[Insight-users] Is there a way to compute the "Distance" between two curves?

Peng (Patrick) Cheng peng-cheng at uiowa.edu
Fri Oct 29 05:19:06 EDT 2004

Hi all,

I am just wondering if there is an filter in ITK that can compute the 
"distance" between two curves? it could be Fréchet Distance or some 
other measurement.
Is there any other way to measure the similarity of two curves?


Peng (Patrick) Cheng
Research Assistant
Radiology, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Center
University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics
Iowa City, IA 52246

Office:  0453-E JCP
Phone:   (319)356-7808 (O)
          (319)400-7442 (C)
Email:   peng-cheng at uiowa.edu
Website: http://css.engineering.uiowa.edu/~pcheng/

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