[Insight-users] WG: Questions about ApplicationModel

jiang jiang at TI . Uni-Trier . DE
Mon, 6 Oct 2003 10:01:11 +0200

Hi Luis,
I know why I can not load files. Because the main window of ApplicationModel
is bigger than my screen. The bottom part is not shown on the screen. So I
didn't find the button as you said. However I don't know how to change its
size. It doesn't support mouse drag resize operation.

Please tell me how to shrink it or use other method to show that important

Thank you.

Chunyan Jiang

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Luis Ibanez [mailto:luis . ibanez at kitware . com]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 2. Oktober 2003 16:13
An: jiang
Betreff: Re: Questions about ApplicationModel

Hi Jiang,

You don't need to modify the code of ApplicationModel
in anyway.

Simply load the ApplicationModel workspace in VisualStudio,
right click on the "ApplicationPrototype" project and select

               "set as startup project".

Then click "CTRL-F5" for running it.
Once the GUI shows up, you will see a big button in the
bottom  left corner with the label:

                  "Load DICOM"

Please click on this button.

(You don't need to hard code the name of your directory
  in the program. The filedialog allows you to select the

Note that for selecting the directory you should just
click on it (not double click, since in that case you
will go inside the directory).

After selecting the directory, the application will
analyze all the files and collect the list of DICOM
series present.  The list of series will be presented
in a Browser widget. You click on one of the series,
then in the "Ok" button, and if this is your lucky day,
the dataset will be loaded and displayed in the three
orthogonal slice viewers.



jiang wrote:
> Hi, Luis,
> I try to run ApplicationModel after I compile it. One message window
> appears. It lets me to slect one executable file. Since there is only one
> .exe file in ApplicationModel path, ApplicationPrototype.exe. So I select
> it. Then the application runs. However it doesn't show a file dialoge. So
> can not set the path for DICOM slices. And the application just shows one
> empty window.
> I try to add the directory of the DICOM slices in the
> DicomImageReaderBase.cxx, change
> std::string directoryName = directory;
> to
> std::string directoryName = "C:\\jcy\\Qt\\TestApp\\SeeThrough\\4";
> Run the ApplicationModel again. However it is till empty window.
> How can I run it correctly?
> Best regards,
> Chunyan Jiang