box. Last time I had troubles with gcc-3.1.1 which lack some 
string-functions (in bas_string.h). So I switch to gcc-3.2, which passes 
where gcc-3.1.1 failed.
But now I get those weird errors:

[mmalat@ibm InsightBin]$ cd Examples/SegmentationEditor/Common/
[mmalat@ibm Common]$ make
-H/home/mmalat/Stage2002/Insight -B/home/mmalat/Stage2002/InsightBin3
rm -f libvtkWSTCommonTCL.so
/usr/bin/g++  -rdynamic -shared -g -O2 -Wno-deprecated 
-ftemplate-depth-50 -o 
vtkWSTCommonTCLInit.o vtkBinaryVolumeTcl.o vtkBinaryVolumeLogicTcl.o 
vtkBoundingBoxTcl.o vtkPatchedImageReaderTcl.o 
vtkPatchedLookupTableTcl.o vtkWSBoundingBoxManagerTcl.o 
vtkWSLookupTableManagerTcl.o vtkBinaryVolumeTcl.o 
vtkBinaryVolumeLogicTcl.o vtkBoundingBoxTcl.o vtkPatchedImageReaderTcl.o 
vtkPatchedLookupTableTcl.o vtkWSBoundingBoxManagerTcl.o 
vtkWSLookupTableManagerTcl.o vtkITKWatershedFilterAndWriterTcl.o 
-L/usr/X11R6/lib -lpthread -ldl -lpthread -ldl -lm -lGL -lXt  -lSM -lICE 
  -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lXext  -lm -lITKAlgorithms -lVXLNumerics 
-lITKCommon -lITKBasicFilters -lm -lvtkFilteringTCL -lvtkCommonTCL -ltcl 
-lITKNumerics -lITKCommon -lVXLNumerics -lGL -lXt  -lSM -lICE 
-L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lXext  -lvtkFiltering -lvtkCommon -lpthread -lm 
vtkBinaryVolumeTcl.o: In function `vtkBinaryVolumeNewCommand()':
multiple definition of `vtkBinaryVolumeNewCommand()'
first defined here


I found on itk mailing list a similar error: 

but I switched python off and I am still getting this error. Does anyone 
knows how to work around, any help appreciate. Thank you !
