[Insight-users] How to use IntensityBased2D3DRegistration.cxx?

Rosario Sance rsance at die.upm.es
Mon Apr 17 13:17:20 EDT 2006

Hi all,

I have been looking for an algorithm to register a 3D PET volume to a 2D CT 
slice. I have found the IntensityBased2D3DRegistration.cxx in the 
InsightApplications. But unfortunately I haven´t found successful 
registration results, probably because I don´t know how to use it.

I mean, since I don´t know anything about neither the 
translation/rotation/scaling between the images to be registered nor which 
is the corresponding 2D slice inside the 3D volume, which parameters am I 
supposed to set when running the program? By using the parameters by 
default the output image makes no sense and only one iteration is done...

Has anybody tried it before in a similar situation? Could somebody give me 
any clue about it?

I have also been searching in the users list and I have found an 
interesting message related to a couple of possible bugs in this piece of 
code. I couldn´t find any response, but I am quite interested to know it, 
so I fix again the question:

"Dear itk users:

1) I fixed one bug. To get IntensityBased2D3DRegistration.cxx to run, the
following correction needs to be made.

File Name: IntensityBased2D3DRegistration.cxx
Line Number: 994
   itk::Optimizer::ScalesType weightings( 6 );
Replaced by:
   itk::Optimizer::ScalesType weightings( transform->GetNumberOfParameters()

2) There was a problem with the
metric--GradientDifferenceImageToImageMetric. The member function
GetDerivative() always returned zero. (See lines 461-484 in
itkGradientDifferenceImageToImageMetric.txx). It appears the variables
valuep1 and valuep0 always have identical values no matter how the
transformation parameters were changed. I guess the outputs from the
TransformMovingImageFilter and the MovedSobelFilters had not been properly
updated. I could not figure out how to correct it. This problem caused the
registration stopped at the first iteration and went nowhere.

ITK Toolkit version: 2.4.1
Compiler: Microsoft VC++ 6.0
OS: Window XP Professional

Please help!

Jian Wu"

Please, help me!
Thanks a lot in advance.


Rosario Sance Garzón
Dpto. Ingeniería Electrónica
E.T.S.I. Telecomunicación
Avda. Ciudad Universitaria s/n
E-28040 - Madrid (SPAIN)
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