[Insight-users] Auxilliary/vtk

Neil Killeen Neil.Killeen@atnf.csiro.au
Fri, 3 Jan 2003 12:09:31 +1100 (EST)


On Thu, 2 Jan 2003, Luis Ibanez wrote:

> >
> > well,  since you 'mericans are still snoozing, I had a go at this
> > anyway....
> >
>    Not snoozing !!!
>    We were in state of deep meditation
>    making resolutions for the new year !!  :-)

I'm sure that's exactly what you were doing !  My meditation
began with a very large bottle of...

> > The answer appears to be no, this interface class does not
> > get installed properly.
> >
> You are right, the answer is "no".
> This class is not supposed to be installed. It is not
> officially part of the toolkit. The same is true for
> the FLTK interface classes.
> Probably the best way to use this classes is to copy
> the files in a directory that you include in the list
> of Include path for headers in the CMakeLists.txt file
> of your project.
> Please let us know if you have further questions.


>From a maintenance perspective, I find that a bit clumsy.
It means that whenever I upgrade ITK, those Auxilliary classes
may well change in the ITK distribution and I will have to
remember to copy them somewhere.  To  do this properly, I suppose
they should be distributed separately in a separate
'Auxilliary' package, with its own CMakeLists.txt file, but I am sure that
is not very high on the project's priorities.

More interestingly, the following is probably a bug...
What I did was rebuild ITK telling it use the INSTALLED VTK
but not to build any examples or tests.

Now, when I came to build my application, the build command was

% g++-3.1.1 -Wno-deprecated
-I/usr/openwin/include -c
/nfs/mid/NKILLEEN/medim/source/code/apps/metaView/MetaImageViewer.cxx -o

you can see that it has specified the include directory


amongst others.  The way I have specified the INCLUDE directories
in my CMakeLists.txt file is just via


so the ITK configuration process has itself thought that these
Auxilliary files should land up in the ITK install tree.

So I suggest that

a) The README in the Auxilliary directory describes how you intend these
files should be used (the present one does not)

b) the above problem should be attended to, because in the absence
of a) it makes you think the Auxilliary files should have been
installed in the tree !
