[Insight-users] DICOM to analyze format--showing erros

Baoyun Li baoyun_li123 at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 20 17:52:50 EST 2009

Dear All:
I am trying to read DICOM slices and convert them to 3D image volume. The code I used is from example/ITKIO/DicomSeriesReadImageWrite2.cxx..
The dataset I have is clinical CT data.
The Dicom folder only contain data from one image volume.
I run the the program as following and and try to convert it to analyse format
./DicomSeriesReadImageWrite2  /home/test/data/Rdata/CT/DICOM/PA1/ST1/SE1  /home/test/data/Rdata/vol_CT/PA1_ST1_SE1_1.hdr
I got the below output
Contains the following DICOM Series: 
Now reading series: 
Writing the image as 
WARNING: In /home/gtao/tools/ITK/Source/Code/IO/itkAnalyzeImageIO.cxx, line 1345
AnalyzeImageIO (0x1a80d770): ERROR: Analyze 7.5 File Format Only Allows RPI, PIR, and RIP Orientation 
If I tried to save the output file as mha format, now warning and error message.
but I can view the written analyze image using MRICRO.
Can anybody tell me what will be the problem? How to solve it.

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