[Insight-users] Problem using FEM with landmarks

Cristina Oyarzun coyarzunlaura at googlemail.com
Thu Feb 17 09:38:45 EST 2011


I am trying to add landmarks to a FEM registration for 3D volumes. When I
try it with the existing example for 2D (DeformableRegistration1 with
FiniteElementRegistrationParameters2.txt) everything goes fine, but when
trying it in 3D it crashes.

For testing purposes I just use one landmark. Everything works (landmark
file is read) until the program arrives to AssembleKandM() function of
itkFEMSolverCrankNicolson. Inside this function there is a call to the
function GetLandmarkContributionMatrix(). The program crashes at this point,
it does not even enter the mentioned function.

I am confused about this since the 2D case works, and the only difference
for the 3D case (using DeformableRegistration11) is that the element type is
itk::fem::Element3DC0LinearHexahedronMembrane instead of

Do you have any idea of what could be the problem?


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