[Insight-users] ITK and Active Shape Models

Mark Redd markredd85 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 23 07:59:35 EDT 2009

Hello everybody,
I'm an ITK newbie and I want to create an Active Shape Model Framwork.
I'm using the 3.16 version for win32 with visual studio 2008.

So, I was trying to use itkActiveShapeModelCalculatorTest.cxx (that
you can find in InsightToolkit-3.16.0\Testing\Code\Patented),
including ${ITK_SOURCE_DIR}/Code/Patented in my CMakeLists.txt file.
In this way, I compiled successful this Visual Studio project, and
selected, as input files, model.mha and foot.mha (that you can find in
InsightToolkit-3.16.0\Testing\Data\Input) but I've a problem: the
program displays the right mean shape coordinates, but it isn't able
to calculate eigenvectors and eigenvalues!
For example, applyActiveShapeModelCalculator->GetEigenvalues() returns
an empty vector! For this reason, the search algorithm can't find the
right final shape in the test image.

Where is the mistake? Is it a bug? I didn't change the source code! On
the other way, could you suggest another approach in order to use ASM
in ITK?
Thanks in advance,

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