[Insight-users] help with wrapping of itkVoronoiSegmentationImageFilter

Charl P. Botha cpbotha at gmail.com
Wed Oct 27 04:43:17 EDT 2004

On Tue, 26 Oct 2004 11:37:51 -0300, Bruno Cassaro
<bcdalava at cenpra.gov.br> wrote:
> I'm trying to use itkVoronoiSegmentationImageFilter , and use python for it.
> But I can't find  the class. When i was looking for it, i perceive in my
> cmakelist don't have itkVoronoiSegmentationImageFilter wrap. 
> Updating my itk by CVS i note what a have the
> itkVoronoiSegmentationImageFilter class in c++, but it didn't be wrapped in
> python by cmake how the others classes were. The stretch of my cmake code
> ... 

Adding the name to the CMakeLists file is necessary but not sufficient. :)

You also have to create and add a
wrap_itkVoronoiSegmentationImageFilter.cxx file to the
Wrapping/CSwig/Algorithms directory.  Look at the other wrap*cxx files
for examples on how to do this, it's not difficult.   Then you have to
add the class to the wrap_ITKAlgorithms.cxx file.  After you've done
this, you can build and test your newly wrapped class.  It might be
that some methods don't work, in which case you will have to wrap some
of the parent classes that contain the definitions of the non-working

Good luck,

charl p. botha http://cpbotha.net/ http://visualisation.tudelft.nl/

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