[Insight-users] Interpolating over multiple images

Nick Tustison ntustison at wustl.edu
Tue Apr 6 14:45:38 EDT 2010

Hi Andriy,

Have you thought about using the


On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 1:40 PM, Andriy Fedorov <fedorov at bwh.harvard.edu>wrote:

> Hi,
> I have several MRI volumes of the same anatomy, which have been
> spatially aligned. These volumes have been acquired using different
> (orthogonal) acquisition direction, so they have thick slices, but in
> orthogonal planes with respect to each other.  I would like to
> construct one volume, which would essentially combine the input
> volumes, interpolate over the multiple input volumes to produce an
> image of better resolution.
> Is there something in ITK that could be used to help me in solving
> this problem? It seems I need to do some sort of weighted averaging
> over the neighboring voxels from the input volumes. Can anyone suggest
> how to approach this problem?
> Thanks
> Andriy Fedorov
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