[Insight-users] when I close vtk 2D image viewer -program display
mariusz_smch at poczta.fm
mariusz_smch at poczta.fm
Sat May 27 01:50:31 EDT 2006
Hi all.
I use example from Getting Started to display 2D dicom (CT) image but every time when I try close this program display error. I add several vtk obserwer to renderWindowInteractor from Getting Started with displaz in GUI )FLTK= position in 3D image
I tyr solve this problem like this:
vtkRenderWindowInteractor* renderWindowInteractor;
vtkImageViewer* viewer;
typedef signed short InputPixelType;
const unsigned int InputDimension = 2;
typedef itk::Image< InputPixelType, InputDimension > InputImageType;
InputImageType::Pointer image;
typedef itk::ImageFileReader< InputImageType > ReaderType;
ReaderType::Pointer reader;
reader = ReaderType::New();
typedef itk::ImageToVTKImageFilter<InputImageType> ConnectorType;
ConnectorType::Pointer connector= ConnectorType::New();
connector->SetInput( reader->GetOutput() );
viewer->SetupInteractor( renderWindowInteractor);
viewer->SetInput( connector->GetOutput() );
renderWindowInteractor->Disable (); // <<<--I thougt it will help
renderWindowInteractor->Delete(); // <<<--I thougt it will help
viewer->Delete(); // <<<--I thougt it will help
But still it doesn't work.
Can anyone give me some help.
If you need I will explaind it more specific.
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