[Insight-users] Specifying landmarks in the ThinPlateSplineWarp.cxx example?

motes motes mort.motes at gmail.com
Sun Aug 16 02:10:57 EDT 2009

In the ThinPlateSplineWarp.cxx a set of landmarks are read from the file
LandmarkWarping3Landmarks1.txt which contains this:

  0   0   0        0   0      0
180   0   0      180   0      0
180 217   0      180 217      0
  0 217   0        0 217      0
  0   0 180        0   0    180
180   0 180      180   0    180
180 217 180      180 217    180
  0 217 180        0 217    180
 90 108  90       90 130     90

As I understand these are 18 landmark points which is actually just
deformation vectors. So the 3 first values in the third row:

180  217  0

corresponds to a vector at some location pointing 180 unit in the
x-direction and 217 units in the y-direction.

But where in the image is this vector located?

Or are the above landmarks just 'regular' points that are interpolated by
the ThinPlateSpline and not deformation vectors?
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