[Insight-users] Kernel Transform issues

Gary Kline gkline at accusoft.com
Fri Apr 14 17:06:35 EDT 2006

We have been developing some software based on ITK, and ran into some
problems with some of the kernel transforms.  In particular, the elastic
body spline kernel transform, when applied to an image, was introducing
a lot of noise into the transformed image.  Depending on the input
image, the noise took the form of "speckle" noise, or lines in the
output image.


Has anyone else run into this problem?


The other problem we have run into is trying to use the elastic body
spline kernel, or the elastic body reciprocal spline kernel, in image
and point set registration applications.  When we use either of these
two kernels, the final parameters reported after the registration
process are the same as the initial parameters.  We do not have this
problem using the other kernel transforms.


Has anyone else seen this problem?


We are currently using both Windows with VS.NET 2003, and Linux with gcc
3.4(? - working from memory, my VM is not running).


Thank you,


Gary Kline

AccuSoft Corp.


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