[Insight-users] Hello world program and other questions

Luis Ibanez luis . ibanez at kitware . com
Tue, 09 Sep 2003 16:48:27 -0400

Hi Radhika,

A common mistake is to build ITK for Debug and then your application
for Release (or the other way around).  In such circumstances, VC is not
able to find ITK libraries because it searches in the subdirectory 
to the same compilation mode of your project.

Please make sure that you compile everything for the same compilation mode.

The Analyze image format is supported in ITK, please look at the FAQ for

You will find examples of segmentation and registration on the 

For visualization you may find useful to use the ITK-VTK filter adaptors
available in InsightApplications/Auxiliary/vtk

They allow to convert ITK images into VTK image data objects and viceversa.




Radhika Sivaramakrishna wrote:

> Hello there!
> I have just started with ITK and installed it on my computer with VC6. 
> I have the following questions:
> 1. I followed the directions for installation as given in the software 
> guid. I then tried to run the Hello World example discussed in 2.2 of 
> the software guide. However, it gave an error at the Linking stage 
> namely that it couldnt find the file ITKCommon.lib. Can you tell me 
> what the problem is?
> 2. I need to use ITK to do segmentation and registration for images 
> which are in Analyze format. Can you tell me if there is a facility to 
> do this?
> 3. Also to be able to display input and output images, is the best way 
> to save the images in VTK format and invoke VTK or are there any other 
> ways to do this?
> 4. I have some Java code from a different source which I would like to 
> incorporate into my final program. Can I just include it as one of the 
> files in my project?
> Thanks
> Radhika