[Insight-users] Gradient Vector Field and Level Set
droettger at uni-koblenz.de
droettger at uni-koblenz.de
Thu Nov 13 11:31:32 EST 2008
do you mean that I should declare the feature image, the input of
GeodesicActiveContourLevelSetImageFilter, as the output of the
I defined a GradientImageType:
typedef itk::CovariantVector< double, 3 > GradientPixelType;
typedef itk::Image< GradientPixelType, 3> GradientImageType;
Hence, the definition of GeodesicActiveContourLevelSetImageFilter is:
typedef itk::GeodesicActiveContourLevelSetImageFilter< InternalImageType,
GradientImageType > GeodesicActiveContourFilterType;
Am I right? That doesn't work in my case.
How should I integrate the vector field?
> Hi Diana,
> you should use it as the advection field in the
> GeodesicActiveContourLevelSetImageFilter, rather than speed.
> Best regards
> Luca
> 2008/11/13, droettger at uni-koblenz.de <droettger at uni-koblenz.de>:
>> Hi,
>> I want to include the itkGradientVectorFlowImageFilter into a level set
>> approach, using the ShapeDetectionLevelSetImageFilter.
>> The gradient diffusion, resulting out of GVF should perform an external
>> force, in terms of the level set speed function.
>> My question is, if I can simply use the output of
>> itkGradientVectorFlowImageFilter as the speed image, since it is a
>> vector
>> field, and needs a diffrent approximation than a scalar image.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Diana
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> Inviato dal mio dispositivo mobile
> Luca Antiga, PhD
> Biomedical Technologies Laboratory
> Biomedical Engineering Department,
> Mario Negri Institute
> mail: Villa Camozzi, 24020, Ranica (BG), Italy
> phone: +39 035 4535-381
> email: antiga at marionegri.it
> web: http://villacamozzi.marionegri.it/~luca
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