[Insight-users] Inversion of pixel value within a fixed intensity window

Jens Eickmeyer eickmeyer at gmail.com
Tue Jan 11 04:24:34 EST 2005


I don't know if there is a filter available to accomplish this task.
But with the ImageIterators it's pretty easy to write a function to
invert your image. There's a chapter about Iterators in "The ITK
Software Guide". Especially chapter 11.3.1 should be interesting to


On Tue, 11 Jan 2005 00:30:59 -0600, Amitesh Agarwal
<amiteshagarwal at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I wanted to know if there is any method available which can let me
> perform a mathematical operation on each pixel of a 3D .vtk image.
> the function would be of type
> G(I) = -1* f(I) + (Imax - Imin) .... where I is the intensity value of
> a pixel, Imax is the intensity maxima in an image and Imin is the
> intensity minima in a image.
> The reason for this pixel intensity transformation is that I wanted to
> create a negative of an Image or in other words I wanted to invert the
> intensity value within a maximum-minimum intensity range.
> Thanks
> Amitesh
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