[Insight-users] Build fails with MS Visual C++ 8 Express

Karthik Krishnan Karthik.Krishnan at kitware.com
Tue Nov 29 16:52:31 EST 2005

To be more specific, I wonder if you went through the step: 

*Step 4: Update the corewin_express.vsprops file.*

One more step is needed to make the Win32 template work in Visual C++ 
Express. You need to edit the corewin_express.vsprops file (found in 
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\VCProjectDefaults) and

Change the string that reads:

AdditionalDependencies="kernel32.lib" to

AdditionalDependencies="kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib 
comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib"

The definitions for DestroyWindow are found in one of there libraries 
and the declaration in MicrosoftPlatformSDK/include/WinUser.h,


Arash Jahangir wrote:

> Hi Karthik,
> So far I have had four responses to this post (some private) and you 
> are the only one who seems to have had any luck with the build (one 
> person explicitly informed me that he has never been able to build the 
> wrappers and so he was forced to switch platforms).  So I decided to 
> fallow your footsteps and build the plain vanilla ITK without 
> modifying any of the CMake parameters (except for turning off 
> examples).  The project seems to compile but the linker has a lot of 
> errors.  Typical linker error looks like this:
> Error 6 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol 
> __imp__DestroyWindow at 4 referenced in function "protected: virtual 
> __thiscall itk::Win32OutputWindow::~Win32OutputWindow(void)" 
> (??1Win32OutputWindow at itk@@MAE at XZ) ITKCommon.lib
> I've been trying to dig this up on the net and most people seem to 
> just indicate I need to install the platformSDK which I have.  One 
> person said something along the lines of compiler issues using Unicode 
> versus ansi and another one had a work around of using variable names 
> for files and including them (not sure I want to do that).
> Could I ask you about your build environment and how you got it to make?
> thanks,
> Arash
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Karthik Krishnan" 
> <Karthik.Krishnan at kitware.com>
> To: "Arash Jahangir" <arash at vije.ca>
> Cc: <insight-users at itk.org>
> Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2005 4:35 PM
> Subject: Re: [Insight-users] Build fails with MS Visual C++ 8 Express
>> ITK builds without wrapping on VS8 (after adding the Platform SDK 
>> include, lib directories). I've never tried building on VS8 with 
>> wrapping on though.
>> Arash Jahangir wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Has anyone actually built ITK and/or VTK using Visual Studio Express?
>>>  This has been a most frustrating few days and I have run out of 
>>> time, so all help is appreciated.
>>>  Most of the problems seem to be associated with building Cable Swig 
>>> and Python Wrappers.   As the full build takes too much time, I have 
>>> limited myself to just building cable swig for now.  Here is my set up:
>>>  OS:        Windows XP SP2
>>> CMake:     2.2.2
>>> CableS:    2.2 (also CVS version both have same issues)
>>> ITK:         2.2
>>> Python:    2.4
>>> Compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ Express (aka Visual Studio 8 Express)
>>>  Additional Notes:  VC Express lacks some critical header and lib 
>>> files. After consulting the related docs on MSDN, I added the 
>>> bin-lib-include files from the latest PlatformSDK to VC8E.  This 
>>> solved some problems (like lack windows.h file) but many issues 
>>> remain.  I also have Mingw and Cygwin installed (not actively in the 
>>> path).  Seeing how most of the problems are with gcc and gccxml 
>>> branch of Cable, I added the Mingw bin-lib-include files to be used 
>>> *after* the MS files...no change that I could notice.  I actually 
>>> have a working Mingw/MSYS development environment (which includes 
>>> the standard gcc, g++, gccxml, etc), so if there is a way to get ITK 
>>> built with that while still being able to use the VC8E for my own 
>>> ITK/VTK programs, I will listen.
>>>  thanks
>>> Arash
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