[Insight-users] How to use Powell optimizer?

Huanxiang Lu huanxiang.lu at artorg.unibe.ch
Tue Feb 10 09:49:01 EST 2009

Hello everyone,


I am trying to use Powell optimizer with VersorRigid3D transform. But it
seems that it will get errors when I start the registration step. Does this
optimizer not get along with versor transform or is there any specific
parameter have to be set? 


Thank you very much,


Huanxiang Lu

Ph.D. Student, Medical Image Analysis


University of Bern

ARTORG Center for Biomedical Engineering Research 

Stauffacherstrasse 78

CH-3014 Bern

Tel +41 31 631 59 49

Fax +41 31 631 59 60

huanxiang.lu at artorg.unibe.ch



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