[Insight-users] [vtkusers] GPU programming and VTK

Karthik Krishnan karthik.krishnan at kitware.com
Tue Sep 30 12:45:27 EDT 2008

Pauline, FYI:

We are going to release VTKEdge in the near future. The library
provides GPU-based volumetric ray casting, specialized painters for
illuminated lines and surface LIC rendering, GPU-accelerated
filters for computing 2D LIC on vtkImageData or vtkStructuredGrid,
CPU and GPU versions of Feldkamp back projection, several GPU-accelerated
image processing algorithms, a suite of paintbrush vtk-widgets for 3D/2D
voxel and sub-voxel editing and sketching of segmentations and a couple of
CUDA enabled VTK-classes, (such as FFT implementation using CUDA),
paraview-modules to access some of the algorithms from Paraview's UI.

Its primarily meant be an add on to VTK.

The library will be released under a dual licensing scheme GPLv3/ 
Stay tuned.

Karthik Krishnan
R & D Engineer,
Kitware Inc,
Ph: +1 518 3713971 x119
Fax: +1 518 3714573

Pauline Audenino wrote:
> Hi all
> I intend to build an application manipulating medical images and I am 
> studying the opportunity of using VTK/ITK.
> In order to make up my mind, I’d like to know if it is possible to 
> combine VTK and GPU programming.
> Thank you in advance
> Regards
> Pauline Audenino
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