[Insight-users] itkEucledianDistance

Jisung Kim bahrahm@yahoo.com
Wed, 22 Jan 2003 11:49:02 -0800 (PST)

Sorry, I forgot to mention another requirement for the
TVector type object. TVector class should have
ValueType typedef in it in addition to Length

--- kumar <MaKumartr@netscape.net> wrote:
> Hello Everyone
> I am wanting to compute the Eucledian Distance
> between two vectors and
> I thought I could use the class EucledianDistance
> from the itk::Statistics
> It is templated over TVector
> So I tried to declare
> > Distance_Computer;
> But that did not help me as the class TVector needs
> some functions to be 
> implemented
> by it  as seen in the following functions
> itkStaticConstMacro(VectorLength, unsigned int,
> TVector::Length);
>   typedef typename TVector::ValueType ValueType ;
> So the class needs a variable called Length and also
> a variable called 
> ValueType
> Since these are not there in vnl_vector this class
> cannot be used in 
> instantiating Eucledian class with vnl_vector
> What could be done in  this case ( A new derived
> class could be created 
> , but that leads to lot of rework for just that
> case)
> And also what shoudl be the structure of TVector
> that is wanted b 
> yEucledian class is not known easily
> Any feedback on this is welcome
> Thanks and Warm Regards
> Kumar
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Jisung Kim
106 Mason Farm Rd.
129 Radiology Research Lab., CB# 7515
Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7515

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