[Insight-users] Histogram question

Dr. Uwe Köhler U.Koehler at gmx.de
Mon Apr 10 09:57:14 EDT 2006

Hi folks,

I hope somebody can help me out with a (hopefully) easy, but important 
question. When using the ImageHistogram1 example to look at a grayscale image 
with 15 gray values in the range from 0 to 255, I get all the gray values 
listed correctly appart from the ones valued 255. My guess is that this has 
to do with the fact that the histogram size is given as 255 for 256 possible 
gray value, but I am not sure. I tried a size of 256, but it leeds to an 
unsigned char overflow and the results are wrong.

Could anybody help me, please?


Uwe Köhler

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