[Insight-users] Error reading a dicom series to a volume

shoosh moosh babygirl_25 at hotmail.com
Wed Jan 21 04:27:03 EST 2009

I'm trying to read a Dicom series as a volume. I'm getting this error during the reading process (during execution of reader->Update() ):


itk::ExceptionObject (0xb7c006a8)
Location: "TElement* itk::ImportImageContainer<TElementIdentifier, TElement>::AllocateElements(TElementIdentifier) const [with TElementIdentifier = long unsigned int, TElement = short int]" 
File: /home/shaza/Insight/Code/Common/itkImportImageContainer.txx
Line: 194
Description: Failed to allocate memory for image.


I attached the source file.

I don't understand what could have caused such an error. 

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