[Insight-users] Triangular Mesh Data structure

Tobias Heimann t.heimann at dkfz-heidelberg.de
Wed Sep 7 05:49:22 EDT 2005

Hi Deepak,

I've got an extension of the itk::Mesh class for triangular meshes that 
should cover your vertex-edge-face adjacency requirements and offers 
easier access to these elements. It should be checked into the CVS soon, 
but I could also send you the files if you'd like to take a look now.
Additional information like texture coordinates and vertex normals can 
be stored as PointData for each vertex. PointData is a template argument 
for the Mesh class and can thus be custumized to fit your needs.
I've also some code that does part of a connected component analysis (it 
checks if the mesh is made up of one single component), you could take 
that and extend it to a general ConnectedComponentMeshFilter. To compute 
mesh curvature, you'll probably have to write your own filter from 
scratch, as I'm not aware of anything in this area.
Btw., you can use VTL to load a mesh (probably from vrml as well) and 
convert the data to an ITK Mesh, I think there's some example code for 
that somewhere...

Best wishes,

Deepak Roy wrote:

> Hello,
> I am confronted with a graphics problem, to be more specific 3D 
> Segmentation of Triangular Surface Meshes.
> The data is in the format of vrml files.
> I am in search of a library, that supports the following:
>     * A Robust Triangular Mesh Data Structure that stores vertices,
>       faces, texture indices and texels, vertex-edge-face adjacency
>     * Examining n-ring neighborhood of a vertex
>     * Computing vertex curvatures
>     * Mesh import from a vrml file
>     * Connected component analysis of the mesh
>     * Access to vertex and face normals
>     * Sub mesh extraction
>     * Affine Transformations on the mesh
> I came to know that ITK has a mesh class that implements a very basic 
> version of the mesh datastructure and also has some mesh filters.
> Is it a good idea to use itk::mesh to facilitate the needs mentioned 
> above ?
> Are any mesh segmentation algorithms being added to future versions of 
> ITK ?
> I also heard VTK has some support for the meshes, but apparently VTK 
> does not incorporate any mesh segmentation algorithms. The VTK CVS 
> seems to support vrml import but not the stable release.
> Are there any other libraries
> I need your suggestions…….
> Thanks in advance.
> Bye
> Deepak
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Dipl.-Inform. Med. Tobias Heimann
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum         (German Cancer Research Center)
Div. Medical and Biological Informatics B010      Tel: (+49) 6221-423548
Im Neuenheimer Feld 280                           Fax: (+49) 6221-422345
D-69120 Heidelberg                              email: T.Heimann at dkfz.de
Germany                       http://www.dkfz.de/mbi/people/tobiash.html

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