[Insight-users] VolView DICOM Information

Olivier Noterdaeme olivier.noterdaeme at seh.ox.ac.uk
Tue Apr 11 05:15:58 EDT 2006


I am implementing a Mutual Information Registration in VolView and I would
like to use some DICOM tags such as ImagePositionPatient to initialize my
registration. Unfortunately, I can't see a way to do so.

Is it possible to get access to any specific DICOM tags when writing my own

When VolView reads in my DICOM series it always incorrectly sets the origin
to [-0.125, -0.125, -0.125]. Is there a way of fixing this? The spacing is
read in correctly.

Can I also ask if there is a way of extending the number of inputs so that
more image series can be used? As an example you could think of the
implementation of Transitive inverse-consistent registration
(e.g. Geng, X., D. Kumar, and G.E. Christensen. Transitive
inverse-consistent manifold registration. in Lecture Notes in Computer
Science 2005).

Thanks for your help,

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