[Insight-users] Tcl/ITK/VTK on the same project.

Yang Wang dietpaopao at netscape.net
Tue, 20 Apr 2004 00:47:16 -0400

Hi, Luis,

Thanks for your help.

However, as I try to run examples from ITK, I met several compiling 
errors and
executing errors.

Here is the steps I am taking for installing itk/vtk:
(1) I already have tcl/tk 8.46 ( in binary version, it this ok?) installed

(2) Use Cmake and VC6 to build ITK source code
        In the Cmake configuration:
            ----Disable:      BUILD_EXAMPLES, BUILD_SHARED_LIBS, 

(3) Use Cmake and VC6 to build VTK source code
        In the Cmake configuration:
            -----Disable:     BUILD_EXAMPLES, BUILD_SHARED
            -----Enable:      VTK_USE_HYBRID, VTK_USE_RENDERING, 

(4) Use Cmake and VC6 to build CableSwig source code
       In the Cmake configuration, make no change, use the default values.

(5) Use Cmake and VC6 to build ITK_application source code
       In the Cmake configuration, make no change, use the default 
values. However, during the building process, several errors occurs and 
the build process stops.

I then look into the /ITK_application/SimpleLevelSetsExample,  and test 
the itk2DSimpleLevelSetsExample.exe with iteration number 10, 20, 100, 
then display the initial and final images by Matlab, it seems work right.

However, when I try to test the example in 
/ITK/Examples/Registration/ImageRegistration3.tcl,  it just pops up the 
warning message:
"can't find package InsightToolkit while executing "package.orig require 

It seems that itk and vtk are not correctly connected and not wrappring 
tcl right. Could you tell me what is wrong with this? And if possible,
could you kindly explain to me in detail how the building steps should 
go and what configurations should be set at each Cmake setup?

Sorry for the email to be so long.
Thank you very much and wait for your reply!


luis.ibanez at kitware.com wrote:

> Hi Casper,
> You will find several Tcl examples in
>     Insight/
>         Examples/
>               Filtering/
>                Registration/
>                Visualization/
>    CannyEdgeDetectionImageFilter.tcl
>    CurvatureAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter.tcl
>    CurvatureFlowImageFilter.tcl
>    GradientAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter.tcl
>    MeanImageFilter.tcl
>    ImageRegistration3.tcl
>    ImageRegistration4.tcl
>    ImageRegistration5.tcl
>    CannyEdgeDetectionImageFilterConnectVTKITK.tcl
> For connecting the ITK and VTK pipelines from
> Tcl you may want to use the code available in
>     InsightApplications/
>        ConnectVTKITK
> Note that you should first wrap ITK for Tcl.
> For this you will need CSwig.
> Please let us know if you find any problem,
>    Thanks,
>       Luis
> -----------------
> Yang Wang wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I am new to ITK, however, had some experience with TCL/VTK.
>> Currently I am doing a project on medical imaging and will
>> need several segmentation and registration algorithms to be
>> used in the program. As I go over the itk function list, I found
>> all algorithms that I need are there.
>> So could anyone tell me how to incorporate all those itk
>> algorithms in TCL and how to let them work properly
>> with VTK.
>> Any suggestions or examples are greatly appreciated.
>> Thank you very much!!
>> Casper
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