[Insight-users] Tiff reading problem

Julien Jomier julien.jomier at kitware.com
Mon Aug 14 10:24:33 EDT 2006

Hi Nicolas,

The TIFFImageIO class was not supporting 16bits PALETTE_RGB images.
I've just checked in a fix in the cvs repository and I'm able to read 
your image using a pixel type of unsigned short.

Let me know if that works for you or not.
Thanks for the report,


Nicolas Fête wrote:
> Hi,
>    I'm trying to read a 12 bits leica confocal microscope image with ITK 
> (values acquired by Leica Microscope on 12 bits, but seems to be 16bits 
> saved). As encountered by several itk users, I get a warning when trying 
> to open it. Here it is:
> ...> TIFFReadDirectory: Warning, testNotOK.tif: unknown field with tag 
> 33923 (0x8483) encountered.
> I opened the Tiff image under ImageJ (did it successfully) and saved the 
> image again in Tiff format, try my program on it and it worked, i.e he 
> computed the max and min values of the image (check w/ Matlab, values 
> are the same). Fine ! ^^
> When trying on the original Leica Tiff image, program doesn't crash but 
> values displayed are 0. If I display all value of image, values are null 
> too. Oye...
> So, what's up ? Is there a bug in the tiffreader or did I forget 
> something ? Seems that original image colortype is 'indexed' and ImageJ 
> saved tiff 'grayscale'. Does it play a role ?
> I'm working under Windows XP 64, with Visual Studio 2005 and ITK 2.4.0. 
> Compiling in x32, not yet x64
> The links:
> Original image: http://ldcs.epfl.ch/itk/testNotOk.tif and Matlab 
> information on it: http://ldcs.epfl.ch/itk/testNotOk.txt
> ImageJ saved image: http://ldcs.epfl.ch/itk/testOk.tif and Matlab 
> information on it: http://ldcs.epfl.ch/itk/testOk.txt
> Anyone does have a solution ? :) nicolas
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